Bishops of Syria

by Name

Bishops and Ordinaries of Syria (29)

Patriarchs (2)

Patriarch Youssef Absi, M.S.P. (78)Absi, Youssef, M.S.P. (Joseph) (78) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Patriarch of Antioch of the Greek-Melkites (Syria), President of Synod of the Greek-Melkite Catholic Church, President of Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries in Syria and Patriarchal Administrator of Iraq of the Greek-Melkites (Iraq)
Patriarch Gregorios III Laham, B.S. (91)Laham, Gregorios III, B.S. (Loutfi) (91) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Patriarch emeritus of Antioch of the Greek-Melkites (Syria), Patriarch emeritus of Jerusalem of the Greek-Melkites, Patriarch emeritus of Alexandria of the Greek-Melkites, former President of Synod of the Greek-Melkite Catholic Church, former President of Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries in Syria and former Patriarchal Administrator of Iraq of the Greek-Melkites (Iraq)

Archbishops (16)

Archbishop Nicolas Antiba, B.A. (79)Antiba, Nicolas, B.A. (79) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Bosra–Hauran of the Greek-Melkites (Syria)
Archbishop Jean-Abdo Arbach, B.C. (72)Arbach, Jean-Abdo, B.C. (72) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Metropolitan Archbishop of Homs of the Greek-Melkites (Syria)
Archbishop Youhanna Jihad Battah (68)Battah, Youhanna Jihad (68) (Syriac Rite), Metropolitan Archbishop of Damascus of the Syriacs (Syria)
Archbishop Isidore Battikha, B.A. (74)Battikha, Isidore, B.A. (74) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Homs of the Greek-Melkites (Syria)
Archbishop Denys Raboula Antoine Beylouni (94)Beylouni, Denys Raboula Antoine (94) (Syriac Rite), Titular Archbishop of Mardin of the Syriacs and Archbishop emeritus of Aleppo of the Syriacs (Syria)
Archbishop Denys Antoine Chahda (78)Chahda, Denys Antoine (78) (Syriac Rite), Archbishop of Aleppo of the Syriacs (Syria)
Archbishop Joseph Abdel-Jalil Chami (65)Chami, Joseph Abdel-Jalil (65) (Syriac Rite), Archbishop of Hassaké–Nisibi of the Syriacs (Syria)
Archbishop Elias El-Debei (54)El-Debei, Elias (54) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Metropolitan Archbishop of Bosra–Hauran of the Greek-Melkites (Syria)
Archbishop Jean-Clément Jeanbart (81)Jeanbart, Jean-Clément (81) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Apostolic Visitator in Western Europe of the Greek-Melkites and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Aleppo of the Greek-Melkites (Syria)
Archbishop Georges Salim Khawam, M.S.P. (65)Khawam, Georges Salim, M.S.P. (65) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Archbishop of Latakia of the Greek-Melkites (Syria)
Archbishop Boutros Marayati (76)Marayati, Boutros (76) (Armenian Rite), Archbishop of Aleppo of the Armenians (Syria)
Archbishop Georges Masri (56)Masri, Georges (56) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Metropolitan Archbishop of Aleppo of the Greek-Melkites (Syria)
Archbishop Yagop Jacques Mourad (56)Mourad, Yagop Jacques (56) (Syriac Rite), Metropolitan Archbishop of Homs of the Syriacs (Syria)
Archbishop Samir Nassar (74)Nassar, Samir (74) (Maronite Rite), Archbishop of Damascus of the Maronites (Syria)
Archbishop Nikolaki Sawaf (82)Sawaf, Nikolaki (82) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Archbishop emeritus of Latakia of the Greek-Melkites (Syria)
Archbishop Joseph Tobji (53)Tobji, Joseph (53) (Maronite Rite), Archbishop of Aleppo of the Maronites (Syria)

Bishops (9)

Bishop Rami Flavian Al-Kabalan (45)Al-Kabalan, Rami Flavian (45) (Syriac Rite), Titular Bishop of Arethusa of the Syriacs, Procurator at Rome of the Syriacs and Apostolic Visitator in Western Europe of the Syriacs
Bishop Joseph Arnaouti, I.C.P.B. (88)Arnaouti, Joseph, I.C.P.B. (88) (Armenian Rite), Bishop emeritus of Kameshli of the Armenians (Syria) and Patriarchal Exarch emeritus of Damascus of the Armenians (Syria)
Bishop Kévork Assadourian (63)Assadourian, Kévork (63) (Armenian Rite), Patriarchal Exarch of Damascus of the Armenians (Syria), Titular Bishop of Amida of the Armenians and Auxiliary Bishop of Beirut of the Armenians (Lebanon)
Bishop Antoine Audo, S.J. (79)Audo, Antoine, S.J. (79) (Chaldean Rite), Bishop of Aleppo of the Chaldeans (Syria)
Bishop Antranig Ayvazian (77)Ayvazian, Antranig (77) (Armenian Rite), Bishop of Kameshli of the Armenians (Syria)
Bishop Jean-Marie Chami (62)Chami, Jean-Marie (62) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Patriarchal Vicar of Egypt, Sudan and South Sudan of the Greek-Melkites (Egypt), Titular Bishop of Tarsus of the Greek-Melkites and Auxiliary Bishop of Antioch of the Greek-Melkites (Syria)
Bishop Antoine Chbeir (64)Chbeir, Antoine (64) (Maronite Rite), Bishop of Latakia of the Maronites (Syria)
Bishop Hanna Jallouf, O.F.M. (72)Jallouf, Hanna, O.F.M. (72), Vicar Apostolic of Aleppo (Syria)
Bishop Georges Abou Khazen, O.F.M. (77)Khazen, Georges Abou, O.F.M. (77), Titular Bishop of Rusadus and Vicar Apostolic emeritus of Aleppo (Syria)

