Special Churches



(China China, Hong Kong Hong Kong, Macau Macau)

Myanmar, ↙ Nepal, ↙ India, Bhutan, ← Pakistan, ← Tajikistan, ↖ Kyrgyzstan, ↖ Kazakhstan, ↑ Mongolia, ↗ Russia, ↗ North and South Korea, → Japan, → Taiwan, ↘ Philippines, ↓ Vietnam, ↓ Laos
China安徽 (Anhui), China
Anqing 安庆Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Bengbu 蚌埠Cathedral Cathedral Locate
Hefei 合肥Cathedral of Christ the King Cathedral of Christ the King Locate
Huangshan 黄山Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Locate
Wuhu 芜湖Cathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
China北京 (Beijing), China
Beijing 北京Cathedral of the Holy Saviour (North Church) Cathedral of the Holy Saviour (North Church) Locate
Beijing 北京Church of the Immaculate Conception (South Church) Church of the Immaculate Conception (South Church) Locate
China重慶 (Chongqing), China
Chongqing 重庆Cathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Wanzhou 万州Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Locate
China福建 (Fujian), China
Fu’an 福安Church of Our Lady of the Rosary Church of Our Lady of the Rosary Locate
Fuzhou 福州Cathedral of St. Dominic Cathedral of St. Dominic Locate
Jian’ou 建瓯Cathedral Cathedral Locate
Ningde 宁德Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul Locate
Shaowu 邵武Cathedral of Our Lady of Fatima Cathedral of Our Lady of Fatima Locate
Xiamen 厦门Cathedral of the Holy Rosary Cathedral of the Holy Rosary Locate
Xiamen 厦门Church of Christ the King Church of Christ the King Locate
China甘肅 (Gansu), China
Lanzhou 兰州Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Locate
Pingliang 平凉Cathedral Cathedral Locate
Tianshui 天水Dongguan Cathedral Dongguan Cathedral Locate
China廣東 (Guangdong), China
Guangzhou 广州Sacred Heart Cathedral (Seksat Church) Sacred Heart Cathedral (Seksat Church) Locate
Jiangmen 江门Former Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Former Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Locate
Meizhou 梅州Cathedral of the Holy Family Cathedral of the Holy Family Locate
Shantou 汕头Cathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Zhanjiang 湛江Cathedral of St. Victor Cathedral of St. Victor Locate
Zhongshan 中山Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral Locate
China廣西 (Guangxi), China
Guilin 桂林Cathedral of St. Therese of Lisieux Cathedral of St. Therese of Lisieux Locate
Nanning 南宁Cathedral of Our Lady of China Cathedral of Our Lady of China Locate
Wuzhou 梧州Cathedral Cathedral Locate
China貴州 (Guizhou), China
Guiyang 贵阳Cathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Shiqian 石阡Cathedral Cathedral Locate
China海南 (Hainan), China
Haikou 海口Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
China河北 (Hebei), China
Baoding 保定Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul Locate
Biancun 邊村Cathedral of the Good Shepherd Cathedral of the Good Shepherd Locate
Chengde 承德Cathedral of the Good Shepherd Cathedral of the Good Shepherd Locate
Chongli 崇礼县城Cathedral Cathedral Locate
Daming 大名Mother of Grace Cathedral Mother of Grace Cathedral Locate
Donglu 东闾村National Shrine of Our Lady of China National Shrine of Our Lady of China Locate
Handan 邯郸Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Jingxian 景县Cathedral of Our Lady Help of Christians Cathedral of Our Lady Help of Christians Locate
Lulung 卢龙Immaculate Conception Cathedral Immaculate Conception Cathedral Locate
Shahe 沙河Shrine of Our Lady of Christians Shrine of Our Lady of Christians Locate
Shijiazhuang 石家庄Immaculate Conception Cathedral Immaculate Conception Cathedral Locate
Tangshan 唐山Immaculate Conception Cathedral Immaculate Conception Cathedral Locate
Wuqiu Village 武邱村Cathedral of Christ the King Cathedral of Christ the King Locate
Xianxian 献县Dazhangzhuang Sacred Heart Cathedral Dazhangzhuang Sacred Heart Cathedral Locate
Xingtai 邢台Cathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Zhangjiakou 张家口市Cathedral of the Holy Cross Cathedral of the Holy Cross Locate
China黑龍江 (Heilongjiang), China
Harbin 哈尔滨Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Jiamusi 佳木斯Cathedral Cathedral Locate
Qiqihar 齐齐哈尔Cathedral of St. Michael Cathedral of St. Michael Locate
