Documents and Speeches by Year

a.d. 1840 – 1859

Documents (39)TypeAuthorDateAscending
Probe nostis English
On the propagation of the faith


EncyclicalPope Gregory XVI1840.09.18
Appealing for funds
EncyclicalPope Gregory XVI1840.12.21
Afflictas in Hispania Italiano (Italian)
Protesting Spanish interference in the appointments of the ecclesiastical hierarchy and the recent suppression of the religious orders


EncyclicalPope Gregory XVI1841.03.01
Quas vestro English
To bishops of Hungary on mixed marriages

 Hungary   marriage 

EncyclicalPope Gregory XVI1841.04.30
Inter Præcipuas / Tra le principali English
On biblical societies, condemning non-Catholic Bible societies


EncyclicalPope Gregory XVI1844.05.08
Nei giorni
Proclaming pardon to those condemned by political crimes in the Papal States

 Papal States 

Apostolic ConstitutionBlessed Pope Pius IX1846.11.09
Qui pluribus English Italiano (Italian)
On communism, faith and religion


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1846.11.09
Prædecessores nostros English Italiano (Italian)
On aid for Ireland


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1847.03.25
Ubi primum English Italiano (Italian)
To religious superiors on the discipline for religious


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1847.06.17
Nulla celebrior
Reconstituted the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem


BullBlessed Pope Pius IX1847.07.23
Nelle istituzioni Italiano (Italian)
Proclaming the fundamental statute for the temporal government of the Papal States

 Papal States 

Apostolic ConstitutionBlessed Pope Pius IX1848.03.14
Romani e quanti
On maintaining the public order and respecting the institutions
EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1848.03.14
Non semel
Against the attempts to proclaim the Republic of Rome


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1848.06.23
Ubi primum English Italiano (Italian)
On the Immaculate Conception


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1849.02.02
Quibus quantisque
On the reestablishment of the Holy See in Rome

 Rome   Vatican City 

EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1849.08.12
Nostis et Nobiscum English Italiano (Italian)
On the Church in the Papal States, condemning attempts to undermine religion in Italy

 Italy   Papal States 

EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1849.12.08
Si semper antea
Thanking the European monarchs
EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1850.08.14
Multiplices inter
Condemning and prohibiting certain writings by Francois de Paule
Apostolic LetterBlessed Pope Pius IX1851.06.10
Ad Apostolicæ Sedis
Condemning and prohibiting the ’Institutions of Ecclesiastical Right’ by Nuytz
Apostolic LetterBlessed Pope Pius IX1851.08.22
Exultavit cor nostrum English Italiano (Italian)
On the effects of the Jubilee of 1852


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1851.11.21
Ex aliis nostris Italiano (Italian)
Conditions for obtaining indulgences in the extraordinary jubilee of 1852


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1851.11.21
Nemo certe ignorat English Italiano (Italian)
To bishops of Ireland on the discipline for clergy


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1852.03.25
Probe noscitis venerabiles English
On the discipline for clergy


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1852.05.17
Inter multiplices English Italiano (Italian)
Pleading for unity of spirit


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1853.03.21
Neminem vestrum English Italiano (Italian)
To the clergy and faithful of Constantinople on the persecution of Armenians


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1854.02.02
Optime noscitis English Italiano (Italian)
On the proposed Catholic university for Ireland

 education   Ireland 

EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1854.03.20
Apostolicæ nostræ caritatis English
Urging prayers for peace


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1854.08.01
Inter graves
On the commemoration of the Immaculate Conception on December 8

 calendar   Mary 

EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1854.11.01
Ineffabilis Deus English
Defining the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception

 Mary   papal infallibility 

Apostolic ConstitutionBlessed Pope Pius IX1854.12.08
Cum sæpeEncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1855.07.26
Optime noscitis English
On episcopal meetings

 Austria   bishop 

EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1855.11.05
Singulari quidem English Italiano (Italian)
On the Church in Austria


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1856.03.17
Eximiam tuam latine (Latin)
On certain theologians in Germany


Apostolic LetterBlessed Pope Pius IX1857.06.15
Cum nuper English Italiano (Italian)
To bishops of Sicily on care for clerics

 Italy   priest 

EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1858.01.20
Amantissimi Redemptoris English Italiano (Italian)
On priests and the care of souls, the Mass and its fruits

 Mass   priest 

EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1858.05.03
Cum Sancta Mater Ecclesia English Italiano (Italian)
Pleading for public prayer for the Papal States

 Papal States 

EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1859.04.27
Qui Nuper English Italiano (Italian)
On the Papal States

 Papal States 

EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1859.06.18
Ad gravissimum
On the necessity of the Holy See having temporal power
EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1859.06.18
Maximo animi
Protesting the occupation of Emilia by the troops of Victor Emmanuel II
EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1859.09.26

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