Bishop (2015.07.18 – ...): | Bishop Claudio Cipolla (69) |
Cities (Veneto) | Churches (487) |
Abano Terme, PD | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Abano Terme, PD | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Agna, PD | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Alano di Piave, BL | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Albignasego, PD | San Giacomo Maggiore (Parish) Church of St. James |
Albignasego, PD | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Albignasego, PD | San Tommaso Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Thomas the Apostle |
Albignasego, PD | Sant’Agostino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Augustine |
Anguillara Veneta, PD | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Arino, VE | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Arlesega, PD | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Arquà Petrarca, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Arre, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Arsego, PD | Santi Martino e Lamberto (Parish) Church of St. Martin and St. Lambert |
Arsiè, BL | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Arten, BL | San Gottardo (Parish) Church of St. Gotthard |
Arteselle, PD | Cuore Immacolato di Maria (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Arzercavalli, PD | San Giacomo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James the Apostle |
Arzerello, PD | Madonna Addolorata (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Sorrows |
Arzergrande, PD | Annunciazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Asiago, VI | San Matteo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Matthew the Apostle |
Asiago, VI | San Rocco Church of St. Roch |
Bagnoli di Sopra, PD | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Balduina, PD | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Baone, PD | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Barbano, VI | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Barbona, PD | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Bastia, PD | Santa Maria della Neve (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Snow |
Battaglia Terme, PD | San Giacomo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James the Apostle |
Beolo, PD | Sacri Cuori di Gesù e Maria (Parish) Church of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary |
Bertipaglia, PD | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Bigolino, TV | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Boara Pisani, PD | Santa Maria della Neve (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Snow |
Boccon, PD | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Bojon, VE | San Nicola (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Borgo San Marco, PD | Santi Marco e Daniele (Parish) Church of St. Mark and St. Daniel |
Borgo San Zeno, PD | San Zenone (Parish) Church of St. Zeno |
Borgoforte, PD | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Borgoricco San Leonardo, PD | San Leonardo (Parish) Church of St. Leonard |
Borgoricco Sant’Eufemia, PD | Sant’Eufemia (Parish) Church of St. Euphemia |
Borso del Grappa, TV | Santi Maria e Zenone (Parish) Church of St. Mary and St. Zeno |
Bosco di Rubano, PD | Santi Maria e Teobaldo (Parish) Church of St. Mary and St. Theobold |
Bovolenta, PD | Sant’Agostino (Parish) Church of St. Augustine |
Brenta d’Abbà, PD | San Paterniano (Parish) Church of St. Paternian |
Bresega, PD | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Bresseo-Treponti, PD | Santa Maria Madre della Chiesa (Parish) Church of St. Mary Mother of the Church |
Bronzola, PD | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Brugine, PD | Santissimo Salvatore (Parish) Church of the Holy Saviour |
Brusadure, PD | Santi Gioacchino ed Anna (Parish) Church of Sts. Joachim and Anne |
Busa di Vigonza, PD | Madonna di Lourdes (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Lourdes |
Busiago, PD | San Bernardino (Parish) Church of St. Bernardine |
Ca’ Bianca, PD | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Ca’ Morosini, PD | San Gaetano (Parish) Church of St. Cajetan |
Ca’ Oddo, PD | Sant’Antonio da Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Ca’ Onorai, PD | Presentazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Presentation of Mary |
Cadoneghe, PD | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Cagnola, PD | Santi Filippo e Giacomo (Parish) Church of Sts. Philip and James |
Calaone, PD | Santa Giustina Vergine e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Justina |
Calcroci, VE | Santissimo Redentore (Parish) Church of the Holy Redeemer |
Caltana, VE | San Biagio (Parish) Church of St. Blaise |
Caltrano, VI | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Calvene, VI | Annunciazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Cambroso, PD | San Benedetto (Parish) Church of St. Benedict |
