Consistory of 1946.02.18 (32) |
1. Cardinal Krikor Bédros XV Agagianian (Francis Agagianian) (Armenian Rite)
Justitia et pax former Cardinal-Bishop of Albano former President of Pontifical Commission for the Codification of Oriental Canon Law
2. Cardinal John Joseph Glennon
Crux fidelis lux perennis former Cardinal-Priest of S. Clemente former Metropolitan Archbishop of Saint Louis (USA)
Born: | 1862.06.14 (Kinnegad, Ireland) | Ordained Priest: | 1884.12.20 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1896.06.29 | Created Cardinal: | 1946.02.18 | Died: | 1946.03.09 (Dublin, Ireland † 83) |
| Priest of Kansas City (USA) (1884.12.20 – 1896.03.14) Apostolic Administrator of Kansas City (USA) (1894 – 1896.03.14) Coadjutor Bishop of Kansas City (USA) (1896.03.14 – 1903.04.27) Titular Bishop of Pinara (1896.03.14 – 1903.10.13) Coadjutor Archbishop of Saint Louis (USA) (1903.04.27 – 1903.10.13) Metropolitan Archbishop of Saint Louis (USA) (1903.10.13 – 1946.03.09) Cardinal-Priest of S. Clemente (1946.02.22 – 1946.03.09) |
3. Cardinal Benedetto Aloisi Masella
former Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina former Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Apostolic Camera former Archpriest of Papal Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran
4. Cardinal Clemente Micara
In Domino confido former Cardinal-Bishop of Velletri former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria sopra Minerva in commendum former President of Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology former Vicar General for the Vicariate of Rome of Roma (Italy)
5. Cardinal Adam Stefan Stanisław Bonfatiusz Józef Sapieha
Arcus fœderis crux mihi former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Nuova former Metropolitan Archbishop of Kraków (Poland)
Born: | 1867.05.14 (Krasiczyn, Poland) | Ordained Priest: | 1893.10.01 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1911.12.17 | Created Cardinal: | 1946.02.18 | Died: | 1951.07.21 (Kraków, Poland † 84) |
| Bishop of Kraków (Poland) (1911.11.27 – 1925.10.28) Metropolitan Archbishop of Kraków (Poland) (1925.10.28 – 1951.07.21) Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Nuova (1946.02.22 – 1951.07.21) |
6. Cardinal Edward Aloysius Mooney
Domino servientes former Cardinal-Priest of S. Susanna former Metropolitan Archbishop of Detroit (USA)
Born: | 1882.05.09 (Mount Savage, MD, USA) | Ordained Priest: | 1904.04.10 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1926.01.31 | Created Cardinal: | 1946.02.18 | Died: | 1958.10.25 (Roma, Italy † 76) |
| Priest of Cleveland (USA) (1904.04.10 – 1926.01.21) Domestic Prelate (1925.06.03 – 1926.01.21) Apostolic Delegate to East India (1926.01.21 – 1931.03.23) Titular Archbishop of Irenopolis in Isauria (1926.01.21 – 1933.08.28) Apostolic Delegate to Japan (1931.03.30 – 1933.08.28) Archbishop-Bishop of Rochester (USA) (1933.08.28 – 1937.05.26) Metropolitan Archbishop of Detroit (USA) (1937.05.26 – 1958.10.25) Cardinal-Priest of S. Susanna (1946.02.22 – 1958.10.25) |
7. Cardinal Jules-Géraud Saliège
Illius sub umbra former Cardinal-Priest of S. Pudenziana former Metropolitan Archbishop of Toulouse (France)
Born: | 1870.02.24 (Mauriac, France) | Ordained Priest: | 1895.09.21 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1926.01.06 | Created Cardinal: | 1946.02.18 | Died: | 1956.11.05 (Toulouse, France † 86) |
| Bishop of Gap (France) (1925.10.29 – 1928.12.17) Metropolitan Archbishop of Toulouse (France) (1928.12.17 – 1956.11.05) Cardinal-Priest of S. Pudenziana (1946.05.17 – 1956.11.05) |
8. Cardinal James Charles McGuigan
Ambulate in dilectione former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria del Popolo former Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto (Canada)
9. Cardinal Samuel Alphonse Stritch
Deus meus adjutor meus former Cardinal-Priest of S. Agnese fuori le mura former Metropolitan Archbishop of Chicago (USA) former Pro-Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith
10. Cardinal Agustín Parrado García
