Bishops of South Africa

by Age

South Africa
Bishop Ordinaries of South Africa (41)AgeDate of
Bishop Daniel Alphonse Omer Verstraete, O.M.I. (100)Bishop Daniel Alphonse Omer Verstraete, O.M.I. (100), Bishop emeritus of Klerksdorp (South Africa)1001924.07.31
Bishop Fritz Lobinger (96)Bishop Fritz Lobinger (96), Bishop emeritus of Aliwal (South Africa)961929.01.22
Archbishop George Francis Daniel (91)Archbishop George Francis Daniel (91), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Pretoria (South Africa) and Military Ordinary emeritus of South African Defence Force (South Africa)911933.04.23
Bishop Joseph James Potocnak, S.C.I. (91)Bishop Joseph James Potocnak, S.C.I. (91), Bishop emeritus of De Aar (South Africa)911933.05.13
Bishop Edward Robert Adams (90)Bishop Edward Robert Adams (90), Bishop emeritus of Oudtshoorn (South Africa)901934.05.24
Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, O.F.M. (84)Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, O.F.M. (84), Cardinal-Priest of S. Francesco d’Assisi ad Acilia, Apostolic Administrator of Eshowe (South Africa) and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Durban (South Africa)841941.03.08
Archbishop William Matthew Slattery, O.F.M. (81)Archbishop William Matthew Slattery, O.F.M. (81), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Pretoria (South Africa) and Archbishop Military Ordinary emeritus of South African Defence Force (South Africa)811943.09.06
Archbishop Jabulani Adatus Nxumalo, O.M.I. (81)Archbishop Jabulani Adatus Nxumalo, O.M.I. (81), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Bloemfontein (South Africa)811944.01.27
Bishop Kevin Patrick Dowling, C.SS.R. (81)Bishop Kevin Patrick Dowling, C.SS.R. (81), Bishop emeritus of Rustenburg (South Africa)811944.02.14
Archbishop Paul Mandla Khumalo, C.M.M. (78)Archbishop Paul Mandla Khumalo, C.M.M. (78), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Pretoria (South Africa) and Military Ordinary emeritus of South African Defence Force (South Africa)781947.02.05
Bishop Pius Mlungisi Dlungwane (77)Bishop Pius Mlungisi Dlungwane (77), Bishop emeritus of Mariannhill (South Africa)771947.10.13
Archbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale, O.M.I. (77)Archbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale, O.M.I. (77), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Johannesburg (South Africa)771947.12.26
Bishop Jan de Groef, M. Afr. (77)Bishop Jan de Groef, M. Afr. (77), Bishop of Bethlehem (South Africa)771948.01.07
Bishop Edward Gabriel Risi, O.M.I. (76)Bishop Edward Gabriel Risi, O.M.I. (76), Bishop of Keimoes–Upington (South Africa)761949.01.06
Bishop Francisco Fortunato De Gouveia (73)Bishop Francisco Fortunato De Gouveia (73), Bishop emeritus of Oudtshoorn (South Africa)731951.06.11
Bishop Thomas Graham Rose (73)Bishop Thomas Graham Rose (73), Bishop of Dundee (South Africa)731951.12.23
Bishop Peter John Holiday (73)Bishop Peter John Holiday (73), Bishop emeritus of Kroonstad (South Africa)731952.01.11
Bishop Sylvester David, O.M.I. (71)Bishop Sylvester David, O.M.I. (71), Titular Bishop of Gunugus and Auxiliary Bishop of Cape Town (South Africa)711953.08.15
Bishop Xolelo Thaddaeus Kumalo (70)Bishop Xolelo Thaddaeus Kumalo (70), Bishop of Witbank (South Africa)701954.07.02
Bishop Michael Wüstenberg (70)Bishop Michael Wüstenberg (70), Bishop emeritus of Aliwal (South Africa)701954.07.19
