Date | Celebration |
2013.12.25 – 2014.01.01 | Christmas Octave 2013 Christmas - Pope Francis, Homily “Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord” (2013.12.24)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord” (2013.12.24)
 - Pope Francis, Message “Urbi et Orbi Message for Christmas 2013” (2013.12.25)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Vespers and Te Deum” (2013.12.31)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “First Vespers of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God” (2013.12.31)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God” (2014.01.01)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God” (2014.01.01)

2014.01.01 | World Day of Peace 2014 peace |
2014.01.18 – 2014.01.25 | Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2014 ecumenism |
2014.01.19 | 100ᵗʰ World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2014 migrant |
2014.01.26 | 61ˢᵗ World Leprosy Day leprosy |
2014.02.02 | World Day for Consecrated Life 2014 religious |
2014.02.04 – 2014.02.06 | Courtyard of the Gentiles (Budapest, 2014) non-believers |
2014.02.07 – 2014.02.23 | Winter Olympic Games 2014 (Sochi, Russia) Russia sports |
2014.02.11 | World Day of the Sick 2014 sick |
2014.02.20 – 2014.02.21 | 11ᵗʰ Extraordinary Consistory consistory |
2014.02.22 | Ordinary Public Consistory for the Creation of 19 Cardinals  cardinal consistory |
2014.03.05 – 2014.04.17 | Lent 2014 Lent - Pope Francis, Message For Lent 2014: He became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich (cf. 2 Cor 8:9) (2013.12.26)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Ash Wednesday” (2014.03.05)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Ash Wednesday” (2014.03.05)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Penitential Celebration” (2014.03.28)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Penitential Celebration” (2014.03.28)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Palm Sunday - 29ᵗʰ World Youth Day” (2014.04.13)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Palm Sunday” (2014.04.13)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Chrism Mass” (2014.04.17)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Chrism Mass” (2014.04.17)

2014.04.09 – 2014.04.11 | Courtyard of the Gentiles (Washington, 2014) non-believers |
2014.04.13 | World Youth Day 2014 youth |
2014.04.17 – 2014.04.20 | Triduum 2014 Triduum |
2014.04.27 | Canonization of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II saint |
2014.05.11 | World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2014 vocation |
2014.05.24 | Day of Prayer for the Church in China 2014 China |
2014.05.24 – 2014.05.26 | Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land Holy Land papal journey - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the Authorities of the Kingdom of Jordan (Amman)” (2014.05.24)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with refugees and young people with disabilities in the Latin Church in Bethany beyond the Jordan” (2014.05.24)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass at the Amman International Stadium” (2014.05.24)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Apostolic Journey to the Holy Land” (2014.05.24)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with Palestinian Authorities (Bethlehem)” (2014.05.25)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Greeting to children of the refugee camp of Dheisheh, Aida and Beit Jibrin at the Phoenix Center of Dheisheh refugee camp (Bethlehem)” (2014.05.25)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Welcoming ceremony at the Tel Aviv Ben Gurion International Airport” (2014.05.25)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Ecumenical Celebration for the 50ᵗʰ anniversary of the meeting in Jerusalem between Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras (Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre)” (2014.05.25)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass in Manger Square (Bethlehem)” (2014.05.25)
 - Pope Francis, Joint Declaration “Common declaration of Pope Francis with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I” (2014.05.25)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Visit to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in the building of the Great Council on the Esplanade of the Mosques (Jerusalem)” (2014.05.26)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Visit to the Yad Vashem Memorial (Jerusalem)” (2014.05.26)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Courtesy visit to the two chief rabbis of Israel at Heichal Shlomo Center in Jerusalem, next to the Jerusalem Great Synagogue (Jerusalem)” (2014.05.26)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Courtesy visit to the President of the State of Israel in the Presidential Residence (Jerusalem)” (2014.05.26)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with priests, religious and seminarians in the Church of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives (Jerusalem)” (2014.05.26)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Press conference during the return flight from the Holy Land” (2014.05.26)
- Pope Francis, Homily “Mass with the Ordinaries of the Holy Land and the Papal Entourage (Room of the Cenacle in Jerusalem)” (2014.05.26)

