Diocese of


Italy Italy


Bishop (2022.09.23 – ...):Bishop Giuliano Brugnotto (61)Bishop Giuliano Brugnotto (61)

Churches (370)

AllArsiero-SchioBassano del Grappa–RosàCamisano VicentinoCastelnovoColli BericiCologna VenetaDuevilleFontaniva–Piazzola sul BrentaLonigoMaloMarosticaMontecchio MaggioreNoventa VicentinaRiviera BericaSan Bonifacio–Montecchia di CrosaraSandrigoUrbanoVal del ChiampoValdagno
Verona (←), Trento (↑), Treviso (→), Padova (↘)
Cities (Veneto) AscendingChurches (370)
Agugliana, VIChiesa San Nicola San Nicola (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Nicholas
Agugliaro, VIChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Albettone, VIChiesa Santa Maria Nascente Santa Maria Nascente (Parish) Locate
Church of the Nativity of Mary
Almisano, VIChiesa Santi Pietro e Paolo Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Peter and Paul
Alonte, VIChiesa San Biagio San Biagio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Blaise
Altavilla, VIChiesa Santissimo Redentore e Sant’Urbano Papa Santissimo Redentore e Sant’Urbano Papa (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Redeemer and St. Urban I
Alte Ceccato, VIChiesa San Paolo Apostolo San Paolo Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Paul the Apostle
Altissimo, VIChiesa San Nicola San Nicola (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Nicholas
Alvese, VIChiesa San Giuseppe San Giuseppe (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Joseph
Ancignano, VIChiesa San Pancrazio San Pancrazio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Pancras
Anconetta, VIChiesa Immacolata di Lourdes Immacolata di Lourdes (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes
Arcole, VRChiesa San Giorgio San Giorgio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George
Arcugnano, VIChiesa San Giustina San Giustina (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Justina
Arsiero, VIChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Arzignano, VIChiesa Ognissanti Ognissanti (Parish) Locate
Church of All Saints
Arzignano, VIChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Arzignano, VIChiesa San Zenone San Zenone (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Zeno
Asigliano, VIChiesa San Martino Vescovo San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin the Bishop
Bagnolo, VIChiesa Santa Maria Santa Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Baldaria, VRChiesa San Giustina San Giustina (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Justina
Barbarano, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Barbarano Vicentino, VIConvento San Pancrazio San Pancrazio (Monastery) Locate
Convent of St. Pancratius
Bassano del Grappa, VIChiesa Esaltazione della Santa Croce Esaltazione della Santa Croce (Parish) Locate
Church of the Exaltation of the Cross
Bassano del Grappa, VIChiesa San Lazzaro San Lazzaro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lazarus
Bassano del Grappa, VIChiesa San Leopoldo Mandic San Leopoldo Mandic (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Leopold Mandić
Bassano del Grappa, VIChiesa San Marco Evangelista San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mark the Evangelist
Bassano del Grappa, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Bassano del Grappa, VIChiesa Sant’Antonio Abate Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot
Bassano del Grappa, VIChiesa Santissima Trinità Santissima Trinità (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Trinity
Belvedere di Tezze, VIChiesa Sacro Cuore di Gesù Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Locate
Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Belvedere di Villaga, VIChiesa Sant’Antonio Abate Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot
Bertesina, VIChiesa San Cristoforo San Cristoforo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Christopher
Bertesinella, VIChiesa San Benedetto Abate San Benedetto Abate (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Benedict the Abbot
Bevadoro, PDChiesa San Leonardo San Leonardo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Leonard
Bolzano Vicentino, VIChiesa Santa Maria Santa Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Bonaldo, VRChiesa Sant’Apollinare Sant’Apollinare (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Apollinarus
Bosco di Nanto, VIChiesa Santissimo Salvatore Santissimo Salvatore (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Saviour
Brancafora, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Breganze, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Brendola, VIChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Brendola, VIChiesa San Vito San Vito (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Vitus
Brenton, VRChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Bressanvido, VIChiesa Visitazione della Beata Vergine Maria Visitazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of the Visitation
Brogliano, VIChiesa San Martino San Martino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin
Brognoligo, VRChiesa Santo Stefano Protomartire Santo Stefano Protomartire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr
Ca’ Trenta, VIChiesa San Pio X San Pio X (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Pius X
Cagnano, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Caldogno, VIChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Camazzole, PDChiesa San Bernardino San Bernardino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bernardine
Camisano Vicentino, VIChiesa Santa Maria del Rosario Santa Maria del Rosario (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