Campagna Lupia, VE | San Pietro (Parish) Church of St. Peter |
Campagnola, PD | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Campese, VI | Santa Croce (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Campo di Alano di Piave, BL | Sant’Ulderico (Parish) Church of St. Uldericus |
Campo San Martino, PD | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Campodarsego, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Campodarsego, PD | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Campolongo Maggiore, VE | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Campolongo Maggiore, VE | Santi Felice e Fortunato (Parish) Church of St. Felix and St. Fortunatus |
Campolongo sul Brenta, VI | Madonna del Carmine (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
Camponogara, VE | Santi Maria Assunta e Prosdocimo (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Prosdocimus |
Camporovere, VI | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Campoverardo, VE | Santi Quirico e Giulitta (Parish) Church of Sts. Quriaqos and Julietta |
Candiana, PD | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Canove, VI | San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. Mark the Evangelist |
Cantarana, VE | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Caorera, BL | San Gottardo (Parish) Church of St. Gotthard |
Carbonara, PD | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Carceri, PD | Santa Maria delle Carceri (Parish, Monastery) Parrocchia Annunciazione della Beata Vergine Maria Abbey of St. Mary Parish of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Carmignano, PD | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Carpanè, VI | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Carpanedo, PD | Santo Stefano (Parish) Church of St. Stephen |
Carrara San Giorgio, PD | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Carrara Santo Stefano, PD | Santo Stefano (Parish) Church of St. Stephen |
Carrè, VI | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Cartura, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Casale di Scodosia, PD | Santa Maria (Parish) Church of St. Mary |
Casalserugo, PD | Purificazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Caselle de’ Ruffi, VE | San Giacomo (Parish) Church of St. James |
Caselle di Selvazzano Dentro, PD | Santa Maria Ausiliatrice (Parish) Church of Our Lady Help of Christians |
Cassola, VI | San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. Mark the Evangelist |
Castelbaldo, PD | San Prosdocimo (Parish) Church of St. Prosdocimus |
Castelnuovo, PD | San Biagio (Parish) Church of St. Blaise |
Cavino, PD | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Cazzago, VE | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Celeseo, PD | Presentazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Presentation of Mary |
Centrale, VI | San Clemente (Parish) Church of St. Clement |
Cervarese Santa Croce, PD | Santa Croce (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Cesuna, VI | Beata Vergine Maria Immacolata (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary |
Chiuppano, VI | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Cinto Euganeo, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Cismon del Grappa, VI | Beata Vergine del Pedancino (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Pedancino |
Cismon del Grappa, VI | San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. Mark the Evangelist |
Cittadella, PD | Cuore Immacolato di Maria (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Cittadella, PD | Santi Prosdocimo e Donato (Parish) Church of St. Prosdocimus and St. Donatus |
Civè, PD | San Donato (Parish) Church of St. Donatus |
Codevigo, PD | San Zaccaria (Parish) Church of St. Zachariah |
Codiverno, PD | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Cogollo del Cengio, VI | San Cristoforo (Parish) Church of St. Christopher |
Cona, VE | Beata Vergine Maria Immacolata (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary |
Conca in Thiene, VI | Maria Ausiliatrice alla Conca (Parish) Church of Our Lady Help of Christians |
Concadalbero, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Conche, PD | Santa Maria della Neve (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Snow |
Conco, VI | Santi Maria e Marco (Parish) Church of St. Mary and St. Mark |
Conselve, PD | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Cornegliana, PD | San Biagio (Parish) Church of St. Blaise |
Correzzola, PD | San Leonardo (Parish) Church of St. Leonard |
Corte, PD | San Tommaso Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Thomas the Apostle |
Cortelà, PD | Santi Nazario e Celso (Parish) Church of Sts. Nazarius and Celsus |
Costa di Valstagna, VI | Santissimo Sacramento (Parish) Church of the Blessed Sacrament |
