Date | Celebration |
2006.12.25 – 2007.01.01 | Christmas Octave 2006 Christmas |
2007.01.01 | World Day of Peace 2007 peace |
2007.01.14 | 93ʳᵈ World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2007 migrant |
2007.01.18 – 2007.01.25 | Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2007 ecumenism |
2007.01.28 | 54ᵗʰ World Leprosy Day leprosy |
2007.02.02 | World Day for Consecrated Life 2007 religious |
2007.02.11 | World Day of the Sick 2007 sick |
2007.02.21 – 2007.04.05 | Lent 2007 Lent |
2007.04.01 | World Youth Day 2007 youth |
2007.04.05 – 2007.04.08 | Triduum 2007 Triduum |
2007.04.21 – 2007.04.22 | Pastoral Visit to Vigevano and Pavia papal journey in Italy |
2007.04.29 | World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2007 vocation |
2007.05.09 – 2007.05.14 | Fifth General Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Bishops' Conferences (Brazil) Brazil papal journey - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Interview of the Holy Father during the flight to Brazil” (2007.05.09)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Welcome ceremony at the International Airport of São Paulo/Guarulhos” (2007.05.09)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Greeting and blessing from the balcony of the Monastery of São Bento in São Paulo” (2007.05.09)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with the youth at Paulo Machado de Carvalho municipal Stadium in Pacaembu, São Paulo” (2007.05.10)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting and Celebration of Vespers with the Bishops of Brazil in the Catedral da Sé in São Paulo” (2007.05.11)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Recitation of the Holy Rosary and meeting with Priests, Men Religious, Women Religious, Seminarians and Deacons at the Basilica of the Shrine of Aparecida” (2007.05.12)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with the community living in the Fazenda da Esperança in Guaratinguetá” (2007.05.12)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with the Community of Poor Clares at the Fazenda da Esperança in Guaratinguetá” (2007.05.12)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Inaugural session of the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean at Aparecida” (2007.05.13)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Farewell ceremony at the International Airport of São Paulo/Guarulhos” (2007.05.13)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “Inauguration of the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean in the square in front of the Shrine of Aparecida” (2007.05.13)

2007.05.20 | World Communications Day 2007 communication |
2007.06.15 | World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests 2007 priest |
2007.06.17 | Pastoral Visit to Assisi papal journey in Italy |
2007.07.08 | Sea Sunday 2007 sea |
2007.09.01 – 2007.09.02 | Pastoral Visit to Loreto papal journey in Italy |
2007.09.07 – 2007.09.09 | Apostolic Journey to Mariazell, Austria Austria papal journey - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with the public authorities and the Diplomatic Corps at Hofburg Palace in Vienna” (2007.09.07)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Welcome ceremony at the international airport of Vienna/Schwechat” (2007.09.07)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Prayer before the Mariensäule at Am Hof Square in Vienna” (2007.09.07)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Interview of the Holy Father during the flight to Austria” (2007.09.07)
- Pope Benedict XVI, Speech To the priests, religious, deacons and seminarians at the Basilica of Mariazell (2007.09.08)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily For the 850ᵗʰ anniversary of the foundation of the Shrine of Mariazell (2007.09.08)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Farewell ceremony at the international airport of Vienna/Schwechat” (2007.09.09)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Visit to Heiligenkreuz Abbey” (2007.09.09)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Speech “Meeting with representatives of volunteer organizations at the Wiener Konzerthaus” (2007.09.09)
 - Pope Benedict XVI, Homily “At St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna” (2007.09.09)

2007.09.23 | Pastoral Visit to Velletri papal journey in Italy |
2007.09.27 | World Tourism Day 2007 tourism |
2007.10.16 | World Food Day 2007 food |
2007.10.21 | World Mission Sunday 2007 mission |
2007.10.21 | Pastoral Visit to Napoli papal journey in Italy |
2007.11.23 | 8ᵗʰ Extraordinary Consistory consistory |
2007.11.24 | Ordinary Public Consistory for the Creation of 23 Cardinals  cardinal consistory |
2007.12.08 – 2008.12.08 | 150ᵗʰ Anniversary of Lourdes Lourdes Mary |
2007.12.25 – 2008.01.01 | Christmas Octave 2007 Christmas |