Camisano Vicentino, VIChiesa San Nicolò San Nicolò (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Nicholas
Campanella, VIChiesa San Macario San Macario (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Macarius
Campedello, VIChiesa Sacro Cuore di Gesù Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Locate
Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Campiglia dei Berici, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Campodalbero, VIChiesa San Giovanni ante portam latinam San Giovanni ante portam latinam (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John Outside the Latin Gate
Campodoro, PDChiesa Santa Margherita Santa Margherita (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Margaret
Campolongo, VIChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
Campotamaso, VIChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Carmignano di Brenta, PDChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Cartigliano, VIChiesa Santi Simone e Giuda Apostoli Santi Simone e Giuda Apostoli (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Simon and Jude the Apostles
Carturo, PDChiesa Santa Maria Santa Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Casale, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Caselle di Pressana, VRChiesa Santa Maria Maddalena Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Casotto, VIChiesa San Giovanni Nepomuceno Martire San Giovanni Nepomuceno Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John Nepomucene
Castana, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Castegnero, VIChiesa San Giorgio Martire San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George the Martyr
Castelgomberto, VIChiesa Santi Pietro e Paolo in Santissimo Redentore Santi Pietro e Paolo in Santissimo Redentore (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Peter and Paul
Castello d’Arzignano, VIChiesa Visitazione della Beata Vergine Maria Visitazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of the Visitation
Castelnovo, VIChiesa San Vitale Martire San Vitale Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Vitalis
Castelvecchio, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta e San Tomaso Apostolo Santa Maria Assunta e San Tomaso Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Thomas
Cattignano, VRChiesa San Benedetto Abate San Benedetto Abate (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Benedict the Abbot
Cavazzale, VIChiesa San Matteo Apostolo San Matteo Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Matthew the Apostle
Cerealto, VIChiesa Santa Caterina Santa Caterina (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Catherine
Cereda, VIChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
Chiampo, VISantuario Pieve della Madonna di Lourdes Madonna di Lourdes (Shrine) Locate
Grotta di Lourdes del Beato Claudio
Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes
Chiampo, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta e San Martino Santa Maria Assunta e San Martino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Martin
Cicogna, VIChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Colloredo, VIChiesa San Girolamo San Girolamo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Jerome
Cologna Veneta, VRChiesa Santa Maria Nascente Santa Maria Nascente (Parish) Locate
Church of the Nativity of Mary
Cologna Veneta, VRChiesa San Sebastiano Martire San Sebastiano Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Sebastian
Colzè, VIChiesa San Zenone San Zenone (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Zeno
Corlanzone, VIChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Cornedo Vicentino, VIChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Costabissara, VIChiesa San Giorgio Martire San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George the Martyr
Costalunga, VRChiesa San Brizio San Brizio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Brice of Tours
Costozza, VIChiesa San Mauro San Mauro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Maurus
Creazzo, VIChiesa San Marco Evangelista San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mark the Evangelist
Creazzo, VIChiesa Sant’Ulderico Sant’Ulderico (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Uldericus
Cresole, VIChiesa Sant’Urbano Papa Sant’Urbano Papa (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Urban I
Crespadoro, VIChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
Crosare, VRChiesa Sacro Cuore e Immacolata Concezione Sacro Cuore e Immacolata Concezione (Parish) Locate
Church of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Conception
Cusinati, VIChiesa Immacolata di Lourdes Immacolata di Lourdes (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes
Debba, VIChiesa San Gaetano Thiene San Gaetano Thiene (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Cajetan
Dueville, VIChiesa Santa Maria e San Fosca Santa Maria e San Fosca (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary and St. Fosca
Durlo, VIChiesa Santa Margherita Vergine e Martire Santa Margherita Vergine e Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Margaret of Antioch
Enna di Torrebelvicino, VIChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Facca, PDChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Faedo, VIChiesa San Bartolomeo Apostolo San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle
Fimon, VIChiesa Santa Maria Santa Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Fongara, VIChiesa San Leonardo San Leonardo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Leonard