Covolo, VI | San Donato (Parish) Church of St. Donatus |
Creola, PD | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Crespano del Grappa, TV | Beata Vergine del Covolo (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Covolo |
Crespano del Grappa, TV | Santi Marco e Pancrazio (Parish) Church of St. Mark and St. Pancratius |
Crosara San Bortolo, VI | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Crosara San Luca, VI | Santi Giovanni e Luca (Parish) Church of St. John and St. Luke |
Curtarolo, PD | San Giuliana (Parish) Church of St. Juliana |
Deserto d’Este, PD | Santa Croce (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Dolo, VE | San Rocco (Parish) Church of St. Roch |
Dossi, PD | San Pio X (Parish) Church of St. Pius X |
Enego, VI | Santa Giustina (Parish) Church of St. Justina |
Este, PD | Santa Maria delle Grazie (Minor Basilica, Shrine, Parish) Basilica of St. Mary of the Graces |
Este, PD | Santa Tecla (Parish) Church of St. Tecla |
Faedo, PD | San Pietro (Parish) Church of St. Peter |
Fara Vicentino, VI | San Bartolomeo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew |
Fastro, BL | Sant’Antonio da Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Fellette, VI | Santissimo Redentore (Parish) Church of the Holy Redeemer |
Fener, BL | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Feriole, PD | Santa Maria Regina (Parish) Church of the Queen Mary |
Ferri, PD | Annunciazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Fiesso d’Artico, VE | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Fiumicello, PD | San Nicola (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Fontanafredda, PD | San Donato (Parish) Church of St. Donatus |
Fontanelle di Conco, VI | Sant’Antonio di Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Fonzaso, BL | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Fossaragna, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Fosse di Enego, VI | San Giuseppe Operaio (Parish) Church of St. Joseph the Worker |
Fossò, VE | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Fossona, PD | Sant’Antonio da Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Foza, VI | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Frapiero di Agna, PD | Presentazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Presentation of Mary |
Frassine, PD | Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Church of St. Mary Magdalene |
Fratte, PD | San Giacomo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James the Apostle |
Gallio, VI | San Bartolomeo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew |
Galta di Vigonovo, VE | Santa Maria Ausiliatrice (Parish) Church of Our Lady Help of Christians |
Galzignano Terme, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Ghizzole, VI | San Tarcisio (Parish) Church of St. Tarcisius |
Giarre, PD | Cuore Immacolato di Maria (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Gorgo di Cartura, PD | San Liberale (Parish) Church of St. Liberalis |
Granze, PD | Santa Cristina (Parish) Church of St. Christine |
Grisignano di Zocco, VI | Annunciazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Grumello, VI | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Grumolo Pedemonte, VI | Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Church of St. Mary Magdalene |
Guia San Giacomo, TV | San Giacomo (Parish) Church of St. James |
Guia Santo Stefano, TV | Santo Stefano (Parish) Church of St. Stephen |
Isola dell’Abbà, PD | San Leonardo (Parish) Church of St. Leonard |
Laghi, PD | San Bernardo (Parish) Church of St. Bernard |
Lastebasse, VI | San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. Mark the Evangelist |
Laverda, VI | Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Church of St. Mary Magdalene |
Legnaro, PD | San Biagio (Parish) Church of St. Blaise |
Liedolo, TV | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Liettoli, VE | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Limena, PD | Santi Felice e Fortunato (Parish) Church of St. Felix and St. Fortunatus |
Lion di Albignasego, PD | Sant’Andrea (Parish) Church of St. Andrew |
Lissaro, PD | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Lova, VE | Santa Giustina (Parish) Church of St. Justina |
Lozzo Atestino, PD | Santi Leonzio e Carpoforo (Parish) Church of St. Leotius and St. Carpophorus |
Lughetto, VE | Santi Gregorio e Tommaso (Parish) Church of St. Gregory and St. Thomas |
Lugo di Vicenza, VI | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Lusiana, VI | San Giacomo (Parish) Church of St. James |
Lusiana Conco, VI | Santa Caterina (Parish) Church of St. Catherine |
Luvigliano, PD | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Mandriola, PD | San Giacomo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James the Apostle |
