Diocese of


Brazil Brazil

Continent: South America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Diocese Diocese

Name: Guarulhos / Guarulien(sis) (Latin)

Ecclesiastical Province: São Paulo

Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops



Patron Saint: Imaculada Conceição (December 8)

Liturgical Calendar (National) 📅


Present Prelates

Bishop (2014.01.29 – ...):Bishop Edmilson Amador Caetano, O. Cist. (64)Bishop Edmilson Amador Caetano, O. Cist. (64)


Bishops of Guarulhos (Roman Rite)

Bishop Edmilson Amador Caetano, O. Cist. (64)Bishop Edmilson Amador Caetano, O. Cist. (64)
(2014.01.29 – ...)

Bishop of Guarulhos (Brazil)

Deus providebit

Born:1960.04.20 (São Paulo, SP, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1985.12.12
Consecrated Bishop:2008.03.28

Bishop of Barretos (Brazil) (2008.01.09 – 2014.01.29)

Bishop of Guarulhos (Brazil) (2014.01.29 – ...)

Bishop Joaquim Justino Carreira
(2011.11.23 – 2013.09.01)

Pax vobis / A paz esteja convosco

Born:1950.01.24 (Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1977.03.19
Consecrated Bishop:2005.05.21
Died:2013.09.01 († 63)

Priest of Jundiaí (Brazil) (1977.03.19 – 2005.03.24)

Titular Bishop of Cabarsussi (2005.03.24 – 2011.11.23)

Auxiliary Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (2005.03.24 – 2011.11.23)

Bishop of Guarulhos (Brazil) (2011.11.23 – 2013.09.01)

Bishop Luiz Gonzaga Bergonzini
(1991.12.04 – 2011.11.23)

Oportet Illum Crescere

Born:1936.05.20 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1959.06.29
Consecrated Bishop:1992.02.07
Died:2012.06.13 († 76)

Bishop of Guarulhos (Brazil) (1991.12.04 – 2011.11.23)

Bishop João Bergese (later Archbishop)
(1981.02.11 – 1991.05.05)

Vocati ad communionem

Born:1935.09.13 (Savigliano, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1963.12.01
Consecrated Bishop:1981.04.05
Died:1996.03.21 († 60)

Bishop of Guarulhos (Brazil) (1981.02.11 – 1991.05.05)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Pouso Alegre (Brazil) (1991.05.05 – 1996.03.21)

Special Churches

Churches by City (52)

Bragança Paulista (↑), São José dos Campos (→), São Miguel Paulista (↘), São Paulo (↓)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 341 km²

Population: 896,000 Catholics (63.4% of 1,413,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 46 parishes

Personnel: 83 priests (77 diocesan, 6 religious), 9 deacons, 91 religious (21 brothers, 70 sisters), 21 seminarians


Pastoral Centres





Last updated on 2025.01.27

© 2025 GCatholic.org