2014.06.01 | World Communications Day 2014 communication |
2014.06.21 | Pastoral Visit to Cassano all’Jonio papal journey in Italy |
2014.06.27 | World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests 2014 priest |
2014.07.05 | Pastoral Visit to Campobasso and Isernia papal journey in Italy |
2014.07.13 | Sea Sunday 2014 sea |
2014.07.26 | Pastoral Visit to Caserta papal journey in Italy |
2014.08.13 – 2014.08.18 | Apostolic Journey to South Korea papal journey South Korea youth - Pope Francis, Message For the upcoming Apostolic Journey to the Republic of Korea (2014.08.11)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Apostolic Journey to South Korea” (2014.08.13)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the Authorities in Chungmu Hall (Blue House, Seoul)” (2014.08.14)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the Bishops of Korea in the headquarters of the Korean Episcopal Conference” (2014.08.14)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the Asian youth at the Shrine of Solmoe” (2014.08.15)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption (World Cup Stadium, Daejeon)” (2014.08.15)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the religious communities of Korea (Training Center ’School of Love’, Kkottongnae)” (2014.08.16)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the leaders of the Apostolate of the laity (Spirituality Centre, Kkottongnae)” (2014.08.16)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass for the Beatification of Paul Yun Ji-Chung and 123 martyr companions (Gwanghwamun Gate, Seoul)” (2014.08.16)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the Bishops of Asia (Shrine of Haemi)” (2014.08.17)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Closing Mass of the 6ᵗʰ Asian Youth Day (Haemi Castle)” (2014.08.17)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with religious leaders (old Curia Palace of the Archdiocese of Seoul)” (2014.08.18)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “In-Flight Press Conference from Korea to Rome” (2014.08.18)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass for Peace and Reconciliation (Myeong-dong Cathedral, Seoul)” (2014.08.18)

2014.09.13 | Pastoral Visit to the Cemetery of Redipuglia for the centenary of the beginning of World War I papal journey in Italy war |
2014.09.21 | Apostolic Journey to Tirana, Albania Albania papal journey |
2014.09.27 | World Tourism Day 2014 tourism |
2014.10.05 – 2014.10.19 | 3ʳᵈ Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops evangelization family synod - Pope Francis, Letter To families (2014.02.02)
 - General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, Instrumentum laboris “3ʳᵈ Extraordinary General Assembly – 2014” (2014.06.26)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting on the family” (2014.10.04)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass for the opening of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family” (2014.10.05)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Mass for the opening of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family” (2014.10.05)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Greeting to the Synod Fathers during the First General Congregation of the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops” (2014.10.06)
 - General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, Relatio ante disceptationem “Extraordinary Synod on the Family” (2014.10.06)
 - General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, Relatio post disceptationem “Extraordinary Synod on the Family” (2014.10.13)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “At the conclusion of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family” (2014.10.18)
 - General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, Message “At the conclusion of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family” (2014.10.18)
 - General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, Relatio Synodi “Extraordinary Synod on the Family” (2014.10.18)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass for the conclusion of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family and for the Beatification of Pope Paul VI” (2014.10.19)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Mass and Beatification of Pope Paul VI” (2014.10.19)
 - Pope Francis, Apostolic Exhortation Amoris lætitia On love in the family (2016.03.19)

2014.10.16 | World Food Day 2014 food |
2014.10.19 | World Mission Sunday 2014 mission |
2014.10.19 | Beatification of Pope Paul VI saint |
2014.11.25 | Visit to the European Parliament and Council of Europe at Strasbourg Europe papal journey |
2014.11.26 – 2014.11.29 | Courtyard of the Gentiles (Buenos Aires, 2014) non-believers |
2014.11.28 – 2014.11.30 | Apostolic Journey to Turkiye papal journey Turkey - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the President, Prime Minister and Civil Authorities in Ankara” (2014.11.28)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Meeting with the President of the “Diyanet” at the Department for Religious Affairs” (2014.11.28)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Apostolic Journey to Turkey” (2014.11.28)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Ecumenical Prayer in the Orthodox Patriarchal Church of St George (Istanbul)” (2014.11.29)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit (Istanbul)” (2014.11.29)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Greeting to young refugees assisted by the Salesians (Istanbul)” (2014.11.30)
 - Pope Francis, Speech “Press conference of the Holy Father during the return flight from Turkey” (2014.11.30)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Divine Liturgy at the Orthodox Patriarchal Church of St. George (Istanbul)” (2014.11.30)
 - Pope Francis, Joint Declaration “Common declaration of Pope Francis with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I on the occasion of the apostolic journey to Turkey” (2014.11.30)

2014.11.30 – 2016.02.02 | Year of the Consecrated Life religious - Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life, Message “To consecrated men and women in preparation for the Year of Consecrated Life” (2014.02.02)
 - Pope Francis, Apostolic Letter “For the Year of Consecrated Life” (2014.11.21)
 - Apostolic Penitentiary, Decree “Indulgences conceded for the Year of Consecrated Life” (2014.11.23)
 - Pope Francis, Message For the opening of the Year of Consecrated Life (2014.11.30)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Mass for the opening of the Year of Consecrated Life” (2014.11.30)
 - Pope Francis, Homily “Feast of the Presentation of the Lord” (2015.02.02)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Feast of the Presentation of the Lord” (2015.02.02)
 - Pope Francis, Message For World Day for Missions 2015 (2015.05.24)
 - Pope Francis, Speech To participants in the Jubilee for Consecrated Life (2016.02.01)
 - Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Liturgical Booklet “Mass for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord” (2016.02.02)

2014.12.25 – 2015.01.01 | Christmas Octave 2014 Christmas |