Marendole, PD | San Nicola (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Marsango, PD | San Prosdocimo (Parish) Church of St. Prosdocimus |
Maserà di Padova, PD | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Masi, PD | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Meggiaro, PD | San Girolamo (Parish) Church of St. Jerome |
Megliadino San Fidenzio, PD | San Fidenzio (Parish) Church of St. Fidentius |
Megliadino San Vitale, PD | San Vitale (Parish) Church of St. Vitalis |
Mejaniga, PD | Sant’Antonino (Parish) Church of St. Antoninus |
Mellame, BL | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Mellaredo, VE | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Merlara, PD | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Mestrino, PD | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Mezzaselva, VI | Presentazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Presentation of Mary |
Mezzavia, PD | San Gregorio Barbarigo (Parish) Church of St. Gregory Barbarigo |
Minotte di Merlara, PD | Maria Ausiliatrice (Parish) Church of Mary Help of Christians |
Monselice, PD | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Monselice, PD | San Giacomo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James the Apostle |
Monselice, PD | San Giorgio (Shrine) Santuario delle Sette Chiese Oratory of St. George |
Monselice, PD | San Giuseppe Operaio (Parish) Church of St. Joseph the Worker |
Monselice, PD | Santa Giustina Church of St. Justina |
Monselice, PD | Santi Cosma e Damiano (Parish) Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian |
Monselice, PD | Santissimo Redentore (Parish) Church of the Holy Redeemer |
Monsole, VE | Sant’Antonio da Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Montagnana, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Montegalda, VI | Santa Giustina (Parish) Church of St. Justina |
Montegaldella, VI | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Montegrotto Terme, PD | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Montemerlo, PD | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Monteortone, PD | Beata Vergine della Salute (Parish, Shrine) Parrocchia Santa Maria Assunta Shrine of Our Lady of Health |
Montericco, PD | Madonna del Carmine (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
Monterosso, PD | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Monticelli, PD | San Carlo Borromeo (Parish) Church of St. Charles Borromeo |
Mortisa di Lugo di Vicenza, VI | Maternità della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Mosson di Cogollo del Cengio, VI | San Gaetano (Parish) Church of St. Cajetan |
Motta d’Este, PD | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Mure di Molvena, VI | Santo Stefano (Parish) Church of St. Stephen |
Murelle, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Noventa Padovana, PD | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Noventana, PD | Sant’Antonio da Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Oliero, VI | Spirito Santo (Parish) Church of the Holy Spirit |
Olmo di Bagnoli di Sopra, PD | Santo Stefano (Parish) Church of St. Stephen |
Onara, PD | San Biagio (Parish) Church of St. Blaise |
Ospedaletto Euganeo, PD | Santa Croce (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Ospedaletto Euganeo, PD | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Padova, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Cathedral, Minor Basilica, World Heritage Site, Parish) Cathedral Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Padova, PD | Santa Giustina (Minor Basilica, Abbatial-Parish) Basilica of St. Justina |
Padova, PD | Santa Maria del Carmine (Minor Basilica, Shrine, Parish) Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
Padova, PD | Sant’Antonio (Pontifical Church, Pontifical Minor Basilica, Shrine, World Heritage Site, Conventual) Pontifical Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua |
Padova, PD | Beata Vergine Maria del Suffragio Perpetuo alle Cave (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Suffrage |
Padova, PD | Beata Vergine Maria Immacolata (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Virgin Mary |
Padova, PD | Corpus Domini Church of the Body of the Lord |
Padova, PD | Cristo Re (Parish) Church of Christ the King |
Padova, PD | Cristo Risorto (Parish) Church of the Risen Christ |
Padova, PD | Gesù Buon Pastore all’Arcella (Parish) Church of Jesus the Good Shepherd |
Padova, PD | Madonna Addolorata al Torresino (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Sorrows |
Padova, PD | Madonna della Salute in Mortise (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Health |
Padova, PD | Madonna Incoronata (Parish) Church of the Crowned Mary |
Padova, PD | Madonna Pellegrina (Parish, Shrine) Parrocchia Cuore Immacolato di Maria Shrine of the Pilgrim Mary |
