Diocese of

Macau 澳門

Macau Macau


Bishop (2016.01.16 – ...):Bishop Stephen Lee Bun-sang, Opus Dei (68)Bishop Stephen Lee Bun-sang (李斌生), Opus Dei (68)

Churches (24)

Jiangmen 江門 (↖), Guangzhou 廣州 (↑), Hong Kong 香港 (→)
Cities (Macau Peninsula) AscendingChurches (20)
Cathedral Parish 大堂區, Macau PeninsulaCathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady Nativity of Mary (Cathedral, World Heritage Site) (Chinese, English, Portuguese) Locate
Sé Catedral da Natividade de Nossa Senhora
Cathedral Parish 大堂區, Macau PeninsulaChurch of St. Clare St. Clare (Parish) Locate
Igreja de Santa Clara
Cathedral Parish 大堂區, Macau PeninsulaChurch of St. Dominic St. Dominic (World Heritage Site) Locate
Igreja de São Domingos
Our Lady of Fatima Parish 花地瑪堂區, Macau PeninsulaChapel of the Holy Cross Holy Cross Locate
Capela da Santa Cruz
University of St. Joseph
Our Lady of Fatima Parish 花地瑪堂區, Macau PeninsulaChurch of Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Fatima (Parish) Locate
Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Fátima
Our Lady of Fatima Parish 花地瑪堂區, Macau PeninsulaChapel of Our Lady of Mercy Our Lady of Mercy Locate
Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade
Our Lady of Fatima Parish 花地瑪堂區, Macau PeninsulaChurch of St. Francis Xavier of Mongha St. Francis Xavier of Mongha (Parish) Locate
Igreja de São Francisco Xavier
Our Lady of Fatima Parish 花地瑪堂區, Macau PeninsulaChurch of St. Joseph the Worker St. Joseph the Worker (Parish) Locate
Igreja de São José Operário
St. Anthony Parish 聖安多尼堂區, Macau PeninsulaRuins of the Church of the Mother of God, St. Paul’s College Mother of God Locate
Ruínas de São Paulo (Igreja da Madre de Deus)
St. Anthony Parish 聖安多尼堂區, Macau PeninsulaChurch of St. Anthony St. Anthony (World Heritage Site, Parish) Locate
Igreja de São Antonio
St. Anthony Parish 聖安多尼堂區, Macau PeninsulaMuseum of Sacred Art (Museum of Sacred Art) Locate
St. Lawrence Parish 風順堂區, Macau PeninsulaChapel of Our Lady of Penha Our Lady of Penha Locate
Capela de Nossa Senhora da Penha
St. Lawrence Parish 風順堂區, Macau PeninsulaChurch of St. Augustine St. Augustine (World Heritage Site) Locate
Igreja de São Agostinho
St. Lawrence Parish 風順堂區, Macau PeninsulaChapel of St. James St. James Locate
Capela de São Tiago
St. Lawrence Parish 風順堂區, Macau PeninsulaSeminary and Church of St. Joseph St. Joseph (World Heritage Site, Seminary) Locate
Seminário e Igreja de São José
St. Lawrence Parish 風順堂區, Macau PeninsulaChurch of St. Lawrence St. Lawrence (World Heritage Site, Parish) Locate
Igreja de São Lourenço
St. Lazarus Parish 望德堂區, Macau PeninsulaChurch of St. Lazarus St. Lazarus (Former Cathedral, Parish) Locate
Igreja de São Lázaro
St. Lazarus Parish 望德堂區, Macau PeninsulaChapel of Our Lady Guia Our Lady of Guia (World Heritage Site) Locate
Capela de Nossa Senhora da Guia
St. Lazarus Parish 望德堂區, Macau PeninsulaChapel of St. Michael St. Michael Locate
Capela de São Miguel
St. Lazarus Parish 望德堂區, Macau PeninsulaYuet Wah College (Yuet Wah College) (Chapel) Locate
Cities (Coloane) AscendingChurches (3)
St. Francis Xavier’s Parish 聖方濟各堂區, ColoaneChapel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Immaculate Heart of Mary (Chapel) Locate
Capela do Imaculado Coração de Maria
St. Francis Xavier’s Parish 聖方濟各堂區, ColoaneChurch of Our Lady of Sorrows Our Lady of Sorrows Locate
Missão de Nossa Senhora das Dores
St. Francis Xavier’s Parish 聖方濟各堂區, ColoaneChurch of St. Francis Xavier of Coloane St. Francis Xavier of Coloane (Parish) Locate
Igreja de São Francisco Xavier
Cities (Taipa) AscendingChurches (1)
Our Lady of Carmel Parish 嘉模堂區, TaipaChurch of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Parish) Locate
Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo

Last updated on 2024.12.13

See Also

Diocese of Macau 澳門

Special Churches in China

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