Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

AcronymAscendingInstitute or Society (Pontifical Right)Type
A.C.J.Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of JesusCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
A.S.C.Adorers of the Blood of ChristCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
BethléemMonastic Family of Bethlehem, of the Assumption of the Virgin and of Saint Bruno (Monks and Sisters of Bethlehem)Institute of Consecrated Life
C.F.S.F.Congregation of the Daughters St. Francis of AssisiCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
C.M.C.Congregation of the Mother of CarmelCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
C.P.S.Missionary Sisters of the Precious BloodCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
C.S.P.Society of Saint PaulClerical Secular Institute of Consecrated Life
F.C.C.Franciscan Clarist CongregationCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
F.M.A.Salesian Sisters of Don BoscoCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
F.M.D.M.Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine MotherhoodCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
F.M.G.B.Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Infant JesusCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
F.M.M.Franciscan Missionaries of MaryCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
F.M.V.D.Verbum Dei Missionary FraternityInstitute of Consecrated Life
F.S.O.Spiritual Family “The Work”Institute of Consecrated Life
F.d.C.C.Canossian Daughters of Charity (Canossians)Centralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
F.d.L.S.Daughters of WisdomCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
I.H.M.Congregation of the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of MaryCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
I.S.M.Missionaries of the Kingship of ChristLay Secular Institute of Consecrated Life
I.S.M.C.Consolata Missionary SistersCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
M.C.Missionaries of CharityCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
M.Id.Institute Id of Christ the Redeemer (Idente Missionaries)Institute of Consecrated Life
M.S.C.Institute of Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of JesusCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
N.D.V.Institute of Our Lady of LifeClerical Secular Institute of Consecrated Life
N.S.C.Sisters of Our Lady of ConsolationCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
O. Carm.Carmelite SistersReligious Order or Institute with independent houses
O.C.D.Discalced Carmelite SistersReligious Order or Institute with independent houses
O.C.S.O.Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappist Nuns)Religious Order or Institute with independent houses
O.I.C. / O.Conc.Order of the Immaculate Conception (Conceptionists)Religious Order or Institute with independent houses
O.P.Order of Preachers (Dominican Nuns)Religious Order or Institute with independent houses
O.S.B.Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictine Nuns)Religious Order or Institute with independent houses
O.S.B.M.Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the GreatCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
O.S.C. Cap.Capuchin Poor Clares (Capuchinesses)Religious Order or Institute with independent houses
O.S.U.Order of St. Ursula of the Roman Union (Ursuline Sisters)Centralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
ObraThe Work of the ChurchInstitute of Consecrated Life
R.J.M.Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and MaryCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
R.M.I.Claretian Missionary SistersReligious Order or Institute with independent houses
R.S.C.J.Society of the Sacred Heart of JesusCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
R.V.M.Religious of the Virgin MaryCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
S.A.B.S.Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Adoration Congregation)Centralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
S.C.C.G.Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenzia Gerosa (Sisters of Maria Bambina)Centralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
S.C.S.Society of Christ the LordInstitute of Consecrated Life
S.F.A.Angeline Franciscan SistersCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
S.N.D.Sisters of Notre Dame de NamurCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
S.Sp.S.Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy SpiritCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
S.Sp.S.A.P.Sister Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual AdorationCentralized Religious Institute of Consecrated Life
ServidorasAssociation of Consecrated Virgins “Servidoras”Institute of Consecrated Life
V.S.M.Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary (Visitandines)Religious Order or Institute with independent houses

Last updated on 2024.10.14

See Also

Federations of Religious Orders

Religious Orders by Type

Associations of the Faithful

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