Diocese of


Malaysia Malaysia

Continent: South and East Asia

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Diocese Diocese

Name: Miri / 美里 (正體中文) / Mirien(sis) (Latin)

Ecclesiastical Province: Kuching

Depends on: Dicastery for Evangelisation



Cathedral Dedication Anniversary: March 19

Liturgical Calendar (National) 📅


Present Prelates

Bishop (2013.10.30 – ...):Bishop Richard Ng (58)Bishop Richard Ng (吳對龍) (58)

General Secretary of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei


Bishops of Miri (Roman Rite)

Bishop Richard Ng (58)Bishop Richard Ng (吳對龍) (58)
(2013.10.30 – ...)

Bishop of Miri (Malaysia)
General Secretary of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei

Proclaim the Gospel

Born:1966.06.20 (Kuching, Malaysia)
Ordained Priest:1995.02.18
Consecrated Bishop:2014.01.25

Priest of Kuching (Malaysia) (1995.02.18 – 2013.10.30)

Bishop of Miri (Malaysia) (2013.10.30 – ...)

General Secretary of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei (2021 – ...)

Bishop Anthony Lee Kok Hin (87)Bishop Anthony Lee Kok Hin (87)
(1977.05.30 – 2013.10.30)

Bishop emeritus of Miri (Malaysia)

Born:1937.03.20 (Miri, Malaysia)
Ordained Priest:1966.01.02
Consecrated Bishop:1977.11.20

Priest of Miri (Malaysia) (1966.01.02 – 1977.05.30)

Bishop of Miri (Malaysia) (1977.05.30 – 2013.10.30)

Bishop Anthony Denis Galvin, M.H.M.
(1976.05.31 – 1976.09.05)

Born:1919.02.04 (England)
Ordained Priest:1944.06.29
Consecrated Bishop:1960.05.08
Died:1976.09.05 († 57)

Titular Bishop of Lete (1960.04.05 – 1976.05.31)

Vicar Apostolic of Miri (Malaysia) (1960.04.05 – 1976.05.31)

President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei (1969 – 1976)

Bishop of Miri (Malaysia) (1976.05.31 – 1976.09.05)

Vicars Apostolic of Miri (Roman Rite)

Bishop Anthony Denis Galvin, M.H.M.
(1960.04.05 – 1976.05.31)

(see above)

Special Churches

Churches by City (7)

Sibu (↙), Brunei (↗), Keningau (→)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 66,135 km²

Population: 117,930 Catholics (12.4% of 947,600 total)

Pastoral Centres: 15 parishes

Personnel: 28 priests (19 diocesan, 9 religious), 26 religious (9 brothers, 17 sisters), 3 seminarians


Pastoral Centres




Last updated on 2025.03.06

© 2025 GCatholic.org
