Acronym | Centralized Religious Institutes of Consecrated Life of Pontifical Right | Members | Superior General |
A.S.C. | Adorers of the Blood of Christ | 1,005 | Sr. Maria Hugues, A.S.C. |
S.F.A. | Angeline Franciscan Sisters | 160 | Sr. Mary Melone, S.F.A. (60) |
F.d.C.C. | Canossian Daughters of Charity (Canossians) | 2,127 | Sr. Sandra Maggiolo, F.d.C.C. |
C.F.S.F. | Congregation of the Daughters St. Francis of Assisi | 135 | Sr. Chiara Antalová, C.F.S.F. |
C.M.C. | Congregation of the Mother of Carmel | 6,230 | Mother Sibi Varikkaplamthadathil, C.M.C. (62) |
R.J.M. | Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary | 1,014 | Sr. Monica Joseph, R.J.M. |
S.P.C. | Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres | | Mother Maria Goretti Lee (李貴順), S.P.C. |
I.H.M. | Congregation of the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary | 585 | Sr. Mary Jane Herb, I.H.M. |
I.S.M.C. | Consolata Missionary Sisters | 519 | Sr. Lucia Bartolomasi (59) |
F.d.L.S. | Daughters of Wisdom | 982 | Sr. Louise Madore, F.d.L.S. |
F.C.C. | Franciscan Clarist Congregation | 7,088 | Sr. Litty, F.C.C. |
F.M.M. | Franciscan Missionaries of Mary | 5,058 | Sr. Françoise Massy, F.M.M. (78) |
F.M.D.M. | Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood | 197 | |
F.M.G.B. | Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Infant Jesus | 468 | Sr. Lilia Agnese Contini, F.M.G.B. |
A.C.J. | Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus | 777 | Sr. Rosario Fernandez-Villarán, A.C.J. (69) |
M.S.C. | Institute of Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus | 211 | Sr. Barbara Luise Staley, M.S.C. (66) |
M.C. | Missionaries of Charity | 5,193 | Sr. M. Joseph Michael, M.C. (70) |
C.P.S. | Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood | 704 | Sr. Monica Mary Ncube, C.P.S. (75) |
S.Sp.S. | Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit | 2,796 | Sr. Maria Angelika Altenhofen Altenhofen, S.Sp.S. |
O.S.U. | Order of St. Ursula of the Roman Union (Ursuline Sisters) | 1,425 | Sr. Susan Flood, O.S.U. |
R.V.M. | Religious of the Virgin Mary | 679 | Mother Maria Corazon D. Agda, R.V.M. |
F.M.A. | Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco | 11,001 | Sr. Chiara Cazzuola, F.M.A. (69) |
S.Sp.S.A.P. | Sister Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration | 293 | Sr. Maria Magdalena Kruse, S.Sp.S.A.P. (64) |
S.C.C.G. | Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenzia Gerosa (Sisters of Maria Bambina) | 3,288 | Sr. Annamaria Viganò, S.C.C.G. |
S.N.D. | Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur | 974 | Sr. Teresita Weind, S.N.D. |
N.S.C. | Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation | 457 | Sr. Emilia Sebastiá Llorens, N.S.C. (62) |
S.A.B.S. | Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Adoration Congregation) | 4,544 | Mother Grace Perumpanany, S.A.B.S. (70) |
O.S.B.M. | Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great | 399 | Sr. Marcela Runcan, O.S.B.M. (54) |
R.S.C.J. | Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus | 1,538 | Sr. Barbara Dawson, R.S.C.J. |