Padova, PD | Maternità della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Padova, PD | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Padova, PD | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria ai Servi (Parish) Church of the Nativity of Mary |
Padova, PD | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria alla Mandria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary |
Padova, PD | Ognissanti (Parish) Church of All Saints |
Padova, PD | Sacra Famiglia (Parish) Church of the Holy Family |
Padova, PD | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Padova, PD | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Padova, PD | San Bellino (Parish) Church of St. Bellinus |
Padova, PD | San Benedetto Abate (Parish) Church of St. Benedict the Abbot |
Padova, PD | San Camillo de Lellis (Parish) Church of St. Camillus de Lellis |
Padova, PD | San Canziano Church of St. Cantian |
Padova, PD | San Carlo Borromeo (Parish) Church of St. Charles Borromeo |
Padova, PD | Santa Caterina Church of St. Catherine |
Padova, PD | Santa Caterina da Siena alle Padovanelle (Parish) Church of St. Catherine of Siena |
Padova, PD | San Clemente Church of St. Clement |
Padova, PD | San Clemente in Granze (Parish) Church of St. Clement |
Padova, PD | Santa Croce (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Padova, PD | San Daniele Martire (Parish) Church of St. Daniel |
Padova, PD | San Filippo Neri (Parish) Church of St. Philip Neri |
Padova, PD | San Francesco (Parish) Church of St. Francis |
Padova, PD | San Gaetano Church of St. Cajetan |
Padova, PD | San Gaetano Thiene (Parish) Tempio nazionale Internato ignoto Church of St. Cajetan National Temple of the Unknown Internee |
Padova, PD | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Padova, PD | San Giovanni Bosco (Parish) Church of St. John Bosco |
Padova, PD | San Giovanni Decollato Oratory of St. John Beheaded |
Padova, PD | San Girolamo (Parish) Church of St. Jerome |
Padova, PD | San Giuseppe (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Padova, PD | San Gregorio Barbarigo (Parish) Church of St. Gregory Barbarigo |
Padova, PD | San Gregorio Magno (Parish) Church of St. Gregory the Great |
Padova, PD | San Lazzaro (Parish) Church of St. Lazarus |
Padova, PD | San Leopoldo Mandic (Shrine) Shrine of St. Leopoldo Mandić |
Padova, PD | San Lorenzo da Brindisi (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence of Brindisi |
Padova, PD | San Luca Evangelista Church of St. Luke the Evangelist |
Padova, PD | San Marco Evangelista in Ponte di Brenta (Parish) Church of St. Mark the Evangelist |
Padova, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Padova, PD | Santa Maria Assunta al Bassanello (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Padova, PD | Santa Maria Assunta in Salboro (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Padova, PD | Santa Maria della Carità Scrovegni Chapel Church of St. Mary of Charity of the Eremitani |
Padova, PD | Santa Maria in Vanzo Church of St. Mary |
Padova, PD | San Martino in Voltabrusegana (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Padova, PD | San Michele Oratory of St. Michael |
Padova, PD | San Michele Arcangelo in Torre (Parish) Church of St. Michael Archangel |
Padova, PD | San Nicolò (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Padova, PD | San Paolo (Parish) Church of St. Paul |
Padova, PD | San Pio X (Parish) Church of St. Pius X |
Padova, PD | San Prosdocimo (Parish) Church of St. Prosdocimus |
Padova, PD | Santa Rita da Cascia (Parish) Church of St. Rita of Cascia |
Padova, PD | Santa Sofia (Parish) Church of the Holy Wisdom |
Padova, PD | San Teresa di Gesù Bambino (Parish) Church of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus |
Padova, PD | San Tomaso Becket (Parish) Church of St. Thomas Becket |
Padova, PD | Sant’Alberto Magno (Parish) Church of St. Albert the Great |
Padova, PD | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Padova, PD | Sant’Antonio da Padova all’Arcella (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of St. Anthony of Padua |
Padova, PD | Sant’Ignazio di Loyola (Parish) Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola |
Padova, PD | Santi Angeli Custodi (Parish) Church of the Holy Guardian Angels |
Padova, PD | Santi Fabiano e Sebastiano (Parish) Church of St. Fabian and St. Sebastian |
Padova, PD | Santi Filippo e Giacomo agli Eremitani (Parish) Church of Sts. Philip and James |
Padova, PD | Santi Pietro e Paolo a Voltabarozzo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Padova, PD | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Padova, PD | Santissimo Crocifisso (Parish) Church of the Holy Crucifix |
Padova, PD | Santissimo Nome di Gesù alla Pace (Parish) Tempio della Pace Church of the Most Holy Name of Jesus |
Padova, PD | Santissimo Salvatore in Camin (Parish) Church of the Most Holy Saviour |
Padova, PD | Santo Stefano d’Ungheria (Parish) Church of St. Stephen of Hungary |
