Documents and Speeches by Year

a.d. 1980 – 1981

Documents (47)TypeAuthorDateAscending
Patres Ecclesiæ español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 16ᵗʰ centenary of the death of St. Basil


Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1980.01.02
On some of the more urgent aspects of spiritual formation in seminaries English


Circular LetterSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1980.01.06
Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, 1 English


DocumentSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1980.01.06
To the Dutch Catholics Italiano (Italian)


LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1980.01.14
For Lent 1980 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1980.02.19
Dominicæ cenæ English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the Mystery and Worship of the Eucharist


LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1980.02.24
For the 17ᵗʰ World Day for Vocations (1980) español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1980.03.02
Postquam Apostoli English Italiano (Italian)
Directives for Collaboration among Local Churches and in particular for a Better Distribution of the Clergy

 mission   priest 

InstructionSacred Congregation for Clergy1980.03.25
Inæstimabile donum English
On Certain Norms Concerning the Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery

 Eucharist   liturgy 

InstructionSacred Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship1980.04.03
To the Hungarian Church Italiano (Italian)


LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1980.04.06
Urbi et Orbi Message for Easter Sunday 1980 Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1980.04.06
Amantissima providentia español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 6ᵗʰ centenary of the death of St. Catherine of Siena


Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1980.04.29
For the 14ᵗʰ World Communications Day (1980) English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1980.05.01
Iura et bona English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On euthanasia

 bioethics   euthanasia   pro-life 

DeclarationSacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1980.05.05
To the Episcopal Conference of Germany Italiano (Italian)


LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1980.05.15
For World Day for Missions 1980 español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1980.05.25
Sanctorum altrix español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 15ᵗʰ centenary of the birth of St. Benedict, patron of Europe, messenger of peace

 Europe   saint 

Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1980.07.11
The Contemplative Dimension of Religious Life English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


DocumentSacred Congregation for the Religious and Secular Institutes1980.08.12
For the 10ᵗʰ cenenary of the birth of St. Gerard

 Hungary   saint 

LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1980.09.24
Norms for the dispensation of celibacy for discharged priests


NormsSacred Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship1980.10.14
Pastoralis actio français (French)
On infant baptism


InstructionSacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1980.10.20
To the Bishops of Taiwan on their ’ad Limina’ visit English Italiano (Italian)


SpeechSaint Pope John Paul II1980.11.11
Dives in Misericordia / Rich in Mercy English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On Divine Mercy

 love   Sacred Heart 

EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1980.11.30
To the the Bishops of the Malankara Catholic Church English Italiano (Italian)

 Eastern Churches   Syro-Malankara Church 

LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1980.12.01
For the celebration of World Day of Peace 1981 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1980.12.08
Urbi et Orbi Message for Christmas 1980 Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1980.12.25
Egregiæ Virtutis español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Proclaiming Sts. Cyril and Methodius as Co-patrons of Europe

 Europe   saint 

Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1980.12.31
Ordo Lectionum Missæ (1981) latine (Latin)
editio typica altera


Liturgical BookSacred Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship1981.01.21
General Introduction to the Lectionary English español (Spanish)
editio typica altera

 Bible   liturgy   Mass 

NormsSacred Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship1981.01.21
To the Bishops of the Netherlands Italiano (Italian)


LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1981.02.02
Concerning status of Catholics becoming freemasons English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)


DeclarationSacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1981.02.17
For Lent 1981 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1981.03.04
A Concilio Constantinopolitano I / The First Council of Constantinople English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)
For the 1600ᵗʰ anniversary of the Council of Constantinople I and the 1550ᵗʰ anniversary of the Council of Ephesus
Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1981.03.25
Ordo coronandi Imaginem Beatæ Mariæ Virginis / Order for the Crowning of an Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary
editio typica

 liturgy   Mary 

Liturgical BookSacred Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship1981.03.25
Urbi et Orbi Message for Easter Sunday 1981 Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1981.04.19
For the 18ᵗʰ World Day for Vocations (1981) español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1981.04.28
Familia a Deo instituta / Families Instituted by God español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Establishing the Pontifical Council for the Family

 family   Roman Curia 

Motu ProprioSaint Pope John Paul II1981.05.09
For the 15ᵗʰ World Communications Day (1981) English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1981.05.10
To the Polish people for the death of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, Primate of Poland Italiano (Italian)


LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1981.05.31
For World Day for Missions 1981 español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1981.06.07
For the 15ᵗʰ International Literacy Day (1981) español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1981.09.08
Laborem exercens English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On human work, for the 90ᵗʰ Anniversary of Rerum Novarum


EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1981.09.14
For the 1ˢᵗ World Food Day (1981) English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1981.10.14
For the 750ᵗʰ anniversary of the death of St. Elizabeth Italiano (Italian)

 Hungary   saint 

LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1981.11.19
Familiaris consortio / The Family in the Modern World English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the Christian Family in the Modern World

 family   synod 

Apostolic ExhortationSaint Pope John Paul II1981.11.22
For the celebration of World Day of Peace 1982 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1981.12.08
Urbi et Orbi Message for Christmas 1981 Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1981.12.25

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