Fontaniva, PDChiesa Santa Maria e Beato Bertrando Santa Maria e Beato Bertrando (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary and Blessed Bertrand
Forni, VIChiesa Santa Maria Maddalena Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Friola, VIChiesa Sant’Ambrogio Sant’Ambrogio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Ambrose
Fusine, VIChiesa San Rocco San Rocco (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Roch
Gaianigo, PDChiesa San Zaccaria San Zaccaria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Zachariah
Gambellara, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Gambugliano, VIChiesa Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia
Gazzo Padovano, PDChiesa San Martino Vescovo San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin the Bishop
Gazzolo, VRChiesa San Bartolomeo San Bartolomeo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bartholomew
Giavenale, VIChiesa Santa Maria delle Grazie Santa Maria delle Grazie (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Graces
Grancona, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Grantortino, PDChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Grantorto, PDChiesa Santi Biagio e Daniele Santi Biagio e Daniele (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Blase and St. Daniel
Grossa, PDChiesa Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Peter and Paul
Grumolo delle Abbadesse, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Ignago, VIChiesa San Leonardo San Leonardo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Leonard
Isola Mantegna, PDChiesa Santi Matteo e Gottardo Santi Matteo e Gottardo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Matthew and St. Gotthard
Isola Vicentina, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Laghetto, VIChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Laghi, VIChiesa San Barnaba Apostolo San Barnaba Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Barnabas
Lanzè, VIChiesa Santi Biagio e Rocco Santi Biagio e Rocco (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Blase and St. Roch
Lapio, VIChiesa Santa Croce Santa Croce (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Cross
Leguzzano, VIChiesa San Valentino Martire San Valentino Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Valentine
Lerino, VIChiesa San Martino San Martino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin
Levà di Montecchio Precalcino, VIChiesa Santissimo Redentore Santissimo Redentore (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Redeemer
Lisiera, VIChiesa Santa Lucia Santa Lucia (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lucy
Lobia di Persegara, PDChiesa San Bartolomeo Apostolo San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle
Lobia di San Bonifacio, VRChiesa Santa Lucia Santa Lucia (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lucy
Locara, VRChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Longa, VIChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Longara, VIChiesa Santi Filippo e Giacomo Santi Filippo e Giacomo (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Philip and James
Longare, VIChiesa Santa Maria Maddalena Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Lonigo, VIConvento San Daniele San Daniele (Monastery) Locate
Convent of St. Daniel
Lonigo, VISantuario Santa Maria dei Miracoli Santa Maria dei Miracoli (Parish, Shrine) Locate
Shrine of Our Lady of Miracles
Lonigo, VIChiesa Santissimo Redentore Santissimo Redentore (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Redeemer
Lovara, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Lovertino, VIChiesa San Silvestro San Silvestro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Sylvester
Lumignano, VIChiesa San Majolo Abate San Majolo Abate (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Majolus the Abbot
Lupia, VIChiesa Santo Stefano Protomartire Santo Stefano Protomartire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr
Maddalene, VIChiesa San Giuseppe San Giuseppe (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Joseph
Madonna dei Prati, VIChiesa Beata Vergine Maria Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Madonna della Pace, VIChiesa Santa Maria Regina della Pace Santa Maria Regina della Pace (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Queen of Peace
Madonnetta di Arzignano, VIChiesa Beata Vergine Maria Addolorata Beata Vergine Maria Addolorata (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of Sorrows
Madonnetta di Sarcedo, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Maglio di sopra, VIChiesa Santissima Trinità Santissima Trinità (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Trinity
Magrè, VIChiesa Santi Leonzio e Carpoforo Santi Leonzio e Carpoforo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Leotius and St. Carpophorus
Malo, VIChiesa Santa Maria in San Benedetto e San Gaetano Santa Maria in San Benedetto e San Gaetano (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Malo, VIChiesa San Tommaso Apostolo San Tommaso Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Thomas the Apostle
Maragnole, VIChiesa San Francesco di Paola San Francesco di Paola (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Francis of Paola
Marana, VIChiesa San Rocco San Rocco (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Roch
Marano, VIChiesa Santa Maria Annunziata Santa Maria Annunziata (Parish) Locate
Church of the Annunciation of Mary
