Syriac Church

Living Catholic Bishops

Patriarch (1)
LebanonPatriarch Ignace Youssif III Younan (80)Younan, Ignace Youssif III (Ephrem Joseph) (80), Patriarch of Antioch of the Syriacs (Lebanon) and President of Synod of the Syriac Catholic Church
Archbishops (11)
IraqArchbishop Ephrem Yousif Abba Mansoor (73)Abba Mansoor, Ephrem Yousif (73), Archbishop of Baghdad of the Syriacs (Iraq) and General Secretary of Synod of the Syriac Catholic Church
SyriaArchbishop Youhanna Jihad Battah (68)Battah, Youhanna Jihad (68), Metropolitan Archbishop of Damascus of the Syriacs (Syria)
SyriaArchbishop Denys Raboula Antoine Beylouni (94)Beylouni, Denys Raboula Antoine (94), Titular Archbishop of Mardin of the Syriacs and Archbishop emeritus of Aleppo of the Syriacs (Syria)
IraqArchbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa (86)Casmoussa, Basile Georges (86), Apostolic Visitator in Australia of the Syriacs and Archbishop emeritus of Mossul of the Syriacs (Iraq)
SyriaArchbishop Denys Antoine Chahda (78)Chahda, Denys Antoine (78), Archbishop of Aleppo of the Syriacs (Syria)
SyriaArchbishop Joseph Abdel-Jalil Chami (65)Chami, Joseph Abdel-Jalil (65), Archbishop of Hassaké–Nisibi of the Syriacs (Syria)
IraqArchbishop Younan Hano (42)Hano, Younan (Qusay Mubarak Abdullah) (42), Archbishop of Mossul of the Syriacs (Iraq)
LebanonArchbishop Flavien Joseph Melki (93)Melki, Flavien Joseph (93), Titular Archbishop of Dara Syrorum of the Syriacs and Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Antioch of the Syriacs (Lebanon)
IraqArchbishop Boutros Moshe (81)Moshe, Boutros (81), Archbishop emeritus of Mossul of the Syriacs (Iraq)
SyriaArchbishop Yagop Jacques Mourad (56)Mourad, Yagop Jacques (56), Metropolitan Archbishop of Homs of the Syriacs (Syria)
IraqArchbishop Nathanael Nizar Wadih Semaan (60)Semaan, Nathanael Nizar Wadih (60), Archbishop-Bishop of Adiabene of the Syriacs (Iraq)
Bishops (10)
SyriaBishop Rami Flavian Al-Kabalan (45)Al-Kabalan, Rami Flavian (45), Titular Bishop of Arethusa of the Syriacs, Procurator at Rome of the Syriacs and Apostolic Visitator in Western Europe of the Syriacs
VenezuelaBishop Timoteo Hikmat Beylouni (79)Beylouni, Timoteo Hikmat (79), Apostolic Exarch of Venezuela of the Syriacs (Venezuela) and Titular Bishop of Sabrata
LebanonBishop Jules Boutros (42)Boutros, Jules (42), Titular Bishop of Amida of the Syriacs and Bishop of Curia of the Syriacs
IraqBishop Firas Dardar (50)Dardar, Firas (50), Patriarchal Exarch of Basra and the Gulf of the Syriacs (Iraq) and Titular Bishop of Tagritum of the Syriacs
USABishop Barnaba Yousif Habash (73)Habash, Barnaba Yousif (73), Bishop of Our Lady of Deliverance in the United States of the Syriacs (USA)
PalestineBishop Grégoire Pierre Melki (85)Melki, Grégoire Pierre (85), Titular Bishop of Batnæ of the Syriacs and Patriarchal Exarch emeritus of Jerusalem (Palestine and Jordan) of the Syriacs (Palestine)
LebanonBishop Charles Georges Mrad (55)Mrad, Charles Georges (55), Titular Bishop of Zorava and Bishop of Curia of the Syriacs
CanadaBishop Antoine Nassif (56)Nassif, Antoine (56), Apostolic Exarch of Canada of the Syriacs (Canada) and Titular Bishop of Serigene
PalestineBishop Yacoub Camil Afram Antoine Semaan (44)Semaan, Yacoub Camil Afram Antoine (44), Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem (Palestine and Jordan) of the Syriacs (Palestine) and Titular Bishop of Hierapolis in Syria of the Syriacs
EgyptBishop Élie Joseph Warde (47)Warde, Élie Joseph (47), Bishop of Cairo of the Syriacs (Egypt) and Patriarchal Vicar of Sudan and South Sudan of the Syriacs (Sudan)
Other Prelates (1)
TurkiyeMsgr. Orhan Abdulahad ÇanliÇanli, Orhan Abdulahad, Patriarchal Exarch of Turkiye of the Syriacs (Turkiye)

Last updated on 2025.03.24

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