Tibi post hæc, fili mi, ultra quid faciam former Cardinal-Priest of S. Agostino former Metropolitan Archbishop of Granada (Spain)
Born: | 1872.10.05 (Fuensaldaña, Spain) | Ordained Priest: | 1895.09.21 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1925.08.16 | Created Cardinal: | 1946.02.18 | Died: | 1946.10.08 (Granada, Spain † 74) |
| Bishop of Palencia (Spain) (1925.05.20 – 1934.04.04) Metropolitan Archbishop of Granada (Spain) (1934.04.04 – 1946.10.08) Apostolic Administrator of Jaén (Spain) (1936 – 1942.12.29) Apostolic Administrator of Guadix (Spain) (1939 – 1942) Cardinal-Priest of S. Agostino (1946.02.22 – 1946.10.08) |
11. Cardinal Clément-Émile Roques
In fide et lenitate former Cardinal-Priest of S. Balbina former Metropolitan Archbishop of Rennes (France)
Born: | 1880.12.08 (Saint Pierre des Ports, France) | Ordained Priest: | 1904.04.02 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1929.06.24 | Created Cardinal: | 1946.02.18 | Died: | 1964.09.04 (Rennes, France † 83) |
| Bishop of Montauban (France) (1929.04.15 – 1934.12.24) Metropolitan Archbishop of Aix (France) (1934.12.24 – 1940.05.11) Metropolitan Archbishop of Rennes (France) (1940.05.11 – 1964.09.04) Cardinal-Priest of S. Balbina (1946.02.22 – 1964.09.04) |
12. Cardinal Jan de Jong
Dominus mihi adjutor former Cardinal-Priest of S. Clemente former Metropolitan Archbishop of Utrecht (Netherlands)
13. Cardinal Carlos Carmelo de Vasconcelos Motta
In sinu Jesu former Cardinal-Priest of S. Pancrazio former Metropolitan Archbishop of Aparecida (Brazil)
14. Cardinal Pierre-André-Charles Petit de Julleville
In pace et caritate Christi former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Aquiro pro hac vice Title former Metropolitan Archbishop of Rouen (France)
Born: | 1876.11.22 (Dijon, France) | Ordained Priest: | 1903.07.04 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1927.09.29 | Created Cardinal: | 1946.02.18 | Died: | 1947.12.10 (Rouen, France † 71) |
| Bishop of Dijon (France) (1927.06.23 – 1936.08.07) Metropolitan Archbishop of Rouen (France) (1936.08.07 – 1947.12.10) Apostolic Administrator of Dijon (France) (1936.09.18 – 1937.05.15) Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Aquiro pro hac vice Title (1946.02.22 – 1947.12.10) |
15. Cardinal Norman Thomas Gilroy
Christus lux mea former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Quattro Coronati former Metropolitan Archbishop of Sydney (Australia)
16. Cardinal Francis Joseph Spellman
Sequere Deum former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo former Metropolitan Archbishop of New York (USA) former Military Vicar of United States of America (USA)
Born: | 1889.05.04 (Whitman, MA, USA) | Ordained Priest: | 1916.05.14 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1932.09.08 | Created Cardinal: | 1946.02.18 | Died: | 1967.12.02 (New York, NY, USA † 78) |
| Priest of Boston (USA) (1916.05.14 – 1932.07.30) Privy Chamberlain Supernumerary (1926.10.04 – 1932.07.30) Titular Bishop of Sila (1932.07.30 – 1939.04.15) Auxiliary Bishop of Boston (USA) (1932.07.30 – 1939.04.15) Metropolitan Archbishop of New York (USA) (1939.04.15 – 1967.12.02) Military Vicar of United States of America (USA) (1939.12.11 – 1967.12.02) Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo (1946.02.22 – 1967.12.02) |
17. Cardinal José María Caro Rodríguez
Virtus nostrum et deus refugium former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Scala pro hac vice Title former Metropolitan Archbishop of Santiago (Chile)
Born: | 1866.06.23 (Cahuil, Chile) | Ordained Priest: | 1890.12.20 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1912.04.28 | Created Cardinal: | 1946.02.18 | Died: | 1958.12.04 (Santiago de Chile, Chile † 92) |
| Vicar Apostolic of Tarapacá (Chile) (1911.05.06 – 1925.12.14) Titular Bishop of Mylasa (1912.01.05 – 1925.12.14) Bishop of La Serena (Chile) (1925.12.14 – 1939.05.20) Metropolitan Archbishop of La Serena (Chile) (1939.05.20 – 1939.08.28) Metropolitan Archbishop of Santiago (Chile) (1939.08.28 – 1958.12.04) Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Scala pro hac vice Title (1946.05.17 – 1958.12.04) |