Marchesane, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Marola, VIChiesa Presentazione del Signore Presentazione del Signore (Parish) Locate
Church of the Presentation of the Lord
Marostica, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Marsan, VIChiesa Santa Maria Santa Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Mason Vicentino, VIChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
Massignani Alti, VIChiesa Sant’Antonio di Padova Sant’Antonio di Padova (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anthony of Padua
Meda, VIChiesa Santissima Trinità Santissima Trinità (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Trinity
Meledo, VIChiesa San Maurizio San Maurizio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Maurice
Merendaore, VIChiesa Santa Maria Madre della Chiesa Santa Maria Madre della Chiesa (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Mother of the Church
Molina di Malo, VIChiesa Santa Maria Santa Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Molino di Altissimo, VIChiesa San Francesco d’Assisi San Francesco d’Assisi (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Francis of Assisi
Molvena, VIChiesa San Zeno San Zeno (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Zeno
Monte di Malo, VIChiesa San Giuseppe San Giuseppe (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Joseph
Monte Magrè, VIChiesa Santi Filippo e Giacomo Santi Filippo e Giacomo (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Philip and James
Monte San Lorenzo, VIChiesa San Lorenzo San Lorenzo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lawrence
Montebello Vicentino, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Montecchia di Crosara, VRChiesa Santa Maria Santa Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Montecchio Maggiore, VIChiesa Santa Maria e San Vitale Santa Maria e San Vitale (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary and St. Vitalis
Montecchio Maggiore, VIChiesa Santa Maria Immacolata Santa Maria Immacolata (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Immaculate
Montecchio Maggiore, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Montecchio Maggiore, VIChiesa Sant’Urbano Papa Sant’Urbano Papa (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Urban I
Montecchio Maggiore, VIChiesa Santissima Trinità Santissima Trinità (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Trinity
Montecchio Precalcino, VIChiesa Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia
Montemezzo, VIChiesa San Bartolomeo Apostolo San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle
Montepulgo, VIChiesa San Francesco d’Assisi San Francesco d’Assisi (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Francis of Assisi
Monteviale, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Monticello Conte Otto, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Monticello di Fara, VIChiesa San Giovanni Bosco San Giovanni Bosco (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John Bosco
Monticello di Lonigo, VIChiesa Sant’Apollinare Sant’Apollinare (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Apollinarus
Montorso, VIChiesa San Biagio San Biagio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Blaise
Mossano, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Motta, VIChiesa San Cristoforo San Cristoforo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Christopher
Muzzolon, VIChiesa San Marco Evangelista San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mark the Evangelist
Nanto, VIChiesa Santa Maria Annunziata Santa Maria Annunziata (Parish) Locate
Church of the Annunciation of Mary
Nogarole, VIChiesa Santi Simone e Giuda Santi Simone e Giuda (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Simon and Jude
Novale, VIChiesa San Paolo Apostolo San Paolo Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Paul the Apostle
Nove, VIChiesa Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Peter and Paul
Noventa Vicentina, VIChiesa Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia
Novoledo, VIChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
Olmo, VIChiesa San Nicolò San Nicolò (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Nicholas
Orgiano, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Ospedaletto, VIChiesa Sacro Cuore e San Bartolomeo Sacro Cuore e San Bartolomeo (Parish) Locate
Church of the Sacred Heart and St. Bartholomew
Parlati, VIChiesa San Francesco San Francesco (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Francis
Passo di Riva, VIChiesa Santa Maria del Rosario Santa Maria del Rosario (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
Paviola, PDChiesa San Giacomo San Giacomo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. James
Perarolo, VIChiesa San Bernardino da Siena San Bernardino da Siena (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bernardine of Siena
Piana di Valdagno, VIChiesa San Giuseppe San Giuseppe (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Joseph
Piane di Schio, VIChiesa Beata Vergine Maria di Loreto Beata Vergine Maria di Loreto (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of Loreto
Pianezze, VIChiesa San Lorenzo Martire San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr
Pianezze del Lago, VIChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Piazzola sul Brenta, PDChiesa Natività di Beata Vergine Maria e San Silvestro Natività di Beata Vergine Maria e San Silvestro (Parish) Locate
Church of the Nativity of Mary and St. Sylvester
Pievebelvicino, VIChiesa Santa Maria Santa Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Pilastro, VIChiesa Santa Maria Ausiliatrice Santa Maria Ausiliatrice (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady Help of Christians