Other Prelates (2)

Archimandrite Chihade Abboud (46)Abboud, Chihade (46) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Procurator at Rome of the Greek-Melkites
Msgr. Nareg Naamoyan (53)Naamoyan, Nareg (53) (Armenian Rite), Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem and Amman of the Armenians (Jordan) and Priest of Kameshli of the Armenians (Syria)
Other Prelates born in Syria (17)
LebanonArchbishop Michel Abrass, B.A. (76)Abrass, Michel, B.A. (76) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Tyr of the Greek-Melkites (Lebanon)
VenezuelaBishop Timoteo Hikmat Beylouni (79)Beylouni, Timoteo Hikmat (79) (Syriac Rite), Apostolic Exarch of Venezuela of the Syriacs (Venezuela) and Titular Bishop of Sabrata
EgyptBishop Kricor-Okosdinos Coussa (71)Coussa, Kricor-Okosdinos (71) (Armenian Rite), Bishop of Iskanderiya of the Armenians (Egypt)
LebanonArchbishop Issam John Darwish, B.S. (79)Darwish, Issam John, B.S. (79) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Archbishop emeritus of Zahleh–Furzol of the Greek-Melkites (Lebanon)
IranBishop Sarkis Davidian, I.C.P.B. (81)Davidian, Sarkis, I.C.P.B. (81) (Armenian Rite), Bishop of Ispahan of the Armenians (Iran)
VenezuelaBishop Georges Kahhalé Zouhaïraty, B.A. (86)Kahhalé Zouhaïraty, Georges, B.A. (86) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Titular Bishop of Abila Lysaniæ and Apostolic Exarch emeritus of Venezuela of the Greek-Melkites (Venezuela)
VenezuelaBishop Joseph Antoine Khawam, B.A. (56)Khawam, Joseph Antoine, B.A. (56) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Apostolic Exarch of Venezuela of the Greek-Melkites (Venezuela), Titular Bishop of Apamea in Syria of the Greek-Melkites and Apostolic Administrator of Nuestra Señora del Paraíso en México of the Greek-Melkites (Mexico)
BrazilBishop Georges Toufik Khoury (55)Khoury, Georges Toufik (55) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Bishop of Nossa Senhora do Paraíso em São Paulo of the Greek-Melkites (Brazil)
IraqArchbishop Athanase Matti Shaba Matoka (94)Matoka, Athanase Matti Shaba (94) (Syriac Rite), Archbishop emeritus of Baghdad of the Syriacs (Iraq)
ArmeniaArchbishop Kevork Noradounguian, I.C.P.B. (56)Noradounguian, Kevork, I.C.P.B. (Georges Dankayé) (56) (Armenian Rite), Ordinary of East Europe of the Armenians (Armenia) and Titular Archbishop of Sebaste of the Armenians
ArgentinaBishop Ibrahim Salameh, M.S.P. (79)Salameh, Ibrahim, M.S.P. (79) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Titular Bishop of Palmyra of the Greek-Melkites and Apostolic Exarch emeritus of Argentina of the Greek-Melkites (Argentina)
ItalyFr. Wasim Salman (48)Salman, Wasim (48), President of Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies and Priest of Palestrina (Italy)
LebanonBishop Elias Khoury Slaiman (73)Slaiman, Elias Khoury (73) (Maronite Rite), President of Patriarchal Appeals Tribunal of the Maronites and Bishop emeritus of Latakia of the Maronites (Syria)
FranceBishop Jean Teyrouz, I.C.P.B. (83)Teyrouz, Jean, I.C.P.B. (83) (Armenian Rite), Bishop emeritus of Sainte-Croix-de-Paris of the Armenians (France)
FranceBishop Elie Yéghia Yéghiayan, I.C.P.B. (74)Yéghiayan, Elie Yéghia, I.C.P.B. (74) (Armenian Rite), Bishop of Sainte-Croix-de-Paris of the Armenians (France) and Apostolic Visitator in Western Europe of the Armenians
LebanonPatriarch Ignace Youssif III Younan (80)Younan, Ignace Youssif III (Ephrem Joseph) (80) (Syriac Rite), Patriarch of Antioch of the Syriacs (Lebanon) and President of Synod of the Syriac Catholic Church
IraqArchbishop Nersès Joseph Zabbara (55)Zabbara, Nersès Joseph (55) (Armenian Rite), Archbishop of Baghdad of the Armenians (Iraq)
Other Prelates related to Syria (3)
ItalyArchbishop Diego Causero (85)Causero, Diego (85), Titular Archbishop of Grado
BrazilArchbishop Farès Maakaroun (84)Maakaroun, Farès (84) (Greek-Melkite Rite), Archbishop-Bishop emeritus of Nossa Senhora do Paraíso em São Paulo of the Greek-Melkites (Brazil)
ItalyCardinal Mario Zenari (79)Zenari, Mario (79), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria delle Grazie alle Fornaci fuori Porta Cavalleggeri and Apostolic Nuncio to Syria

Last updated on 2025.02.16

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