Maronite Archdiocese of


Syria Syria, Turkiye Turkiye

Continent: Central and Southwest Asia

Rite: Maronite (Antiochian)

Type: Archdiocese Archdiocese

Name: Aleppo (English) / Alep / Halab / Aleppe (français) / Beroea / Aleppen(sis) Maronitarum (Latin)

Subject to the Patriarch

Depends on: Dicastery for the Eastern Churches


Present Prelates

Archbishop (2015.10.31 – ...):Archbishop Joseph Tobji (53)Archbishop Joseph Tobji (53)


Archbishops of Aleppo (Maronite Rite)

Archbishop Joseph Tobji (53)Archbishop Joseph Tobji (53)
(2015.10.31 – ...)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria)

Born:1971.03.28 (Alep, Syria)
Ordained Priest:1996.03.16
Consecrated Bishop:2015.12.07

Priest of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1996.03.16 – 2015.10.31)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (2015.10.31 – ...)

Archbishop Youssef Anis Abi-Aad, Prado
(1997.06.07 – 2003.11.11)

Born:1940.01.12 (Syria)
Ordained Priest:1966.06.18
Consecrated Bishop:1997.11.01
Died:2017.05.06 († 77)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1997.06.07 – 2003.11.11)

Archbishop Pierre Callaos
(1990.06.09 – 1997.03.16)

Born:1922.06.30 (Syria)
Ordained Priest:1948.03.27
Consecrated Bishop:1990.08.12
Died:1997.03.16 († 74)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1990.06.09 – 1997.03.16)

Archbishop Joseph Salamé
(1967.03.15 – 1990.06.09)

Born:1914.12.25 (Syria)
Ordained Priest:1940.03.10
Consecrated Bishop:1967.05.14
Died:2004.03.29 († 89)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1967.03.15 – 1990.06.09)

Apostolic Administrator ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of Latakia of the Maronites (Syria) (1967.09.24 – 1977.08.04)

Archbishop François Ayoub
(1954.04.16 – 1966.06.02)

Born:1899.07.11 (Syria)
Ordained Priest:1925.05.16
Consecrated Bishop:1943.02.14
Died:1966.06.02 († 66)

Archbishop of Cyprus of the Maronites (Cyprus) (1942.11.28 – 1954.04.16)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1954.04.16 – 1966.06.02)

Apostolic Administrator ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of Latakia of the Maronites (Syria) (1954.04.16 – 1966.06.02)

Archbishop Ignace Ziadé
(1946.04.27 – 1950.12.13)

Born:1906.01.26 (Syria)
Ordained Priest:1929.05.26
Consecrated Bishop:1946.11.24
Died:1994.03.31 († 88)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1946.04.27 – 1950.12.13)

Titular Bishop of Balanea (1950.12.13 – 1952.01.26)

Archbishop of Beirut of the Maronites (Lebanon) (1952.01.26 – 1986.04.04)

Archbishop Michele Akras
(1913.02.24 – 1945.10.27)

Born:1871.03.08 (Syria)
Ordained Priest:1898.12.08
Consecrated Bishop:1913.03.08
Died:1947.02.05 († 75)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1913.02.24 – 1945.10.27)

Titular Archbishop of Anazarbus (1945.10.27 – 1947.02.05)

Archbishop Youssef Debs
(1896.03.22 – 1912.12)

Born:1846.07.12 (Syria)
Ordained Priest:1875.11.17
Consecrated Bishop:1896.03.22
Died:1912.12 († 66)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1896.03.22 – 1912.12)

Archbishop Germanos Chémali
(1892? – 1895?)

Consecrated Bishop:1892.12.27

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1892? – 1895?)

Archbishop Paul Hachim
(1885 – 1888.02.25)

Born:1817 (Alep, Syria)
Ordained Priest:1849.05.06
Consecrated Bishop:1885.07.15
Died:1888.02.25 (Roma, Italy † 70)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1885 – 1888.02.25)

Archbishop Giuseppe Matar
(1851.07.06 – 1882.03.14)

Born:1814.03.17 (Alep, Syria)
Ordained Priest:1839.03.19
Consecrated Bishop:1851.09.28
Died:1882.03.14 († 67)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1851.07.06 – 1882.03.14)

Archbishop Paul Aroutin
(1829 – 1851.04.21)

Ordained Priest:1816.06.04
Consecrated Bishop:1829.05.03
Died:1851.04.21 († 62)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1829 – 1851.04.21)

Archbishop Gabriel Konaider
(1787 – 1802.06.15)

Ordained Priest:1763.01.15
Consecrated Bishop:1787.09.30
Died:1802.06.15 († 65)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1787 – 1802.06.15)

Archbishop Choukri Aroutin
(1762 – 1786)

Consecrated Bishop:1762

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1762 – 1786)

Archbishop Gabriel Farhat, O.L.M.
(1725 – 1732.07.10)

Born:1670.11.20 (Syria)
Ordained Priest:1696
Consecrated Bishop:1725.07.29
Died:1732.07.10 († 61)

Founder of Lebanese Maronite Order (Baladites) (1695.11.10)

Superior General of Lebanese Maronite Order (Baladites) (1716 – 1723)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1725 – 1732.07.10)

Archbishop Jibra’il al-Bluzani (Gabriel Belusani) (later Patriarch)
(1663 – 1704.05.12)

Born:1625? (Lebanon)
Consecrated Bishop:1663
Died:1705.10.31 († 79)

Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria) (1663 – 1704.05.12)

Superior General of Antonin Maronite Order (1700.08.15)

Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites (Lebanon) ([1704.05.12] 1705.04.27 – 1705.10.31)

Special Churches

Latakia (↙), Damascus (↘)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Population: 1,600 Catholics

Pastoral Centres: 5 parishes

Personnel: 7 priests (5 diocesan, 2 religious), 2 religious (2 brothers)


Pastoral Centres



Last updated on 2025.03.06

© 2025