China河南 (Henan), China
Anyang 安阳Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Locate
Kaifeng 开封Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Luoyang 洛阳Cathedral of the Mother of God Cathedral of the Mother of God Locate
Nanyang 南阳Jingang Cathedral of St. Joseph Jingang Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Shangqiu 商丘Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (South Church) Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (South Church) Locate
Zhengzhou 郑州Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes Locate
China湖北 (Hubei), China
Chibi 赤壁Cathedral Cathedral Locate
Hanyang 汉阳Cathedral of St. Columban Cathedral of St. Columban Locate
Jingzhou 荆州Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Locate
Laohekou 老河口Cathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Suizhou 随州Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Wuhan 武汉Cathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Wuhan 武汉Cathedral of the Holy Family Cathedral of the Holy Family Locate
Xiangyang 襄阳Cathedral of the Holy Rosary Cathedral of the Holy Rosary Locate
Yichang 宜昌Cathedral of St. Francis Cathedral of St. Francis Locate
China湖南 (Hunan), China
Changsha 长沙Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Locate
Xiangtan 湘潭Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Yueyang 岳阳Cathedral of St. Augustine Cathedral of St. Augustine Locate
China內蒙 (Inner Mongolia), China
Chifeng 赤峰Chifeng Cathedral Chifeng Cathedral Locate
Dayingzi 大营子Cathedral Cathedral Locate
Hohhot 呼和浩特Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Ulan Qab 乌兰察布市Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary Locate
Youqianqi 乌兰察布盟察哈尔右翼前旗玫瑰营Former Cathedral of the Rosary Former Cathedral of the Rosary Locate
China江蘇 (Jiangsu), China
Haimen 海门Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Nanjing 南京Immaculate Conception Cathedral Immaculate Conception Cathedral Locate
Nantong 南通Cathedral of the Good Shepherd Cathedral of the Good Shepherd Locate
Suzhou 苏州Cathedral of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows Cathedral of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows Locate
Xuzhou 徐州Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Yangzhou 揚州Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Locate
China江西 (Jiangxi), China
Ganzhou 赣州Cathedral Cathedral Locate
Ji’an 吉安Cathedral Cathedral Locate
Nanchang 南昌Immaculate Conception Cathedral Immaculate Conception Cathedral Locate
Nancheng 南城Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary Locate
Yujiang 余江Cathedral of St. Louis Cathedral of St. Louis Locate
China吉林 (Jilin), China
Changchun 长春Cathedral of St. Therese Cathedral of St. Therese Locate
Jilin 吉林Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Siping 四平Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Locate
China遼寧 (Liaoning), China
Chaoyang 朝阳Former Cathedral Former Cathedral Locate
Chaoyang 朝陽Cathedral Cathedral Locate
Fushun 抚顺Cathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Shenyang 沈阳Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
China寧夏 (Ningxia), China
Yinchuan 银川Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Locate
China青海 (Qinghai), China
Xining 西寧Cathedral Cathedral Locate
China陝西 (Shaanxi), China
Ankang 安康Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Fengxiang 凤翔Cathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Guluba 古路坝村Former Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul Former Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul Locate
Hanzhong 汉中Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel Locate
Sanyuan 三原Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Weinan 渭南Cathedral Cathedral Locate
Xi’an 西安Cathedral of St. Francis Cathedral of St. Francis Locate
Yulin 榆林Cathedral Cathedral Locate
Zhouzhi 周至Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Sanmenshizi Cathedral) Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Sanmenshizi Cathedral) Locate
China山東 (Shandong), China
Heze 菏泽Cathedral of Christ the King Cathedral of Christ the King Locate
Jinan 济南Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Locate
