Documents (37) | Type | Author | Date |
To participants in the Assembly of Primates of the Anglican Communion Anglican Church | Speech | Pope Francis | 2024.05.02 |
To the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Dialogue Commission Anglican Church | Speech | Pope Francis | 2022.05.13 |
Complementary Norms for the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus Anglican Church | Norms | Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith | 2019.03.19 |
Visit to the All Saints Anglican Church of Rome Anglican Church | Homily | Pope Francis | 2017.02.26 |
To the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Primates of the Anglican Communion Anglican Church | Speech | Pope Francis | 2016.10.06 |
Vespers with the Archbishop of Canterbury, commemorating the 50ᵗʰ anniversary of the meeting between Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Michael Ramsey Anglican Church | Speech | Pope Francis | 2016.10.05 |
Common declaration of Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace Justin Welby Anglican Church ecumenism | Joint Declaration | Pope Francis | 2016.10.05 |
To the Members of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission Anglican Church | Speech | Pope Francis | 2015.04.30 |
To Soccer Players and Promoters of the Interreligious Match for Peace Anglican Church soccer | Speech | Pope Francis | 2014.09.01 |
To the Archbishop of Canterbury and his Entourage Anglican Church | Speech | Pope Francis | 2014.06.16 |
To the Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of the Anglican Communion Anglican Church | Speech | Pope Francis | 2013.06.14 |
To the Archbishop of Canterbury for the ceremony of enthronement Anglican Church | Message | Pope Francis | 2013.03.18 |
For the confirmation of election of the Archbishop of Canterbury Anglican Church | Message | Pope Benedict XVI | 2013.02.04 |
Vespers on the occasion of the visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury Anglican Church | Homily | Pope Benedict XVI | 2012.03.10 |
Vespers on the occasion of the visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury Anglican Church | Liturgical Booklet | Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff | 2012.03.10 |
Erection of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter Anglican Church | Decree | Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith | 2012.01.01 |
Erection of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Anglican Church | Decree | Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith | 2011.01.15 |
Fraternal Visit to the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace Anglican Church England | Speech | Pope Benedict XVI | 2010.09.17 |
Anglicanorum cœtibus Providing for Personal Ordinariates for Anglicans Entering into Full Communion with the Catholic Church Anglican Church diocese | Apostolic Constitution | Pope Benedict XVI | 2009.11.04 |
Complementary Norms for the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus Anglican Church diocese | Norms | Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith | 2009.11.04 |
On personal ordinariates for Anglicans entering the Catholic Church Anglican Church | Note | Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith | 2009.10.20 |
Common Declaration of Pope Benedict XVI and the Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace Rowan Williams Anglican Church | Speech | Pope Benedict XVI | 2006.11.23 |
To the Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace Rowan Williams Anglican Church | Speech | Pope Benedict XVI | 2006.11.23 |
Common declaration of Pope Benedict XVI and the Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace Rowan Williams Anglican Church ecumenism | Joint Declaration | Pope Benedict XVI | 2006.11.23 |
Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ Joint Statement of Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission Anglican Church ecumenism Mary | Joint Statement | Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity | 2004.02.02 |
To the Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of the Anglican Communion, His Grace Rowan Douglas Williams Anglican Church | Speech | Saint Pope John Paul II | 2003.10.04 |
To the Archbishop of Canterbury and President of the Anglican Communion Anglican Church | Speech | Saint Pope John Paul II | 2002.06.21 |
To new Anglican – Roman Catholic Working Group Anglican Church | Speech | Saint Pope John Paul II | 2001.11.24 |
To the Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of the Anglican Communion Anglican Church | Speech | Saint Pope John Paul II | 2001.06.01 |
The Gift of Authority Joint Statement of Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission Anglican Church bishop ecclesiology ecumenism | Joint Statement | Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity | 1999.05.12 |
Common declaration of Pope John Paul II and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Leonard Carey Anglican Church ecumenism | Joint Declaration | Saint Pope John Paul II | 1996.12.05 |
Common declaration of Pope John Paul II and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Robert Runcie Anglican Church ecumenism | Joint Declaration | Saint Pope John Paul II | 1989.10.02 |
Observations on ARCIC II’s ’Salvation and the Church’ Anglican Church | Document | Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith | 1988.11.18 |
Common declaration of Pope John Paul II and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Robert Runcie Anglican Church ecumenism | Joint Declaration | Saint Pope John Paul II | 1982.05.29 |
Common declaration of Pope Paul VI and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Donald Coggan Anglican Church ecumenism | Joint Declaration | Saint Pope Paul VI | 1977.04.29 |
Common declaration of Pope Paul VI and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Michael Ramsey Anglican Church ecumenism | Joint Declaration | Saint Pope Paul VI | 1966.03.24 |
Apostolicæ Curæ On the nullity of Anglican Orders Anglican Church | Bull | Pope Leo XIII | 1896.09.15 |