Padova, PD | Spirito Santo (Parish) Church of the Holy Spirit |
Padova, PD | (Cappella della Reggia Carrarese) Chapel of the Carraresi Palace |
Padova, PD | (Seminario Maggiore Vescovile di Padova) (Seminary) Diocesan Major Seminary of Padua |
Palù, PD | Beata Vergine Maria Immacolata (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary |
Paluello, VE | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Pedescala, VI | Sant’Antonio da Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Pegolotte, VE | Sant’Egidio (Parish) Church of St. Egidius |
Peraga, PD | Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio (Parish) Church of St. Vincent and St. Athanasius |
Perarolo, PD | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Perlena, VI | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Pernumia, PD | Santa Giustina Vergine e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Justina |
Piacenza d’Adige, PD | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Pianiga, VE | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Pilastro d’Este, PD | Madonna Addolorata (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Sorrows |
Pionca, PD | Sant’Ambrogio (Parish) Church of St. Ambrose |
Piove di Sacco, PD | Madonna delle Grazie (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Graces |
Piove di Sacco, PD | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Piove di Sacco, PD | Sant’Anna (Parish) Church of St. Anne |
Piovega, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Piovene, VI | Beata Vergine dell’Angelo (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of the Angel |
Piovene, VI | Santo Stefano (Parish) Church of St. Stephen |
Polverara, PD | San Fidenzio (Parish) Church of St. Fidentius |
Ponso, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Ponte San Nicolò, PD | San Nicola (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Pontecasale, PD | San Leonardo (Parish) Church of St. Leonard |
Pontelongo, PD | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Pove del Grappa, VI | San Vigilio (Parish) Church of St. Vigilius |
Pozzetto, PD | Santissimo Redentore (Parish) Church of the Holy Redeemer |
Pozzonovo, PD | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Pozzoveggiani, PD | San Michele Arcangelo Oratory of St. Michael the Archangel |
Prà d’Este, PD | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Prà di Botte, PD | San Biagio (Parish) Church of St. Blaise |
Pradipaldo, VI | Santi Osvaldo e Vincenzo Ferrer (Parish) Church of St. Oswald and St. Vincent Ferrer |
Praglia, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Minor Basilica, Monastery, Abbatial-Parish) Benedictine Abbey Basilica of St. Mary |
Prejon, PD | Sacri Cuori di Gesù e Maria (Parish) Church of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary |
Premaore, VE | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Primolano, VI | San Bartolomeo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew |
Prozzolo, VE | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Quero, BL | Annunciazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Reschigliano, PD | San Daniele Martire (Parish) Church of St. Daniel |
Rio di Ponte San Nicolò, PD | Santi Antonio e Carlo (Parish) Church of St. Anthony and St. Charles |
Rivadolmo, PD | San Luigi Gonzaga (Parish) Church of St. Aloysius Gonzaga |
Rivai, BL | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Rivale di Pianiga, VE | San Nicola (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Roana, VI | Santa Giustina (Parish) Church of St. Justina |
Rocca d’Arsiè, BL | Santi Ippolito, Cassiano, Antonio da Padova (Parish) Church of Sts. Hyppolitus, Cassian and Anthony of Padua |
Rocchette, VI | San Giuseppe (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Romano d’Ezzelino, VI | Purificazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Romano d’Ezzelino, VI | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Roncaglia, PD | San Basilio Magno (Parish) Church of St. Basil the Great |
Roncajette, PD | San Fidenzio (Parish) Church of St. Fidentius |
Ronchi di Campanile, PD | San Giacomo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James the Apostle |
Ronchi di Casalserugo, PD | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Rosara, PD | San Daniele Profeta (Parish) Church of St. Daniel the Prophet |
Rossano Veneto, VI | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Rotzo, VI | Santa Gertrude (Parish) Church of St. Gertrude |
Rovolon, PD | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Rozzampia, VI | Santa Maria della Neve (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Snow |
Rubano, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Rubbio, VI | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Saccolongo, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