Poiana di Granfion, VIChiesa San Martino Vescovo San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin the Bishop
Poiana Maggiore, VIChiesa Santa Maria Nascente Santa Maria Nascente (Parish) Locate
Church of the Nativity of Mary
Poianella, VIChiesa Santa Cristina Santa Cristina (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Christina
Polegge, VIChiesa San Giovanni Evangelista San Giovanni Evangelista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Evangelist
Poleo, VIChiesa San Giorgio San Giorgio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George
Ponte di Barbarano, VIChiesa Sacro Cuore di Gesù Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Locate
Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Ponte di Mossano, VIChiesa Santa Maria Immacolata Santa Maria Immacolata (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Immaculate
Posina, VIChiesa Santa Margherita Vergine e Martire Santa Margherita Vergine e Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Margaret of Antioch
Povolaro, VIChiesa San Sebastiano San Sebastiano (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Sebastian
Pozzoleone, VIChiesa Santa Maria e San Valentino Santa Maria e San Valentino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary and St. Valentine
Pozzolo, VIChiesa Santa Lucia Santa Lucia (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lucy
Presina, PDChiesa San Bartolomeo Apostolo San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle
Pressana, VRChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Priabona, VIChiesa Santa Maria Santa Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Pugnello, VIChiesa Santi Sebastiano e Rocco Santi Sebastiano e Rocco (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Sebastian and St. Roch
Quargnenta, VIChiesa Santi Lorenzo e Lucia Santi Lorenzo e Lucia (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lawrence and St. Lucy
Quinto Vicentino, VIChiesa San Giorgio San Giorgio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George
Rampazzo, VIChiesa Santa Maria Maddalena Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Recoaro Terme, VIChiesa Sant’Antonio Abate Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot
Restena, VIChiesa Madonna di Monte Berico Madonna di Monte Berico (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of Mount Berico
Rettorgole, VIChiesa San Bartolomeo San Bartolomeo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bartholomew
Roncà, VRChiesa Santa Margherita Vergine e Martire Santa Margherita Vergine e Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Margaret of Antioch
Roncà, VRChiesa Santa Maria Annunziata Santa Maria Annunziata (Parish) Locate
Church of the Annunciation of Mary
Rosà, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Rovegliana, VIChiesa Santa Margherita Vergine e Martire Santa Margherita Vergine e Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Margaret of Antioch
Roveredo di Guà, VRChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Sabbion, VRChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
San Benedetto di Trissino, VIChiesa San Benedetto San Benedetto (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Benedict
San Bonifacio, VRChiesa San Giuseppe Lavoratore San Giuseppe Lavoratore (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Joseph the Worker
San Bonifacio, VRChiesa Santa Maria Presentata al Tempio Santa Maria Presentata al Tempio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Presented in the Temple
San Bonifacio, VRChiesa San Pietro San Pietro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter
San Bonifacio, VRChiesa Sant’Abbondio Sant’Abbondio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Abundius
San Bortolo di Arzignano, VIChiesa San Bartolomeo Apostolo San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle
Santa Caterina di Tretto, VIChiesa Santa Caterina Santa Caterina (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Catherine
Santa Croce Bigolina, PDChiesa Santa Croce Santa Croce (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Cross
Santa Croce Bigolina, VIChiesa San Giovanni Evangelista San Giovanni Evangelista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Evangelist
San Germano dei Berici, VIChiesa San Germano San Germano (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Germain
San Giorgio in Bosco, PDChiesa San Giorgio Martire San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George the Martyr
San Giorgio in Brenta, PDChiesa San Giorgio Martire San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George the Martyr
San Giovanni Ilarione, VRChiesa Santa Caterina Santa Caterina (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Catherine
San Giovanni Ilarione, VRChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
San Giovanni in Monte, VIChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
San Giuseppe, VIChiesa San Giuseppe Sposo della Beata Vergine Maria San Giuseppe Sposo della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
San Giuseppe, VIChiesa San Zeno San Zeno (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Zeno
San Gregorio di Cavalpone, VRChiesa San Gregorio Magno San Gregorio Magno (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Gregory the Great
Santa Maria di Tretto, VIChiesa Cuore Immacolato di Maria e San Girolamo Cuore Immacolato di Maria e San Girolamo (Parish) Locate
Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Jerome
