Diocese of


Italy Italy


Bishop (2015.12.23 – ...):Bishop Pierantonio Pavanello (69)Bishop Pierantonio Pavanello (69)

Member of College for the review of appeals by clergy accused of delicta reservata

Churches (115)

Mantova (←), Verona (↖), Padova (↑), Chioggia (↗), Ferrara–Comacchio (↓)
Cities (Veneto) AscendingChurches (115)
AdriaCattedrale di Santi Pietro e Paolo Santi Pietro e Paolo (Cathedral, Parish) Locate
Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul
AdriaCattedrale vecchia di San Giovanni San Giovanni (Former Cathedral) Locate
Former Cathedral of St. John
AdriaBasilica di Santa Maria Assunta della Tomba Santa Maria Assunta della Tomba (Minor Basilica, Parish) Locate
Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption
AdriaChiesa Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo Divino Lavoratore Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo Divino Lavoratore (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Divine Labourer
AdriaChiesa Santa Maria degli Angeli Santa Maria degli Angeli Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Angels
AdriaChiesa San Vigilio San Vigilio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Vigilius
AdriaChiesa Sant’Andrea Sant’Andrea Locate
Church of St. Andrew
Ariano nel PolesineChiesa Santa Maria della Neve Santa Maria della Neve (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of the Snow
Arquà PolesineChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
Badia PolesineAbbazia di Santa Maria della Vangadizza Santa Maria della Vangadizza (Former Cathedral) Locate
Abbey of St. Mary of Vangadizza
Badia PolesineChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Bagnolo di PoChiesa Natività della Beata Vergine Maria Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
BarbuglioChiesa San Nicola San Nicola (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Nicholas
BaricettaChiesa Patrocinio di San Giuseppe Patrocinio di San Giuseppe (Parish) Locate
Church of the Patronage of St. Joseph
BaruchellaChiesa San Pietro Martire San Pietro Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter of Verona
BellombraChiesa San Giacomo Apostolo San Giacomo Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. James the Apostle
BergantinoChiesa San Giorgio San Giorgio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George
BeverareChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Boara PolesineChiesa San Zenone San Zenone (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Zeno
BornioChiesa San Giuliano San Giuliano (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Julian
BosaroChiesa San Sebastiano San Sebastiano (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Sebastian
BottrigheChiesa San Francesco d’Assisi San Francesco d’Assisi (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Francis of Assisi
Bressane SudChiesa San Gerardo Sagredo San Gerardo Sagredo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Gerard of Csanád
BusoChiesa San Marco Evangelista San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mark the Evangelist
CaltoChiesa San Rocco San Rocco (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Roch
CanaleChiesa San Biagio San Biagio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Blaise
CanalnuovoChiesa San Lorenzo San Lorenzo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lawrence
CanaroChiesa Santa Sofia Santa Sofia (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Wisdom
CandaChiesa San Michele San Michele (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael
CastelguglielmoChiesa San Nicola da Bari San Nicola da Bari (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Nicholas of Bari
CastelmassaChiesa Santo Stefano Primomartire Santo Stefano Primomartire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr
Castelnovo BarianoChiesa Sant’Antonio di Padova Sant’Antonio di Padova (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anthony of Padua
CavazzanaChiesa San Lorenzo San Lorenzo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lawrence
CeneselliChiesa Annunciazione di Maria Santissima Annunciazione di Maria Santissima (Parish) Locate
Church of the Annunciation of Mary
CeregnanoChiesa San Martino San Martino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin
ColombanoChiesa Santa Maria della Mercede Santa Maria della Mercede (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of Mercy
ConcadirameChiesa Beata Vergine Maria del Rosario Beata Vergine Maria del Rosario (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
CorbolaChiesa Santa Maria Maddalena Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Costa di RovigoChiesa Santi Giovanni Battista e Rocco Santi Giovanni Battista e Rocco (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist and St. Roch
CrespinoChiesa Santi Martino e Severo Santi Martino e Severo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin and St. Severus
CrocettaChiesa San Sebastiano San Sebastiano (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Sebastian
FicaroloChiesa Sant’Antonino Sant’Antonino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Antoninus
Fienil del TurcoChiesa San Giovanni Nepomuceno San Giovanni Nepomuceno (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John of Nepomuk
Fiesso UmbertianoChiesa Natività della Beata Vergine Maria Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Frassinelle PolesineChiesa San Bartolomeo San Bartolomeo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bartholomew
Frassinelle PolesineChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Fratta PolesineChiesa Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Peter and Paul
GaibaChiesa San Giuseppe San Giuseppe (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Joseph
GarofoloChiesa Santa Margherita Santa Margherita (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Margaret
GavelloChiesa Beata Vergine delle Grazie Beata Vergine delle Grazie (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of Graces
GiaccianoChiesa Sant’Ippolito Sant’Ippolito (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Hippolytus
GognanoChiesa San Bartolomeo San Bartolomeo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bartholomew
Grignano PolesineChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
GrillaraChiesa Santi Agostino e Basilio Santi Agostino e Basilio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Augustine and St. Basilius
Guarda VenetaChiesa San Domenico San Domenico (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Dominic
GurzoneChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Lama PezzoliChiesa San Giuseppe San Giuseppe (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Joseph
