
in a.d. 2028

01.25Promulgation of Canon Law Codex Iuris Canonici (1983)Papal Document45 years
02.01Disintegration of Space Shuttle Columbia (2003)World Event25 years
02.06Earthquake in Turkiye (2023)World Event5 years
02.07Death of Pope Pius IX (1878)Pope150 years
02.20Election of Pope Leo XIII (1878)Pope150 years
02.23Beginning of the Darfur Genocide (2003)World Event25 years
02.28Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (2013)Pope15 years
03.05Death of Joseph Stalin (1953)Person75 years
03.13Election of Pope Francis (2013)Pope15 years
03.19Installation of Pope Francis (2013)Pope15 years
03.25Establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda (1953)Church Event75 years
04.04Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. (1968)World Event60 years
04.10Signing of the Good Friday Agreement of Northern Ireland (1998)World Event30 years
04.17Encyclical Ecclesia de Eucharistia (2003)Papal Document25 years
05.12May 1998 anti-Chinese riots of Indonesia (1998)World Event30 years
05.14Establishment of the State of Israel (1948)World Event80 years
06.30Illicit episcopal consecration by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (1988)Church Event40 years
07.02Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei (1988)Papal Document40 years
07.20Death of Pope Leo XIII (1903)Pope125 years
07.25Encyclical Humanæ vitæ (1968)Papal Document60 years
07.27End of the Korean War (1953)World Event75 years
08.04Election of Pope Pius X (1903)Pope125 years
08.06Encyclical Veritatis splendor (1993)Papal Document35 years
08.26Election of Pope John Paul I (1978)Pope50 years
08.29Weeping of Our Lady of Tears of Syracuse (1953)Marian Apparition75 years
09.14Encyclical Fides et ratio (1998)Papal Document30 years
09.26Admission of 7 Chinese Bishops to full communion (2018)Church Event10 years
09.28Episcopal consecration of Pope John Paul II (1958)Pope70 years
09.28Death of Pope John Paul I (1978)Pope50 years
10.07Attack of Hamas on Israel (2023)World Event5 years
10.09Death of Pope Pius XII (1958)Pope70 years
10.16Election of Pope John Paul II (1978)Pope50 years
10.28Election of Pope John XXIII (1958)Pope70 years
11.19Death of Franz Schubert (1828)Person200 years
11.22Motu Proprio Tra le sollecitudini (1903)Papal Document125 years
12.10Signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)World Event80 years
12.27Episcopal consecration of Pope John Paul I (1958)Pope70 years

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