San Michele di Angarano, VIChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
San Pietro in Gù, PDChiesa San Lorenzo in San Pietro San Lorenzo in San Pietro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lawrence
San Pietro Mussolino, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
San Quirico, VIChiesa San Quirico San Quirico (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Quriaqos
San Rocco di Tretto, VIChiesa San Rocco San Rocco (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Roch
San Vito di Bassano, VIChiesa Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia
San Vito di Leguzzano, VIChiesa Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia
Saline, VIChiesa Cuore Immacolato di Maria e San Giovanni Evangelista Cuore Immacolato di Maria e San Giovanni Evangelista (Parish) Locate
Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. John the Evangelist
Sandrigo, VIChiesa Santa Maria e Santi Filippo e Giacomo Santa Maria e Santi Filippo e Giacomo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary and Sts. Philip and James
Sant’Andrea di Cologna, VRChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
Sant’Anna di Rosà, VIChiesa Sant’Anna Sant’Anna (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anne
Sant’Antonio del Pasubio, VIChiesa Sant’Antonio Abate Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot
Sant’Antonio in Marostica, VIChiesa Sant’Antonio Abate Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot
Sant’Eusebio di Angarano, VIChiesa Sant’Eusebio Sant’Eusebio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Eusebius
Sant’Ubaldo, VIChiesa Sant’Ubaldo Sant’Ubaldo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Ubald
Sant’Ulderico di Tretto, VIChiesa Sant’Ulderico Sant’Ulderico (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Uldericus
Santorso, VIChiesa Santa Maria Immacolata Santa Maria Immacolata (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Immaculate
Sarcedo, VIChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
Sarego, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Sarmego, VIChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Scaldaferro, VISantuario Beata Vergine Maria Salus Infirmorum Beata Vergine Maria Salus Infirmorum (Parish, Shrine) Locate
Shrine of Our Lady Health of the Sick
Schiavon, VIChiesa Santa Margherita Santa Margherita (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Margaret
Schio, VIChiesa Esaltazione della Santa Croce Esaltazione della Santa Croce (Parish) Locate
Church of the Exaltation of the Cross
Schio, VIChiesa Sacra Famiglia Sacra Famiglia (Shrine) Locate
Santuario di Santa Giuseppina Bakhita
Church of the Holy Family
Shrine of St. Josephine Bakhita
Schio, VIChiesa Sacro Cuore di Gesù Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Locate
Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Schio, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Schio, VIChiesa Santissima Trinità Santissima Trinità (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Trinity
Seghe, VIChiesa Sant’Antonio di Padova Sant’Antonio di Padova (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anthony of Padua
Selva di Montebello, VIChiesa Santa Maria Annunziata Santa Maria Annunziata (Parish) Locate
Church of the Annunciation of Mary
Selva di Trissino, VIChiesa Santa Maria Maddalena Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Sorio, VIChiesa San Giorgio San Giorgio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George
Sossano, VIChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Sovizzo Alto, VIChiesa Santa Maria Annunziata Santa Maria Annunziata (Parish) Locate
Church of the Annunciation of Mary
Sovizzo Basso, VIChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Spagnago, VIChiesa San Giuseppe Lavoratore San Giuseppe Lavoratore (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Joseph the Worker
Spessa, VRChiesa Santa Maria della Neve Santa Maria della Neve (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of the Snow
Spiazzo, VIChiesa San Vincenzo Martire San Vincenzo Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Vincent the Martyr
Staro, VIChiesa Santissima Trinità Santissima Trinità (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Trinity
Stroppari, VIChiesa Presentazione della Beata Vergine Maria detta Madonna della Salu Presentazione della Beata Vergine Maria detta Madonna della Salu (Parish) Locate
Church of the Presentation of Mary
Tavernelle, VIChiesa Santa Maria Nascente Santa Maria Nascente (Parish) Locate
Church of the Nativity of Mary
Terrossa, VRChiesa Santa Maria Maddalena Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Tezze di Arzignano, VIChiesa Sant’Agata Vergine e Martire Sant’Agata Vergine e Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Agatha
Tezze sul Brenta, VIChiesa Santi Pietro e Rocco Santi Pietro e Rocco (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter and St. Roch
Timonchio, VIChiesa Sant’Antonio Confessore Sant’Antonio Confessore (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anthony
Toara, VIChiesa San Giorgio San Giorgio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George
Tonezza del Cimone, VIChiesa San Cristoforo San Cristoforo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Christopher
Torrebelvicino, VIChiesa San Lorenzo Martire San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr
Torreselle, VIChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Torri di Arcugnano, VIChiesa San Luca Evangelista San Luca Evangelista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Luke the Evangelist
