Patriarch (1) |
 Younan, Ignace Youssif III (Ephrem Joseph) (80), Patriarch of Antioch of the Syriacs (Lebanon) and President of Synod of the Syriac Catholic Church |
Archbishops (11) |
 Abba Mansoor, Ephrem Yousif (73), Archbishop of Baghdad of the Syriacs (Iraq) and General Secretary of Synod of the Syriac Catholic Church |
 Battah, Youhanna Jihad (68), Metropolitan Archbishop of Damascus of the Syriacs (Syria) |
 Beylouni, Denys Raboula Antoine (94), Titular Archbishop of Mardin of the Syriacs and Archbishop emeritus of Aleppo of the Syriacs (Syria) |
 Casmoussa, Basile Georges (86), Apostolic Visitator in Australia of the Syriacs and Archbishop emeritus of Mossul of the Syriacs (Iraq) |
 Chahda, Denys Antoine (78), Archbishop of Aleppo of the Syriacs (Syria) |
 Chami, Joseph Abdel-Jalil (65), Archbishop of Hassaké–Nisibi of the Syriacs (Syria) |
 Hano, Younan (Qusay Mubarak Abdullah) (42), Archbishop of Mossul of the Syriacs (Iraq) |
 Melki, Flavien Joseph (93), Titular Archbishop of Dara Syrorum of the Syriacs and Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Antioch of the Syriacs (Lebanon) |
 Moshe, Boutros (81), Archbishop emeritus of Mossul of the Syriacs (Iraq) |
 Mourad, Yagop Jacques (56), Metropolitan Archbishop of Homs of the Syriacs (Syria) |
 Semaan, Nathanael Nizar Wadih (60), Archbishop-Bishop of Adiabene of the Syriacs (Iraq) |
Bishops (10) |
 Al-Kabalan, Rami Flavian (45), Titular Bishop of Arethusa of the Syriacs, Procurator at Rome of the Syriacs and Apostolic Visitator in Western Europe of the Syriacs |
 Beylouni, Timoteo Hikmat (79), Apostolic Exarch of Venezuela of the Syriacs (Venezuela) and Titular Bishop of Sabrata |
 Boutros, Jules (42), Titular Bishop of Amida of the Syriacs and Bishop of Curia of the Syriacs |
 Dardar, Firas (50), Patriarchal Exarch of Basra and the Gulf of the Syriacs (Iraq) and Titular Bishop of Tagritum of the Syriacs |
 Habash, Barnaba Yousif (73), Bishop of Our Lady of Deliverance in the United States of the Syriacs (USA) |
 Melki, Grégoire Pierre (85), Titular Bishop of Batnæ of the Syriacs and Patriarchal Exarch emeritus of Jerusalem (Palestine and Jordan) of the Syriacs (Palestine) |
 Mrad, Charles Georges (55), Titular Bishop of Zorava and Bishop of Curia of the Syriacs |
 Nassif, Antoine (56), Apostolic Exarch of Canada of the Syriacs (Canada) and Titular Bishop of Serigene |
 Semaan, Yacoub Camil Afram Antoine (44), Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem (Palestine and Jordan) of the Syriacs (Palestine) and Titular Bishop of Hierapolis in Syria of the Syriacs |
 Warde, Élie Joseph (47), Bishop of Cairo of the Syriacs (Egypt) and Patriarchal Vicar of Sudan and South Sudan of the Syriacs (Sudan) |
Other Prelates (1) |
 Çanli, Orhan Abdulahad, Patriarchal Exarch of Turkiye of the Syriacs (Turkiye) |