Diocese of


El Salvador El Salvador


Continent: Central America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Diocese Diocese

Name: Zacatecoluca / Zacatecolucan(us) (Latin)

Ecclesiastical Province: San Salvador

Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops


Liturgical Calendar (Universal) 📅


Present Prelates

Bishop (1998.02.27 – ...):Bishop Elías Samuel Bolaños Avelar, S.D.B. (73)Bishop Elías Samuel Bolaños Avelar, S.D.B. (73)

Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of El Salvador


Bishops of Zacatecoluca (Roman Rite)

Bishop Elías Samuel Bolaños Avelar, S.D.B. (73)Bishop Elías Samuel Bolaños Avelar, S.D.B. (73)
(1998.02.27 – ...)

Bishop of Zacatecoluca (El Salvador)
Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of El Salvador

Born:1951.02.16 (Cutumay, El Salvador)
Ordained Priest:1979.10.27
Consecrated Bishop:1998.03.25

Bishop of Zacatecoluca (El Salvador) (1998.02.27 – ...)

Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of El Salvador (2020.03? – ...)

Bishop Romeo Tovar Astorga, O.F.M. (84)Bishop Romeo Tovar Astorga, O.F.M. (84)
(1987.05.05 – 1996.12.17)

Bishop emeritus of Santa Ana (El Salvador)
former General Secretary of Episcopal Conference of El Salvador

Born:1940.03.05 (Ciudad Delgado, El Salvador)
Ordained Priest:1968.06.25
Consecrated Bishop:1987.07.25

General Secretary of Episcopal Conference of El Salvador (? – 2016.02.09)

Bishop of Zacatecoluca (El Salvador) (1987.05.05 – 1996.12.17)

President of Episcopal Conference of El Salvador (1988 – 1992)

Coadjutor Bishop of San Miguel (El Salvador) (1996.12.17 – 1997.04.10)

Bishop of San Miguel (El Salvador) (1997.04.10 – 1999.05.12)

Bishop of Santa Ana (El Salvador) (1999.05.12 – 2016.02.09)

Special Churches

San Salvador (←), San Vicente (↑), Santiago de María (→)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 1,536 km²

Population: 235,426 Catholics (70.0% of 336,405 total)

Pastoral Centres: 40 parishes

Personnel: 62 priests (58 diocesan, 4 religious), 2 deacons, 67 religious (6 brothers, 61 sisters), 29 seminarians


Pastoral Centres





Last updated on 2024.11.26

© 2024 GCatholic.org