Bishop João Noé Rodrigues (70)Bishop João Noé Rodrigues (70), Bishop of Tzaneen (South Africa)701955.03.08
Bishop Paul Siphiwo Vanqa, S.A.C. (69)Bishop Paul Siphiwo Vanqa, S.A.C. (69), Bishop of Queenstown (South Africa)691955.06.15
Cardinal Stephen Brislin (68)Cardinal Stephen Brislin (68), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Domenica Mazzarello, Metropolitan Archbishop of Johannesburg (South Africa), President of Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference and Apostolic Administrator of Cape Town (South Africa)681956.09.24
Archbishop Mandla Siegfried Jwara, C.M.M. (68)Archbishop Mandla Siegfried Jwara, C.M.M. (68), Metropolitan Archbishop of Durban (South Africa) and Second Vice-President of Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference681957.02.01
Archbishop Zolile Peter Mpambani, S.C.I. (68)Archbishop Zolile Peter Mpambani, S.C.I. (68), Metropolitan Archbishop of Bloemfontein (South Africa) and Vice-President of Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference681957.02.20
Bishop Adam Leszek Musiałek, S.C.I. (67)Bishop Adam Leszek Musiałek, S.C.I. (67), Bishop of De Aar (South Africa)671957.05.09
Bishop Jeremiah Madimetja Masela (66)Bishop Jeremiah Madimetja Masela (66), Bishop of Polokwane (South Africa)661958.06.28
Archbishop Dabula Anthony Mpako (65)Archbishop Dabula Anthony Mpako (65), Metropolitan Archbishop of Pretoria (South Africa) and Archbishop Military Ordinary of South African Defence Force (South Africa)651959.09.06
Bishop Sithembele Anton Sipuka (64)Bishop Sithembele Anton Sipuka (64), Bishop of Mthatha (South Africa)641960.04.27
Bishop Stanisław Jan Dziuba, O.S.P.P.E. (64)Bishop Stanisław Jan Dziuba, O.S.P.P.E. (64), Bishop of Umzimkulu (South Africa)641960.04.27
Bishop Victor Hlolo Phalana (63)Bishop Victor Hlolo Phalana (63), Bishop of Klerksdorp (South Africa)631961.04.03
Bishop Elias Kwenzakufani Zondi (61)Bishop Elias Kwenzakufani Zondi (61), Titular Bishop of Rutabo and Auxiliary Bishop of Durban (South Africa)611963.12.24
Bishop Duncan Theodore Tsoke (60)Bishop Duncan Theodore Tsoke (60), Bishop of Kimberley (South Africa)601964.04.15
Bishop Vusumuzi Francis Mazibuko, O.M.I. (59)Bishop Vusumuzi Francis Mazibuko, O.M.I. (59), Vicar Apostolic of Ingwavuma (South Africa)591965.05.17
Bishop Vincent Mduduzi Zungu, O.F.M. (58)Bishop Vincent Mduduzi Zungu, O.F.M. (58), Bishop of Port Elizabeth (South Africa)581966.04.28
Bishop Neil Augustine Frank, O.M.I. (58)Bishop Neil Augustine Frank, O.M.I. (58), Bishop of Mariannhill (South Africa)581966.08.21
Bishop Joseph Kizito (57)Bishop Joseph Kizito (57), Bishop of Aliwal (South Africa)571967.07.02
Bishop Noel Andrew Rucastle (56)Bishop Noel Andrew Rucastle (56), Bishop of Oudtshoorn (South Africa)561968.04.22
Bishop Masilo John Selemela (53)Bishop Masilo John Selemela (53), Titular Bishop of Nachingwea and Auxiliary Bishop of Pretoria (South Africa)531972.01.13
Bishop Robert Mogapi Mphiwe (53)Bishop Robert Mogapi Mphiwe (53), Bishop of Rustenburg (South Africa)531972.03.14
Bishop Thulani Victor Mbuyisa, C.M.M. (52)Bishop Thulani Victor Mbuyisa, C.M.M. (52), Bishop of Kokstad (South Africa)521973.02.13

See Also

Oldest Bishops in the World

Youngest Bishops in the World

Last updated on 2025.03.24

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