Catholic Dioceses


Republic of Belarus (Belarus)

Metropolitan Sees (Archdioceses) (1)AscendingRiteEcclesiastical ProvinceChurches and Bishops
Metr. Archdiocese Minsk–Mohilev / Мінска–МагілёўскаяRomanMinsk–MohilevCathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary Co-Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin and St. Stanislaus Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption Archbishop Iosif Staneuski (55) Bishop Yury Kasabutski (54) Bishop Aliaksandr Yasheuski, S.D.B. (50) Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz (79)
Episcopal Sees (Dioceses) (3)AscendingRiteEcclesiastical ProvinceChurches and Bishops
Diocese Grodno / ГродзенскаяRomanMinsk–MohilevCathedral Basilica of St. Francis Xavier Bishop Uladzimir Huliai (49) Bishop Aleksander Kaszkiewicz (75)
Diocese Pinsk / ПінскаяRomanMinsk–MohilevCathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Bishop Antoni Dziemianko (65) Bishop Andrei Znoska (44) Bishop Kazimierz Wielikosielec, O.P. (79)
Diocese Vitebsk / ВіцебскаяRomanMinsk–MohilevCathedral of the Merciful Jesus Former Cathedral of St. Barbara and St. Paul Basilica of Our Lady of the Nativity Bishop Aleh Butkevich (52) Bishop Władysław Blin (70)
Ordinariates for the Faithful of the Eastern Rite (1)AscendingRiteEcclesiastical ProvinceChurches and Bishops
Ordinariate East Europe / Europa OrientaleArmenianCathedral of the Holy Martyrs Archbishop Kevork Noradounguian, I.C.P.B. (56) Also covers Belarus Belarus, Estonia Estonia, Georgia Georgia, Latvia Latvia, Lithuania Lithuania, Russia Russia.
Apostolic Administrations (1)AscendingRiteEcclesiastical ProvinceChurches and Bishops
Apostolic Administration BelarusBelarussian Archimandrite Jan Sergiusz Gajek, M.I.C. (75)

Titular Episcopal Sees (1): Pinsk–Turaŭ (Ukrainian Rite)

Last updated on 2025.01.23

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