18. Cardinal Teódosio Clemente de Gouveia
Factus omnia omnibus former Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Vincoli former Metropolitan Archbishop of Lourenço Marques (Mozambique)
19. Cardinal Jaime de Barros Câmara
Ignem veni mittere former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio former Metropolitan Archbishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) former Ordinary of Ordinariato para os Fiéis de Ritos Orientais no Brasil of the Eastern Rite (Brazil)
20. Cardinal Enrique Pla y Deniel
Fiat voluntas tua former Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Montorio former Metropolitan Archbishop of Toledo (Spain)
21. Cardinal Manuel Arteaga y Betancourt
Tu adjutor fortis former Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Lucina former Metropolitan Archbishop of La Habana (Cuba)
22. Cardinal Joseph Frings
Pro hominibus constitutus former Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina former Metropolitan Archbishop of Köln (Germany)
23. Cardinal Juan Gualberto Guevara
Dominus illuminatio mea former Cardinal-Priest of S. Eusebio former Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru)
Born: | 1882.07.12 (Villa de Vitor, Peru) | Ordained Priest: | 1906.06.02 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1941.03.02 | Created Cardinal: | 1946.02.18 | Died: | 1954.11.27 (Lima, Peru † 72) |
| Bishop of Trujillo (Peru) (1940.12.15 – 1943.05.23) Metropolitan Archbishop of Trujillo (Peru) (1943.05.23 – 1945.12.16) Military Vicar of Peru (Peru) (1945.01.13 – 1954.02.07) Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1945.12.16 – 1954.11.27) Cardinal-Priest of S. Eusebio (1946.02.28 – 1954.11.27) |
24. Cardinal Bernard William Griffin
Animas da mihi former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Andrea e Gregorio al Monte Celio former Metropolitan Archbishop of Westminster (England)
25. Cardinal Manuel Arce y Ochotorena
Ut in omnibus Christus formetur former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Vitale, Valeria, Gervasio e Protasio former Metropolitan Archbishop of Tarragona (Spain)
26. Venerable Cardinal József Mindszenty
Pannonia sacra former Cardinal-Priest of S. Stefano al Monte Celio former Metropolitan Archbishop of Esztergom (Hungary)
27. Cardinal Ernesto Ruffini
Firmiter stat former Cardinal-Priest of S. Sabina former Metropolitan Archbishop of Palermo (Italy)
28. Cardinal Konrad von Preysing Lichtenegg-Moos
In verbo tuo former Cardinal-Priest of S. Agata de’ Goti pro hac vice Title former Bishop of Berlin (Germany)
29. Blessed Cardinal Clemens August von Galen
Nec laudibus nec timore former Cardinal-Priest of S. Bernardo alle Terme former Bishop of Münster (Germany)
30. Cardinal Antonio Caggiano
Impendam et superimpendar former Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Panisperna former Metropolitan Archbishop of Buenos Aires (Argentina) former Military Vicar of Argentina (Argentina)
31. Cardinal Thomas Tien Ken-sin (田耕莘), S.V.D.
Tuum regnum adveniat / 爾國臨格 former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Via former Metropolitan Archbishop of Beijing 北京 (China)
Born: | 1890.10.24 (Chantsiu 陽穀縣張秋鎮, 山東, China) | Ordained Priest: | 1918.06.09 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1939.10.29 | Created Cardinal: | 1946.02.18 | Died: | 1967.07.24 (Chiayi, Taiwan † 76) |
| Prefect Apostolic of Yanggu 陽穀 (China) (1934.02.23 – 1939.07.11) Vicar Apostolic of Yanggu 陽穀 (China) (1939.07.11 – 1942.11.10) Titular Bishop of Ruspæ (1939.07.11 – 1946.02.18) Vicar Apostolic of Qingdao 青島 (China) (1942.11.10 – 1946.04.11) Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Via (1946.02.22 – 1967.07.24) Metropolitan Archbishop of Beijing 北京 (China) (1946.04.11 – 1967.07.24) Apostolic Administrator of Taipei 臺北 (Taiwan) (1959.12.16 – 1966.02.15) |
32. Cardinal Giuseppe Bruno
Justitia et pax former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Eustachio former President of Pontifical Commission for the Authentic Interpretation of the Code of Canon Law former Prefect of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura