Changes in Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions

in Sweden

1010Diocese of Växjö was established
1014Diocese of Skara was established (became suffragan of Hamburg)
1050Diocese of Linköping was established (from Diocese of Skara and became suffragan of Hamburg)
1050Diocese of Munktorp was established (became suffragan of Hamburg)
1060Diocese of Dalby was established (from Diocese of Roskilde)
1060Diocese of Lund was established (from Diocese of Roskilde)
1060Diocese of Sigtuna was established
1067Diocese of Dalby was suppressed (to Diocese of Lund)
1100Diocese of Uppsala was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hamburg–Bremen and became suffragan of Hamburg–Bremen)
1100Diocese of Munktorp was renamed as Diocese of Västerås
1104Diocese of Lund was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Lund (with suffragan sees Århus, Børglum, Linköping, Nidaros, Odense, Oslo, Ribe, Roskilde, Schleswig, Skálholt, Skara, Uppsala, Västerås and Viborg)
1129Diocese of Strängnäs was established (became suffragan of Lund)
1164Diocese of Sigtuna was suppressed (to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Uppsala and Diocese of Västerås)
1164Diocese of Uppsala was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Uppsala (with suffragan sees Åbo, Linköping, Skara, Strängnäs, Västerås and Växjö, gained territory from the suppressed Diocese of Sigtuna and lost territory to establish Diocese of Åbo)
1527.01.13Diocese of Skara was suppressed
1530.10.04Diocese of Växjö was suppressed
1534Diocese of Västerås was suppressed
1537Diocese of Strängnäs was suppressed
1538.08.01Diocese of Linköping was suppressed
1553.01Metropolitan Archdiocese of Lund was suppressed
1588Metropolitan Archdiocese of Uppsala was suppressed
1781Apostolic Prefecture of Sweden was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions)
1783.09.23Apostolic Prefecture of Sweden was promoted as Apostolic Vicariate of Sweden
1848.07.03Apostolic Vicariate of Sweden lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Mohilev
1855.12.08Apostolic Prefecture of North Pole was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Québec, Diocese of Saint-Boniface, Apostolic Vicariate of Nordic Missions and Apostolic Vicariate of Sweden)
1866.03.20Apostolic Prefecture of North Pole was renamed as Apostolic Prefecture of North Pole
1869.08.17Apostolic Prefecture of North Pole was suppressed (to Diocese of Saint-Boniface, Diocese of Saint-Germain de Rimouski, Apostolic Vicariate of Athabaska Mackenzie, Apostolic Vicariate of Northern District of Scotland, Apostolic Vicariate of Sweden and Apostolic Prefecture of Denmark)
1953.06.29Apostolic Vicariate of Sweden was promoted as Diocese of Stockholm (without ecclesiastical province)
1959.04.17Apostolic Exarchate of Deutschland und Skandinavien (Ukrainian Rite) was established

Last updated on 2024.12.24

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