Metropolitan Archdiocese of

São Paulo

Brazil Brazil

Continent: South America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Metropolitan Archdiocese Metr. Archdiocese

Name: São Paulo / Sancti Pauli in Brasilia (Latin)

Suffragan Sees: Campo Limpo, Guarulhos, Mogi das Cruzes, Nossa Senhora do Líbano em São Paulo, Nossa Senhora do Paraíso em São Paulo, Osasco, Santo Amaro, Santo André, Santos, São Miguel Paulista

Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops



Patron Saint: Saint Paul of Tarsus (January 25)

Cathedral Dedication Anniversary: September 5 (1954)

Liturgical Calendar (National) 📅


Papal Visits

Present Prelates

Metropolitan Archbishop (2007.03.21 – ...):Cardinal Odilo Pedro Scherer (75)Cardinal Odilo Pedro Scherer (75)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Andrea al Quirinale

Member of Council for the Economy

Auxiliary Bishop (2014.04.30 – ...):Bishop Carlos Lema Garcia, Opus Dei (68)Bishop Carlos Lema Garcia, Opus Dei (68)

Titular Bishop of Álava

Auxiliary Bishop (2020.12.16 – ...):Bishop Carlos Silva, O.F.M. Cap. (62)Bishop Carlos Silva, O.F.M. Cap. (62)

Titular Bishop of Summula

Auxiliary Bishop (2022.03.03 – ...):Bishop Cícero Alves de França (50)Bishop Cícero Alves de França (50)

Titular Bishop of Missua

Auxiliary Bishop (2022.03.03 – ...):Bishop Rogério Augusto das Neves (58)Bishop Rogério Augusto das Neves (58)

Titular Bishop of Lares

Auxiliary Bishop (2024.02.21 – ...):Bishop Edilson de Souza Silva (56)Bishop Edilson de Souza Silva (56)

Titular Bishop of Badiæ


Metropolitan Archbishops of São Paulo (Roman Rite)

Cardinal Odilo Pedro Scherer (75)Cardinal Odilo Pedro Scherer (75)
(2007.03.21 – ...)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Andrea al Quirinale
Metropolitan Archbishop of São Paulo (Brazil)
Member of Council for the Economy

In meam commemorationem

Born:1949.09.21 (Cerro Largo, RS, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1976.12.07
Consecrated Bishop:2002.02.02
Created Cardinal:2007.11.24

Priest of Toledo (Brazil) (1976.12.07 – 2001.11.28)

Chaplain of His Holiness (1998.06.06 – 2001.11.28)

Titular Bishop of Novi (2001.11.28 – 2007.03.21)

Auxiliary Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (2001.11.28 – 2007.03.21)

General Secretary of National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (2003 – 2007)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (2007.03.21 – ...)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Andrea al Quirinale (2007.11.24 [2008.02.17] – ...)

Member of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion (2008.02.24 – 2014.01.15)

Member of Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organisational and Economic Problems of the Apostolic See (2009.05.09 – 2014.02.24)

First Vice-President of Latin American Episcopal Council (2019.05.15 – 2023.05.17)

Member of Council for the Economy (2020.08.06 – ...)

Bishop Manuel Parrado Carral (78)Bishop Manuel Parrado Carral (78)
(Apostolic Administrator 2006.12.03 – 2007.03.21)

Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, O.F.M.
(1998.04.15 – 2006.10.31)

Vós sois todos irmãos

Born:1934.08.08 (Montenegro, RS, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1958.08.03
Consecrated Bishop:1975.05.25
Created Cardinal:2001.02.21
Died:2022.07.04 (São Paulo, SP, Brazil † 87)

Titular Bishop of Carcabia (1975.03.22 – 1975.12.29)

Coadjutor Bishop of Santo André (Brazil) (1975.03.22 – 1975.12.29)

Bishop of Santo André (Brazil) (1975.12.29 – 1996.05.29)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Fortaleza (Brazil) (1996.05.29 – 1998.04.15)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1998.04.15 – 2006.10.31)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Antonio da Padova in Via Merulana (2001.02.21 [2001.05.20] – 2022.07.04)

Prefect of Congregation for Clergy (2006.10.31 – 2010.10.07)

President of International Council for Catechesis (2006.10.31 – 2010.10.07)

President of Ecclesial Conference of the Amazon (CEAMA) (2020.06.29 – 2022.03.27)

Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns, O.F.M.
(1970.10.22 – 1998.04.15)

Ex spes in spem

Born:1921.09.14 (Forquilhinha, SC, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1945.11.30
Consecrated Bishop:1966.07.03
Created Cardinal:1973.03.05
Died:2016.12.14 (São Paulo, SP, Brazil † 95)

Titular Bishop of Respecta (1966.05.02 – 1970.10.22)

Auxiliary Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1966.05.02 – 1970.10.22)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1970.10.22 – 1998.04.15)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Antonio da Padova in Via Tuscolana (1973.03.05 – 2016.12.14)

Protopriest of College of Cardinals (2012.07.09 – 2016.12.14)

Cardinal Agnelo Rossi
(1964.11.01 – 1970.10.22)

Oportet illum regnare

Born:1910.05.14 (Joaquim Egidio, SP, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1937.03.27
Consecrated Bishop:1956.04.15
Created Cardinal:1965.02.22
Died:1995.05.21 (Indaiatuba, SP, Brazil † 85)

Bishop of Barra do Piraí (Brazil) (1956.03.05 – 1962.09.06)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Ribeirão Preto (Brazil) (1962.09.06 – 1964.11.01)

President of National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (1964 – 1970)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1964.11.01 – 1970.10.22)

Cardinal-Priest of Gran Madre di Dio (1965.02.25 – 1984.06.25)

Prefect of Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (1970.10.22 – 1984.04.08)

Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Urbaniana University (1970.10.22 – 1984.04.08)

Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals (1976.05.25 – 1977.06.27)

President of Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (1984.04.08 – 1989.12.06)

Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina–Poggio Mirteto (1984.06.25 – 1995.05.21)

Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (1986.12.19 – 1993.05.31)

Cardinal Dean of College of Cardinals (1986.12.19 – 1993.05.31)

Cardinal Carlos Carmelo de Vasconcelos Motta
(1944.08.13 – 1964.04.18)

In sinu Jesu

Born:1890.07.16 (Bom Jesus do Amparo, MG, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1918.06.20
Consecrated Bishop:1932.10.30
Created Cardinal:1946.02.18
Died:1982.09.18 (Aparecida, SP, Brazil † 92)

Titular Bishop of Algiza (1932.07.29 – 1935.12.19)

Auxiliary Bishop of Diamantina (Brazil) (1932.07.29 – 1935.12.19)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1935.12.19 – 1944.08.13)

Apostolic Administrator of Pinheiro (Brazil) (1940 – 1944)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1944.08.13 – 1964.04.18)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Pancrazio (1946.02.22 – 1982.09.18)

President of National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (1952 – 1958)

Apostolic Administrator of Aparecida (Brazil) (1958.04.19 – 1964.04.18)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Aparecida (Brazil) (1964.04.18 – 1982.09.18)

Apostolic Administrator of Lorena (Brazil) (1970 – 1971.11.03)

Protopriest of Sacred College of Cardinals (1977.08.02 – 1982.09.18)

Archbishop José Gaspar d’Afonseca e Silva
(1939.07.29 – 1943.08.27)

Ut omnes unum sint

Born:1901.01.06 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1923.08.12
Consecrated Bishop:1935.04.28
Died:1943.08.27 († 42)

Titular Bishop of Barca (1935.02.23 – 1939.07.29)

Auxiliary Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1935.02.23 – 1939.07.29)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1939.07.29 – 1943.08.27)

Archbishop Leopoldo Duarte e Silva
(1908.06.07 – 1938.11.13)

Ipse firmitas et auctoritas mea

Born:1867.04.04 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1892.10.30
Consecrated Bishop:1904.05.22
Died:1938.11.13 († 71)

Bishop of Curitiba (Brazil) (1904.05.10 – 1906.12.18)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1906.12.18 – 1908.06.07)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1908.06.07 – 1938.11.13)

Bishops of São Paulo (Roman Rite)

Bishop Leopoldo Duarte e Silva (later Archbishop)
(1906.12.18 – 1908.06.07)

(see above)

Bishop José de Camargo Barros
(1903.11.09 – 1906.08.04)

Venio in nomine Domini

Born:1858.04.30 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1883.03.11
Consecrated Bishop:1894.06.24
Died:1906.08.04 († 48)

