Catholic Dioceses in the World

by Type

Metropolitan Sees sui juris (5)

Metropolitanate sui jurisAscendingCountryRiteChurches/Bishops
Metropolitanate Addis AbebaEthiopia EthiopiaEthiopicCathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cardinal Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel, C.M. (76) Bishop Tesfaye Tadesse Gebresilasie, M.C.C.J. (55)
Metropolitanate AsmaraEritrea EritreaEritreanCathedral of Kidane Mehret Former Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary Archbishop Menghesteab Tesfamariam, M.C.C.J. (76)
Metropolitanate HajdúdorogHungary HungaryHungarianIstenszülő Oltalma Görög katolikus székesegyház Istenszülő templomba vezetése Görög katolikus székesegyház Archbishop Peter Fülöp Kocsis (61) Bishop Szilárd Keresztes (92)
Metropolitanate PittsburghUSA USARuthenianSt. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Cathedral Archbishop William Charles Skurla (68)
Metropolitanate PrešovSlovakia SlovakiaSlovakGreckokatolícka katedrálny chrám sv. Jána Krstiteľa Bazilika minor Zosnutia Presvätej Bohorodičky Chrám sv. Michala Archanjela Chrám sv. Mikuláša Archbishop Jonáš Jozef Maxim, M.S.U. (50) Archbishop Ján Babjak, S.J. (71)

Last updated on 2025.01.01

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