Maronite Archdiocese of


Syria Syria

Continent: Central and Southwest Asia

Rite: Maronite (Antiochian)

Type: Archdiocese Archdiocese

Name: Damascus (English) / Damas (français) / Damasco (Italiano) / Dimašq / Aš-Šām / Damascen(us) Maronitarum (Latin)

Subject to the Patriarch

Depends on: Dicastery for the Eastern Churches


Present Prelates

Archbishop ([2006.06.10] 2006.10.14 – ...):Archbishop Samir Nassar (74)Archbishop Samir Nassar (74)


Archbishops of Damascus (Maronite Rite)

Archbishop Samir Nassar (74)Archbishop Samir Nassar (74)
(2006.10.14 – ...)

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria)

Born:1950.07.05 (Nebay, Lebanon)
Ordained Priest:1980.08.17
Consecrated Bishop:2006.11.26

Priest of Antélias of the Maronites (Lebanon) (1980.08.17 – 2006.10.14)

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) ([2006.06.10] 2006.10.14 – ...)

Archbishop Raymond Eid
(1999.06.05 – 2006.06)

Born:1930.08.06 (Syria)
Ordained Priest:1957.05.30
Consecrated Bishop:1999.11.20
Died:2012.06.11 († 81)

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1999.06.05 – 2006.06)

Archbishop Antoine Hamid Mourany
(1989.06.05 – 1999.03.10)

Born:1930.01.24 (Syria)
Ordained Priest:1960.06.11
Consecrated Bishop:1989.09.16
Died:2012.04.16 († 82)

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1989.06.05 – 1999.03.10)

Archbishop Jean El-Hage
(1928.06.09 – 1955.11.30)

Ordained Priest:1910.05.21
Consecrated Bishop:1928.04.29
Died:1955.11.30 († 70)

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) ([1928.04.26] 1928.06.09 – 1955.11.30)

Archbishop Bisciarah Riccardo Chémali
(1920.05.09 – 1927.12.24)

Born:1877.03.15 (Lebanon)
Ordained Priest:1900.05.23
Consecrated Bishop:1920.05.23
Died:1927.12.24 († 50)

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1920.05.09 – 1927.12.24)

Archbishop Paolo Massad
(1892.06.12 – 1919.03)

Born:1859.01.06 (Syria)
Consecrated Bishop:1889.12.14
Died:1919.03 († 60)

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1892.06.12 – 1919.03)

Archbishop Nomatallah Dahdah
(1872 – ?)

Consecrated Bishop:1872.02.11

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1872 – ?)

Archbishop Estefan El-Khazen
(1848 – 1868.12.08)

Ordained Priest:1829.06.01
Consecrated Bishop:1848.04.06

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1848 – 1868.12.08)

Archbishop Youssef El Khazen (later Patriarch)
(1830 – 1845.08.18)

Born:1791 (Lebanon)
Consecrated Bishop:1830.04.06
Died:1854.11.03 († 62)

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1830 – 1845.08.18)

Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites (Lebanon) ([1845.08.18] 1846.01.19 – 1854.11.03)

Archbishop Estefan El-Khazen
(1806.04.02 – 1830.12.31)

Died:1830.12.31 († 81)

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1806.04.02 – 1830.12.31)

Archbishop Germanos El-Khazen
(1794 – 1806)

Consecrated Bishop:1794

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1794 – 1806)

Archbishop Youssef Tyen (later Patriarch)
(1786 – 1796.04.28)

Born:1760.03.15 (Lebanon)
Ordained Priest:1784
Consecrated Bishop:1786.08.06
Died:1820.02.20 († 59)

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1786 – 1796.04.28)

Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites (Lebanon) ([1796.04.28] 1797.07.24 – 1808.11.19)

Archbishop Semaan Awwad (later Patriarch)
(1736 – 1743.03.16)

Born:1683 (Lebanon)
Ordained Priest:1708.06.10
Consecrated Bishop:1716.01.27
Died:1756.02.12 († 72)

Bishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1716 – 1736)

Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1736 – 1743.03.16)

Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites (Lebanon) (1743.03.16 – 1756.02.12)

Bishops of Damascus (Maronite Rite)

Bishop Semaan Awwad (later Patriarch)
(1716 – 1736)

(see above)

Bishop Sarkis Rizzi
(1600 – 1638)

Consecrated Bishop:1600
Died:1638 († 66)

Bishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1600 – 1638)

Bishop Youssef Girgis al-Basluqiti
(1577? – 1580)

Consecrated Bishop:1577

Bishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1577? – 1580)

Bishop Georges Salomo de Chypro, O.E.S.A.
(1560.03.13 – 1574)


Bishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1560.03.13 – 1574)

Bishop Antonios
(1523? – ?)

Bishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria) (1523? – ?)

Special Churches

Haifa and Holy Land (↙), Zahlé (←), Baalbek–Deir Al-Ahmar (↖), Latakia (↗), Aleppo (→), Jordan (↓)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Population: 6,000 Catholics

Personnel: 4 priests (diocesan)


Pastoral Centres




Last updated on 2025.01.27

© 2025