San Bonaventura di Cadoneghe, PD | San Bonaventura (Parish) Church of St. Bonaventure |
San Domenico di Selvazzano Dentro, PD | San Domenico (Parish) Church of St. Dominic |
San Donato di Cittadella, PD | San Donato (Parish) Church of St. Donatus |
San Giacomo di Romano d’Ezzelino, VI | San Giacomo Minore (Parish) Church of St. James Minor |
San Giorgio delle Pertiche, PD | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Santa Giustina in Colle, PD | Santa Giustina Vergine e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Justina |
San Leopoldo Mandic, PD | San Leopoldo Mandic (Parish) Church of St. Leopold Mandić |
San Lorenzo di Bovolenta, PD | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
San Luca di Tribano, PD | San Luca Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. Luke the Evangelist |
San Marco in Camposampiero, PD | San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. Mark the Evangelist |
Santa Margherita d’Adige, PD | Santa Margherita (Parish) Church of St. Margaret |
Santa Margherita di Codevigo, PD | Santi Felice e Fortunato (Parish) Church of St. Felix and St. Fortunatus |
Santa Maria d’Adige, PD | Santa Maria (Parish) Church of St. Mary |
Santa Maria di Non, PD | Beata Vergine Maria di Tessara (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Tessara |
Santa Maria di Non, PD | Purificazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Santa Maria di Veggiano, PD | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
San Michele delle Badesse, PD | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
San Nazario, VI | Santi Nazario e Celso (Parish) Church of Sts. Nazarius and Celsus |
San Pietro di Stra, VE | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
San Pietro Valdastico, VI | San Pietro (Parish) Church of St. Peter |
San Pietro Viminario, PD | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
San Salvaro di Urbana, PD | Santissimo Salvatore (Parish) Church of the Holy Saviour |
San Siro di Bagnoli di Sopra, PD | San Siro (Parish) Church of St. Syrus |
San Vito di Arsiè, BL | Santi Vito, Modesto, Crescenzia (Parish) Church of Sts. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia |
San Vito oltre Brenta di Vigonza, PD | San Vito (Parish) Church of St. Vitus |
Salcedo, VI | Santi Quirico e Giulitta (Parish) Church of Sts. Quriaqos and Julietta |
Saletto, PD | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Saletto di Vigodarzere, PD | San Silvestro (Parish) Church of St. Sylvester |
Sambruson, VE | Sant’Ambrogio (Parish) Church of St. Ambrose |
Sandon di Fossò, VE | San Giacomo (Parish) Church of St. James |
Sant’Angelo di Piove di Sacco, PD | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Sant’Angelo di Sala, VE | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Sant’Anna Morosina, PD | Sant’Anna (Parish) Church of St. Anne |
Sant’Elena, PD | Sant’Elena (Parish) Church of St. Helen |
Sant’Eulalia, TV | Sant’Eulalia (Parish) Church of St. Eulalia |
Sant’Urbano, PD | Sant’Urbano (Parish) Church of St. Urban |
Saonara, PD | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Sarmeola, PD | San Fidenzio (Parish) Church of St. Fidentius |
Sasso di Asiago, VI | Sant’Antonio da Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Schiavonia d’Este, PD | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Schievenin di Quero Vas, BL | Santo Stefano (Parish) Church of St. Stephen |
Segusino, TV | Santa Lucia (Parish) Church of St. Lucy |
Selvazzano Dentro, PD | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Semonzo, TV | San Severo (Parish) Church of St. Severus |
Solagna, VI | Santa Giustina (Parish) Church of St. Justina |
Solesino, PD | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Stanghella, PD | Santa Caterina Vergine e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Catherine |
Stoccareddo, VI | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Stoner di Enego, VI | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Stra, VE | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Stroppare di Pozzonovo, PD | Santi Maria Madre Dio e Francesco Borgia (Parish) Church of St. Mary Mother of God and St. Francis Borgia |
Taggì di Sopra, PD | Santi Cosma e Damiano (Parish) Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian |
Taggì di Sotto, PD | San Nicola (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Taglie di Santa Margherita d’Adige, PD | Presentazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Presentation of Mary |
Tavo, PD | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Tencarola, PD | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Teolo, PD | Madonna del Monte (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of the Mount |
Teolo, PD | Santa Giustina Vergine e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Justina |
Terradura, PD | Beata Vergine Maria Immacolata (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary |
