Consistory of 1378.09.18 (at the time of creation) (24) |
1. | Patriarch Tommaso de Frignano, O.F.M. (73), Patriarch of Grado (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
2. | Archbishop Pietro Pileo di Prata (48), Metropolitan Archbishop of Ravenna (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
3. | Archbishop Francesco Moricotti Prignani Butillo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Pisa (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
4. | Bishop Luca Rodolfucci de Gentili, Bishop of Nocera Umbra (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
5. | Bishop Andrea Bontempi Martini, Bishop of Perugia (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
6. | Fr. Bonaventura Badoaro de Peraga, O.E.S.A. (46), Prior General of Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine (Augustinian Hermits) | Cardinal-Priest |
7. | Fr. Niccolò Caracciolo Moschino, O.P., Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals | Cardinal-Priest |
8. | Fr. Filippo Carafa della Serra (38) | Cardinal-Priest |
9. | Mr. Galeotto Tarlati de Petramala (43) | Cardinal-Deacon |
10. | Archbishop Giovanni da Amelia (69), Metropolitan Archbishop of Corfù (Greece) | Cardinal-Priest |
11. | Bishop Filippo Gezza Ruffini, O.P., Bishop of Tivoli (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
12. | Bishop Poncello Orsini, Bishop of Aversa (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
13. | Bishop Bartolomeo Mezzavacca, Bishop of Rieti (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
14. | Bishop Renoul de Monteruc (27), Bishop of Sisteron (France) and Vice-Chancellor of Apostolic Chancery | Cardinal-Priest |
15. | Mr. Gentile di Sangro | Cardinal-Deacon |
16. | Patriarch Philippe d’Alençon de Valois (40), Patriarch of Jerusalem and Apostolic Administrator of Auch (France) | Cardinal-Priest |
17. | Archbishop Jan Očko z Vlašim (86), Metropolitan Archbishop of Praha (Czechia) | Cardinal-Priest |
18. | Archbishop Guglielmo Sanseverino, Metropolitan Archbishop of Salerno (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
19. | Bishop Eleazario da Sabran (48), Bishop of Chieti (Italy) and Major Penitentiary of Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary | Cardinal-Priest |
20. | Archbishop Demeter Vaskúti (Dömötör), Metropolitan Archbishop of Esztergom (Hungary) | Cardinal-Priest |
21. | Bishop Agapito Colonna, Bishop of Lisboa (Portugal) | Cardinal-Priest |
22. | Mr. Ludovico di Capua (67) | Cardinal-Deacon |
23. | Mr. Stefano Colonna | Cardinal-Deacon |
24. | Bishop Giovanni Fieschi, Bishop of Vercelli (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
Consistory of 1381.12.21 (at the time of creation) (6) |
1. | Fr. Adam Easton, E.B.C. (53) | Cardinal-Priest |
2. | Fr. Ludovico Donato, O.F.M. (76), Minister General of Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans) | Cardinal-Priest |
3. | Fr. Bartolomeo da Cogorno, O.F.M., Metropolitan Archbishop of Genova (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
4. | Fr. Francesco Renzio | Cardinal-Deacon |
5. | Fr. Landolfo Maramaldo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bari e Canosa (Italy) | Cardinal-Deacon |
6. | Fr. Pietro Tomacelli (25) | Cardinal-Deacon |
Consistory of 1383 (at the time of creation) (3) |
1. | Archbishop Marino Giudice, Metropolitan Archbishop of Taranto (Italy) and Apostolic Administrator of Aversa (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
2. | Fr. Tommaso Orsini | Cardinal-Deacon |
3. | Archbishop Gugilemo di Capua, Metropolitan Archbishop of Salerno (Italy) | Cardinal-Deacon |
Consistory of 1384.12.17 (at the time of creation) (9) |
1. | Bishop Bálint Alsáni (54), Bishop of Pécs (Hungary) | Cardinal-Priest |
2. | Bishop Angelo Acciaioli (44), Bishop of Firenze (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
3. | Bishop Francesco Carbone, O. Cist., Bishop of Monopoli (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
4. | Mr. Marino Bulcani | Cardinal-Deacon |
5. | Mr. Rinaldo Brancaccio | Cardinal-Deacon |
6. | Mr. Francesco Castagnola | Cardinal-Deacon |
7. | Fr. Ludovico Fieschi, Apostolic Administrator of Vercelli (Italy) | Cardinal-Deacon |
8. | Bishop Stefano Palosti de Verayneris, Bishop of Todi (Italy) | Cardinal-Priest |
9. | Fr. Angelo d’Anna de Sommariva, O.S.B. Cam. | Cardinal-Deacon |