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Related Documents

Documents (18)TypeAuthorDateDescending
To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity Italiano (Italian)SpeechPope Francis2016.06.17
For the 50ᵗʰ anniversary of the Decree Apostolicam actuositatem français (French) Italiano (Italian)MessagePope Francis2015.10.22
For the International Study Seminar “Coaches: Educating people” English Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)MessagePope Francis2015.05.14
To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)SpeechPope Francis2015.02.07
To participants at the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity Italiano (Italian)SpeechPope Francis2013.12.07
To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)SpeechPope Benedict XVI2011.11.25
For the Congress of Asian Catholic Laity English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)


LetterPope Benedict XVI2010.08.10
To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)SpeechPope Benedict XVI2010.05.21
For the Study Seminar entitled: Sport, Education and Faith: A New Season for Catholic Sport Associations English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)


MessagePope Benedict XVI2009.11.03
To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


SpeechPope Benedict XVI2008.11.15
To participants in a Study Seminar convoked by the Pontifical Council for the Laity to reflect on the pastoral care of the Ecclesial Movements and New Communities English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


SpeechPope Benedict XVI2008.05.17
To participants in the International Conference ’Woman and Man, the Humanum in Its Entirety’, promoted by the Pontifical Council for the Laity on the 20ᵗʰ anniversary of the Apostolic Letter Mulieris dignitatem English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


SpeechPope Benedict XVI2008.02.09
To the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)SpeechPope Benedict XVI2006.09.22
General Regulations of the Roman Curia Italiano (Italian)

 Roman Curia 

NormsSecretariat of State1994.04.30
General Regulations of the Roman Curia Italiano (Italian)

 Roman Curia 

NormsSecretariat of State1992.02.04
Pastor bonus / The Good Shepherd English Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin) español (Spanish)
Reorganizing the Roman Curia

 canon law   Roman Curia 

Apostolic ConstitutionSaint Pope John Paul II1988.06.28
Apostolatus peragendi Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Establishing the Pontifical Council for the Laity

 Roman Curia 

Motu ProprioSaint Pope Paul VI1976.10.10
Catholicam Christi Ecclesiam Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Establishing the Council of Laity and the Pontifical Commission of Justice and Peace

 Roman Curia 

Motu ProprioSaint Pope Paul VI1967.01.06

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