Bishop of Curitiba (Brazil) (1894.01.16 – 1903.11.09)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1903.11.09 – 1906.08.04)

Bishop Antônio Cândido Alvarenga
(1898.11.28 – 1903.04.01)

Respice stellam voca Mariam

Born:1836.04.12 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1860.03.25
Consecrated Bishop:1878.03.31
Died:1903.04.01 († 66)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1877.09.21 – 1898.11.28)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1898.11.28 – 1903.04.01)

Bishop Joaquim Arcoverde de Albuquerque Cavalcanti (later Cardinal)
(1894.08.19 – 1897.08.31)

Domini fortitudo nostra

Born:1850.01.17 (Cimbres, PE, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1874.04.04
Consecrated Bishop:1890.10.26
Created Cardinal:1905.12.11
Died:1930.04.18 (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil † 80)

Bishop of Goiás (Brazil) (1890.06.26 – 1890.10.27 not possessed)

Titular Bishop of Argos (1892.08.26 – 1894.08.19)

Coadjutor Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1892.08.26 – 1894.08.19)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1894.08.19 – 1897.08.31)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) (1897.08.31 – 1930.04.18)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio (1905.12.14 – 1930.04.18)

Bishop Lino Deodato Rodrigues de Carvalho
(1871.05.21 – 1894.08.19)

In omnibus caritas

Born:1826.09.23 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1850.07.25
Consecrated Bishop:1873.03.09
Died:1894.08.19 († 67)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1871.05.21 – 1894.08.19)

Bishop Sebastião Pinto do Rêgo
(1861.05.11 – 1868.04.30)

Born:1802.04.18 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1825.11.27
Consecrated Bishop:1862.05.18
Died:1868.04.30 († 66)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1861.05.11 – 1868.04.30)

Bishop Antônio Joaquim de Mello
(1851.05.05 – 1861.02.16)

Born:1791.09.29 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1814.10.04
Consecrated Bishop:1852.06.06
Died:1861.02.16 († 69)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1851.05.05 – 1861.02.16)

Bishop Manoel Joaquim Gonçalves de Andrade
(1827.06.25 – 1847.05.26)

Born:1775.03.14 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1797.09.08
Consecrated Bishop:1827.10.28
Died:1847.05.26 († 72)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1827.06.25 – 1847.05.26)

Bishop Mateus de Abreu Pereira
(1795.06.01 – 1824.05.05)

Born:1742.08.08 (Brazil)
Consecrated Bishop:1795.09.13
Died:1824.05.05 († 81)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1795.06.01 – 1824.05.05)

Bishop Miguel da Madre de Deus da Cruz, O.F.M. Disc. (later Archbishop)
(1791.12.17 – 1795.01.22)

Born:1739.05.08 (Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1763.09.24
Consecrated Bishop:1792.04.29
Died:1827.08.21 († 88)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1791.12.17 – 1795.01.22)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Braga (Portugal) (1815.09.04 – 1827.08.21)

Bishop Manoel da Ressurreição, O.F.M.
(1771.06.17 – 1789.10.21)

Ordained Priest:1741.02.25
Consecrated Bishop:1771.10.28
Died:1789.10.21 († 71)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1771.06.17 – 1789.10.21)

Bishop Antônio da Madre de Deus Galvão, O.F.M.
(1750.03.16 – 1764.03.19)

Born:1697.05.26 (Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1721.12.20
Consecrated Bishop:1750.09.06
Died:1764.03.19 († 66)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1750.03.16 – 1764.03.19)

Bishop Bernardo Rodrigues Nogueira
(1745.12.15 – 1748.11.07)

Ordained Priest:1722.07.05
Consecrated Bishop:1746.03.13
Died:1748.11.07 († 53)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1745.12.15 – 1748.11.07)

Former Prelates

Special Churches

Churches by City (328)

Campo Limpo (↙), Osasco (↖), Jundiaí (↖), Bragança Paulista (↑), Guarulhos (↑), São Miguel Paulista (↗), Santo André (→), Mogi das Cruzes (→), Santo Amaro (↓)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 654 km²

Population: 4,945,500 Catholics (63.0% of 7,850,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 307 parishes, 280 missions

Personnel: 1,035 priests (381 diocesan, 654 religious), 112 deacons, 2,769 religious (792 brothers, 1,977 sisters), 63 seminarians


Pastoral Centres





Last updated on 2025.03.17

© 2025