Terraglione, PD | Sant’Antonio da Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Terranova, PD | San Geminiano (Parish) Church of St. Geminianus |
Terrassa Padovana, PD | Beata Vergine della Misericordia (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy |
Terrassa Padovana, PD | San Tommaso Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Thomas the Apostle |
Thiene, VI | Madonna dell’Olmo (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of the Elm |
Thiene, VI | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Parrocchia San Gaetano Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Thiene, VI | San Sebastiano (Parish) Church of St. Sebastian |
Thiene, VI | San Vincenzo (Parish) Church of St. Vincent |
Thiene, VI | Sant’Antonio da Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Tognana, PD | San Paterniano (Parish) Church of St. Paternian |
Tombelle, VE | Beata Vergine Maria del Perpetuo Soccorso (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
Torreglia, PD | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Torreglia, PD | Santa Maria Annunziata (Monastery) Hermitage of the Annunciation of Monte Rua |
Trambacche, PD | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Tramonte, PD | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Treschè Conca, VI | San Luigi Gonzaga (Parish) Church of St. Aloysius Gonzaga |
Tresto, PD | Annunciazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Tribano, PD | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Turri, PD | Santissimo Rosario (Parish) Church of the Holy Rosary |
Urbana, PD | San Gallo (Parish) Church of St. Gallus |
Valbona, PD | San Rocco (Parish) Church of St. Roch |
Valdobbiadene, TV | Beata Vergine del Caravaggio (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Caravaggio |
Valdobbiadene, TV | Preziosissimo Sangue (Shrine) Temple of the Most Precious Blood |
Valdobbiadene, TV | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Valdobbiadene, TV | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Valdobbiadene, TV | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Valdobbiadene, TV | Santi Vito, Modesto, Crescenzia (Parish) Church of Sts. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia |
Valle San Floriano di Marostica, VI | San Floriano (Parish) Church of St. Florian |
Valle San Giorgio, PD | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Valli di Chioggia, VE | Natività della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Valli Mocenighe, PD | Annunciazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Vallonga, PD | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Valnogaredo, PD | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Valsanzibio, PD | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Valstagna, VI | Sant’Antonio (Parish) Church of St. Anthony |
Vanzo, PD | San Matteo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Matthew the Apostle |
Vas, BL | San Leonardo (Parish) Church of St. Leonard |
Veggiano, PD | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Vescovana, PD | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Vighizzolo d’Este, PD | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Vigodarzere, PD | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Vigonovo, VE | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Vigonza, PD | Santa Margherita (Parish) Church of St. Margaret |
Vigorovea, PD | San Giacomo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James the Apostle |
Villa del Bosco, PD | Santi Nicola e Rocco (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas and St. Roch |
Villa del Conte, PD | Santi Giuseppe e Giuliana (Parish) Church of St. Joseph and St. Juliana |
Villa di Teolo, PD | Santa Maria Annunziata (Parish) Church of the Annunciation of Mary |
Villa Estense, PD | Santi Andrea Apostolo e Colomba (Parish) Church of St. Andrew and St. Columba |
Villafranca Padovana, PD | Beata Vergine delle Grazie (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Graces |
Villafranca Padovana, PD | Santa Cecilia (Parish) Church of St. Cecilia |
Villaguattera, PD | San Prosdocimo (Parish) Church of St. Prosdocimus |
Villanova di Camposampiero, PD | San Prosdocimo (Parish) Church of St. Prosdocimus |
Villatora, PD | Santi Simone e Giuda (Parish) Church of Sts. Simon and Jude |
Vò, PD | Maria Ausiliatrice (Parish) Church of Mary Help of Christians |
Vò Vecchio, PD | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Zanè, VI | Beata Vergine Maria Immacolata (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary |
Zanè, VI | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Zovon, PD | San Giuseppe (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Zugliano, VI | Santi Maria e Zenone (Parish) Church of St. Mary and St. Zeno |
Last updated on 2024.12.14
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