Bishops of Kazakhstan

by Liturgical Precedence

Date of
Bishop Ordinaries of Kazakhstan (6)
2001.03.19 (2003.05.17)Archbishop Tomash Bernard Peta (73)Archbishop Tomash Bernard Peta (73), Metropolitan Archbishop of Most Holy Mary in Astana (Kazakhstan)
1991.05.28 (2003.05.17)Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga, M.I.C. (74)Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga, M.I.C. (74), Archbishop-Bishop emeritus of Karaganda (Kazakhstan)
2006.06.02Bishop Athanasius Schneider, O.R.C. (63)Bishop Athanasius Schneider, O.R.C. (63), Titular Bishop of Celerina and Auxiliary Bishop of Most Holy Mary in Astana (Kazakhstan)
2011.05.08Bishop José Luís Mumbiela Sierra (55)Bishop José Luís Mumbiela Sierra (55), Bishop of Most Holy Trinity in Almaty (Kazakhstan) and President of Bishops’ Conference of Central Asia
2013.03.02Bishop Adelio Dell’Oro (76)Bishop Adelio Dell’Oro (76), Bishop of Karaganda (Kazakhstan)
2021.09.12Bishop Yevgeniy Zinkovskiy (49)Bishop Yevgeniy Zinkovskiy (49), Titular Bishop of Maiuca, Auxiliary Bishop of Karaganda (Kazakhstan) and General Secretary of Bishops’ Conference of Central Asia

Last updated on 2024.12.09

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