Ruthenian Church

Living Catholic Bishops

Archbishop (1)
USAArchbishop William Charles Skurla (68)Skurla, William Charles (68), Metropolitan of Pittsburgh of the Ruthenians (USA) and President of Council of the Ruthenian Church of USA
Bishops (6)
USABishop Artur Bubnevych (49)Bubnevych, Artur (49), Bishop of Holy Protection of Mary of Phoenix of the Ruthenians (USA)
CanadaBishop Kurt Richard Burnette (69)Burnette, Kurt Richard (69), Bishop of Passaic of the Ruthenians (USA) and Apostolic Administrator of Saints Cyril and Methodius of Toronto of the Ruthenians (Canada)
USABishop John Michael Kudrick (77)Kudrick, John Michael (77), Bishop emeritus of Parma of the Ruthenians (USA)
UkraineBishop Nil Yuriy Lushchak, O.F.M. (51)Lushchak, Nil Yuriy, O.F.M. (51), Titular Bishop of Flenucleta and Auxiliary Bishop of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians (Ukraine)
UkraineBishop Teodor Matsapula, I.V.E. (43)Matsapula, Teodor, I.V.E. (43), Bishop of Mukacheve of the Ruthenians (Ukraine)
USABishop Robert Mark Pipta (57)Pipta, Robert Mark (57), Bishop of Parma of the Ruthenians (USA)

Last updated on 2025.03.24

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