Lama PezzoliChiesa San Tommaso San Tommaso (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Thomas
LendinaraBasilica della Beata Vergine del Pilastrello Beata Vergine del Pilastrello (Minor Basilica, Shrine, Abbatial) Locate
Basilica of Our Lady of Pilastrello
LendinaraChiesa San Biagio San Biagio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Blaise
LendinaraChiesa Santa Sofia Santa Sofia (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Wisdom
LusiaChiesa Santi Vito e Modesto Santi Vito e Modesto (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Vitus and St. Modestus
MardimagoChiesa San Floriano San Floriano (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Florian
MelaraChiesa San Materno San Materno (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Maternus of Milan
MolinellaChiesa Patrocinio di San Giuseppe Patrocinio di San Giuseppe (Parish) Locate
Church of the Patronage of St. Joseph
OcchiobelloChiesa San Lorenzo San Lorenzo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lawrence
PanarellaChiesa San Luigi Gonzaga San Luigi Gonzaga (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Aloysius Gonzaga
PaolinoChiesa Beata Vergine Maria del Rosario Beata Vergine Maria del Rosario (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
PapozzeChiesa San Bartolomeo San Bartolomeo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bartholomew
PianoChiesa San Giovanni San Giovanni (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John
PincaraChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
PissatolaChiesa San Girolamo San Girolamo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Jerome
PolesellaChiesa Beata Vergine Maria del Rosario Beata Vergine Maria del Rosario (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
Pontecchio PolesineChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
PrescianeChiesa Santa Margherita Santa Margherita (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Margaret
RaccanoChiesa Natività della Beata Vergine Maria Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Ramodipalo RasaChiesa San Giacomo Apostolo San Giacomo Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. James the Apostle
Ramodipalo RasaChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
RivàChiesa Santi Gaetano e Rocco Santi Gaetano e Rocco (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Cajetan and St. Roch
RovigoConcattedrale di Santo Stefano Papa e Martire Santo Stefano Papa e Martire (Co-Cathedral, Parish) Locate
Co-Cathedral of St. Stephen Pope and Martyr
RovigoChiesa Cuore Immacolato di Maria e Sant’Ilario Cuore Immacolato di Maria e Sant’Ilario (Parish) Locate
Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Hilarius
RovigoChiesa Maria Santissima Madre di Dio Maria Santissima Madre di Dio (Parish) Locate
Church of Mary Mother of God
RovigoChiesa San Bartolomeo San Bartolomeo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bartholomew
RovigoChiesa Santa Caterina Santa Caterina (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Catherine
RovigoChiesa San Pietro San Pietro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter
RovigoChiesa San Pio X San Pio X (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Pius X
RovigoChiesa Santa Rita da Cascia Santa Rita da Cascia (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Rita of Cascia
RovigoChiesa San Zenone San Zenone (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Zeno
RovigoChiesa Sant’Antonio Abate Sant’Antonio Abate Locate
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot
RovigoChiesa Sant’Antonio di Padova Sant’Antonio di Padova (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anthony of Padua
RovigoChiesa Santi Francesco e Giustina Santi Francesco e Giustina (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Francis and St. Justina
RunziChiesa Santissimo Nome di Maria Santissimo Nome di Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of the Most Name of Mary
SaguedoChiesa San Barnaba San Barnaba (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Barnabas
San BellinoBasilica di San Bellino San Bellino (Minor Basilica, Parish) Locate
Basilica of St. Bellinus
San CassianoChiesa San Cassiano San Cassiano (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Cassian
Santa Maria MaddalenaChiesa Santa Maria Maddalena Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Magdalene
San Martino di VenezzeChiesa San Martino di Venezze San Martino di Venezze (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin
San Pietro PolesineChiesa San Pietro Polesine San Pietro Polesine (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter
SalaraChiesa San Valentino San Valentino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Valentine
SalvaterraChiesa Sant’Antonino Sant’Antonino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Antoninus
Sant’ApollinareBasilica di Sant’Apollinare Sant’Apollinare (Minor Basilica, Parish-Archpresbyteral) Locate
Basilica of St. Apollinarus
Santamaria In PuntaChiesa Natività della Beata Vergine Maria Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
SarianoChiesa San Maurelio San Maurelio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Maurelius
SarzanoChiesa Santa Margherita Santa Margherita (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Margaret
SelvaChiesa San Lorenzo San Lorenzo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lawrence
StientaChiesa Santo Stefano Papa Santo Stefano Papa (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Stephen, Pope
TrecentaChiesa San Giorgio San Giorgio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George
VallieraChiesa San Rocco San Rocco (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Roch
VilladoseChiesa Beata Vergine di Lourdes Beata Vergine di Lourdes (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes
VilladoseChiesa San Leonardo San Leonardo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Leonard
VillaforaChiesa San Giorgio San Giorgio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George
VillamarzanaChiesa Santo Stefano Papa Santo Stefano Papa (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Stephen, Pope
Villanova del GhebboChiesa San Michele San Michele (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael
Villanova MarchesanaChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
ZeloChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle

Last updated on 2024.12.13

See Also

Diocese of Adria–Rovigo

All Churches in Italy

Special Churches in Italy, Vatican City State, San Marino

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