Catholic Dioceses


Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda
Ecclesiastical Provinces (1)AscendingTypeChurches and Bishops
Metr. Archdiocese CastriesMetr. ArchdioceseCathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception National Shrine of St. Lucy Archbishop Gabriel Malzaire (67) Archbishop Robert Rivas, O.P. (78) Seat in Saint Lucia Saint Lucia, not covering Antigua and Barbuda.
Diocese KingstownDioceseCathedral of the Assumption Bishop Gerard Maximin County, C.S.Sp. (64) Seat in Saint Vincent and Grenadines Saint Vincent and Grenadines, not covering Antigua and Barbuda.
Diocese RoseauDioceseCathedral of Our Lady of Fairhaven Bishop Kendrick John Forbes (49) Seat in Dominica Dominica, not covering Antigua and Barbuda.
Diocese Saint George’s in GrenadaDioceseCathedral of the Immaculate Conception Bishop Clyde Martin Harvey (76) Seat in Grenada Grenada, not covering Antigua and Barbuda.
Diocese Saint John’s–BasseterreDioceseCathedral of the Holy Family Co-Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Bishop Robert Anthony Llanos (66) Also covers Anguilla Anguilla, British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands, Montserrat Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Last updated on 2025.01.23

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