Apostolic Vicariate of


Ecuador Ecuador

Continent: South America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Apostolic Vicariate Apostolic Vicariate

Name: Esmeraldas / Esmeralden(sis) (Latin)

Immediately subject to the Holy See

Depends on: Dicastery for Evangelisation


Liturgical Calendar (National) 📅


Present Prelates

Vicar Apostolic (2021.07.05 – ...):Bishop Antonio Crameri, S.S.C. (56)Bishop Antonio Crameri, S.S.C. (56)


Vicars Apostolic of Esmeraldas (Roman Rite)

Bishop Antonio Crameri, S.S.C. (56)Bishop Antonio Crameri, S.S.C. (56)
(2021.07.05 – ...)

Vicar Apostolic of Esmeraldas (Ecuador)

Caritas Christi urget nos

Born:1969.01.04 (Locardo, Switzerland)
Ordained Priest:1996.06.08
Consecrated Bishop:2020.02.29

Titular Bishop of Apollonia (2019.12.20 – 2021.07.05)

Auxiliary Bishop of Guayaquil (Ecuador) (2019.12.20 – 2021.07.05)

Vicar Apostolic of Esmeraldas (Ecuador) (2021.07.05 – ...)

Bishop Eugenio Arellano Fernández, M.C.C.J. (80)Bishop Eugenio Arellano Fernández, M.C.C.J. (80)
(1995.06.01 – 2021.07.05)

Titular Bishop of Cellæ in Proconsulari
Vicar Apostolic emeritus of Esmeraldas (Ecuador)

Born:1944.11.13 (Corella, Spain)
Ordained Priest:1972.12.18
Consecrated Bishop:1995.08.20

Vicar Apostolic of Esmeraldas (Ecuador) (1995.06.01 – 2021.07.05)

Titular Bishop of Cellæ in Proconsulari (1995.06.01 – ...)

Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of Ecuador (2005 – 2008)

President of Episcopal Conference of Ecuador (2017.04.28 – 2020.11.11)

Bishop Enrico Bartolucci Panaroni, M.C.C.J.
(1973.06.14 – 1995.02.10)

Born:1928.03.14 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1952.06.07
Consecrated Bishop:1973.06.29
Died:1995.02.10 († 66)

Titular Bishop of Castulo (1973.06.14 – 1995.02.10)

Vicar Apostolic of Esmeraldas (Ecuador) (1973.06.14 – 1995.02.10)

Bishop Angelo Barbisotti, F.S.C.J.
(1957.11.14 – 1972.09.17)

Born:1904.10.31 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1928.07.15
Consecrated Bishop:1958.02.02
Died:1972.09.17 († 67)

Titular Bishop of Caunas (1957.11.14 – 1972.09.17)

Vicar Apostolic of Esmeraldas (Ecuador) (1957.11.14 – 1972.09.17)

Prefects Apostolic of Esmeraldas (Roman Rite)

Fr. Jeroteo della Santissima Vergine del Carmelo, O.C.D.
(1946.10.25 – 1954)


Prefect Apostolic of Esmeraldas (Ecuador) (1946.10.25 – 1954)

Special Churches

Portoviejo (↙), Tumaco (↗), Tulcán (→), Ibarra (↘), Santo Domingo (↓)

Statistics (2021.12.31)

Area: 15,260 km²

Population: 499,000 Catholics (81.4% of 613,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 26 parishes, 5 missions

Personnel: 61 priests (41 diocesan, 20 religious), 9 deacons, 157 religious (29 brothers, 128 sisters), 29 seminarians


Pastoral Centres





Last updated on 2025.03.06

© 2025 GCatholic.org
