Centralized Religious Institutes of Consecrated Life

AcronymCentralized Religious Institutes of Consecrated Life of Pontifical RightAscendingMembersSuperior General
A.S.C.Adorers of the Blood of Christ1,005USASr. Maria Hugues, A.S.C.
S.F.A.Angeline Franciscan Sisters160ItalySr. Mary Melone, S.F.A. (60)
F.d.C.C.Canossian Daughters of Charity (Canossians)2,127ItalySr. Sandra Maggiolo, F.d.C.C.
C.F.S.F.Congregation of the Daughters St. Francis of Assisi135SlovakiaSr. Chiara Antalová, C.F.S.F.
C.M.C.Congregation of the Mother of Carmel6,230IndiaMother Sibi Varikkaplamthadathil, C.M.C. (62)
R.J.M.Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary1,014Sr. Monica Joseph, R.J.M.
S.P.C.Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Paul of ChartresMother Maria Goretti Lee (李貴順), S.P.C.
I.H.M.Congregation of the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary585USASr. Mary Jane Herb, I.H.M.
I.S.M.C.Consolata Missionary Sisters519ItalySr. Lucia Bartolomasi (59)
F.d.L.S.Daughters of Wisdom982CanadaSr. Louise Madore, F.d.L.S.
F.C.C.Franciscan Clarist Congregation7,088IndiaSr. Litty, F.C.C.
F.M.M.Franciscan Missionaries of Mary5,058FranceSr. Françoise Massy, F.M.M. (78)
F.M.D.M.Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood197
F.M.G.B.Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Infant Jesus468ItalySr. Lilia Agnese Contini, F.M.G.B.
A.C.J.Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus777SpainSr. Rosario Fernandez-Villarán, A.C.J. (69)
M.S.C.Institute of Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus211USASr. Barbara Luise Staley, M.S.C. (66)
M.C.Missionaries of Charity5,193IndiaSr. M. Joseph Michael, M.C. (70)
C.P.S.Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood704ZimbabweSr. Monica Mary Ncube, C.P.S. (75)
S.Sp.S.Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit2,796GermanySr. Maria Angelika Altenhofen Altenhofen, S.Sp.S.
O.S.U.Order of St. Ursula of the Roman Union (Ursuline Sisters)1,425AustraliaSr. Susan Flood, O.S.U.
R.V.M.Religious of the Virgin Mary679PhilippinesMother Maria Corazon D. Agda, R.V.M.
F.M.A.Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco11,001ItalySr. Chiara Cazzuola, F.M.A. (69)
S.Sp.S.A.P.Sister Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration293GermanySr. Maria Magdalena Kruse, S.Sp.S.A.P. (64)
S.C.C.G.Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenzia Gerosa (Sisters of Maria Bambina)3,288ItalySr. Annamaria Viganò, S.C.C.G.
S.N.D.Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur974USASr. Teresita Weind, S.N.D.
N.S.C.Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation457SpainSr. Emilia Sebastiá Llorens, N.S.C. (62)
S.A.B.S.Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Adoration Congregation)4,544IndiaMother Grace Perumpanany, S.A.B.S. (70)
O.S.B.M.Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great399RomaniaSr. Marcela Runcan, O.S.B.M. (54)
R.S.C.J.Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus1,538USASr. Barbara Dawson, R.S.C.J.

Last updated on 2025.03.15

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