Jinan 济南Church of the Immaculate Conception Church of the Immaculate Conception Locate
Liaocheng 聊城Cathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Linyi 临沂Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption Locate
Longyan 龙岩Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary Locate
Poli 坡里村Cathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Qingdao 青岛Cathedral of St. Michael Cathedral of St. Michael Locate
Qinzhou 青州Cathedral of Christ the King Cathedral of Christ the King Locate
Yantai 煙台Cathedral of Our Lady Help of Christians Cathedral of Our Lady Help of Christians Locate
Yanzhou 兖州Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Locate
Zibo 淄博Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
China上海 (Shanghai), China
Shanghai 上海Cathedral of St. Ignatius (Xujiahui Church) Cathedral of St. Ignatius (Xujiahui Church) Locate
Shanghai 上海Church of St. Francis Xavier (Dongjaidu Church) Church of St. Francis Xavier (Dongjaidu Church) Locate
Sheshan 佘山Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians Locate
China山西 (Shanxi), China
Changzhi 长治Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Locate
Datong 大同Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Locate
Linfen 临汾Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes Locate
Luliang 吕梁Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Pujong 晋中Cathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Shuozhou 朔州Cathedral of Our Lady Cathedral of Our Lady Locate
Taiyuan 太原Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Locate
Yuncheng 运城Cathedral of St. Anthony of Padua Cathedral of St. Anthony of Padua Locate
China四川 (Sichuan), China
Chengdu 成都Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Pinganqiao Church) Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Pinganqiao Church) Locate
Kangding 康定Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Locate
Leshan 乐山Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Nanchong 南充Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Xichang 西昌Cathedral of the Angels Cathedral of the Angels Locate
Yibin 宜宾Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament Locate
China天津 (Tianjin), China
Tianjin 天津Cathedral of St. Joseph (Laoxikai Church) Cathedral of St. Joseph (Laoxikai Church) Locate
Tianjin 天津Our Lady of Victory Church (Wanghailou Church) Our Lady of Victory Church (Wanghailou Church) Locate
China新疆 (Xinjiang), China
Urumchi 乌鲁木齐Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Locate
China西藏 (Xizang (Tibet)), China
China雲南 (Yunnan), China
Dali 大理Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Zhaotong 昭通Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
China浙江 (Zhejiang), China
Hangzhou 杭州Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Locate
Lishui 丽水Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Locate
Ningbo 宁波Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Ningbo 宁波Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption Locate
Taizhou 台州Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
Wenzhou 溫州Cathedral of St. Paul Cathedral of St. Paul Locate
Hong KongHong Kong Island (香港島), Hong Kong
Mid-levels 中環半山區Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Locate
MacauMacau Peninsula (澳門半島), Macau
Cathedral Parish 大堂區Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady Locate
Cathedral Parish 大堂區Church of St. Dominic Church of St. Dominic Locate
St. Anthony Parish 聖安多尼堂區Church of St. Anthony Church of St. Anthony Locate
St. Lawrence Parish 風順堂區Church of St. Augustine Church of St. Augustine Locate
St. Lawrence Parish 風順堂區Church of St. Lawrence Church of St. Lawrence Locate
St. Lawrence Parish 風順堂區Seminary and Church of St. Joseph Seminary and Church of St. Joseph Locate
St. Lazarus Parish 望德堂區Church of St. Lazarus Church of St. Lazarus Locate
St. Lazarus Parish 望德堂區Chapel of Our Lady Guia Chapel of Our Lady Guia Locate

See Also

Cathedrals in China

Basilicas in China

National Shrines in China

World Heritage Churches in China

All Churches in Hong Kong

All Churches in Macau

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