Torri di Quartesolo, VIChiesa Santi Gervasio e Protasio Santi Gervasio e Protasio (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Gervasius and Protasius
Travettore, VIChiesa San Giovanni Evangelista San Giovanni Evangelista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Evangelist
Tremignon, PDChiesa San Giorgio Martire San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George the Martyr
Trissino, VIChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
Vaccarino, PDChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Valdagno, VIChiesa San Clemente Papa San Clemente Papa (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Clement
Valdagno, VIChiesa San Gaetano Thiene San Gaetano Thiene (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Cajetan
Valdagno, VIChiesa Santa Maria Madre della Chiesa Santa Maria Madre della Chiesa (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Mother of the Church
Valdimolino, VIChiesa Santa Maria di Loreto Santa Maria di Loreto (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of Loreto
Valle di Castelgomberto, VIChiesa Santa Cecilia Santa Cecilia (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Cecilia
Valli del Pasubio, VIChiesa Santa Maria Santa Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Vallonara, VIChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Valmarana, VIChiesa San Biagio Vescovo San Biagio Vescovo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Blaise
Valproto, VIChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Valrovina, VIChiesa Sant’Ambrogio Sant’Ambrogio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Ambrose
Vancimuglio, VIChiesa San Silvestro San Silvestro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Sylvester
Velo d’Astico, VIChiesa Santi Martino e Giorgio Santi Martino e Giorgio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin and St. George
Veronella, VRChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Vicenza, VICattedrale di Santa Maria Annunziata Santa Maria Annunziata (Cathedral, World Heritage Site, Parish) Locate
Cathedral of St. Mary of the Annunciation
Vicenza, VIBasilica di Santa Maria di Monte Berico Santa Maria di Monte Berico (Minor Basilica, Shrine, World Heritage Site, Conventual) Locate
Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Berico
Vicenza, VIChiesa Cristo Re Cristo Re (Parish) Locate
Church of Christ the King
Vicenza, VIChiesa Cuore Immacolato di Maria Cuore Immacolato di Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Carlo San Carlo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Charles
Vicenza, VIOratorio di Santa Chiara Santa Chiara Locate
Oratory of St. Clare
Vicenza, VIChiesa Santa Corona Santa Corona Locate
Church of St. Corona
Vicenza, VIChiesa Santa Croce in San Giacomo Maggiore Santa Croce in San Giacomo Maggiore (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Cross
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Domenico San Domenico Locate
Church of St. Dominic
Vicenza, VIChiesa Santa Famiglia e San Lazzaro Santa Famiglia e San Lazzaro (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Family and St. Lazarus
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Francesco d’Assisi San Francesco d’Assisi (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Francis of Assisi
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Gaetano San Gaetano Locate
Church of St. Cajetan
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Giorgio Martire San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. George the Martyr
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Giuseppe San Giuseppe (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Joseph
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Lorenzo San Lorenzo Locate
Church of St. Lawrence
Vicenza, VIChiesa Santa Lucia Santa Lucia Locate
Church of St. Lucy
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Marcello detta dei Filippini San Marcello detta dei Filippini (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Marcellus
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Marco in S. Girolamo San Marco in S. Girolamo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mark
Vicenza, VIChiesa Santa Maria Annunziata Santa Maria Annunziata (Parish) Locate
Church of the Annunciation of Mary
Vicenza, VIChiesa Santa Maria Ausiliatrice Santa Maria Ausiliatrice (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady Help of Christians
Vicenza, VIChiesa Santa Maria Bertilla Santa Maria Bertilla (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Vicenza, VIChiesa Santa Maria in Araceli Santa Maria in Araceli Locate
Church of St. Mary
Vicenza, VIChiesa Santa Maria Nova Santa Maria Nova Locate
Church of St. Mary
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Michele in Santa Maria in Foro San Michele in Santa Maria in Foro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Paolo Apostolo San Paolo Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Paul the Apostle
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Pietro Apostolo San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter the Apostle
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Pio X San Pio X (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Pius X
Vicenza, VIChiesa San Silvestro in Santa Caterina San Silvestro in Santa Caterina (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Sylvester
Vicenza, VIAbbazia Sant’Agostino Sant’Agostino (Parish, Monastery) Locate
Abbey of St. Augustine
Vicenza, VIChiesa Sant’Andrea Apostolo Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
Vicenza, VIChiesa Sant’Antonio di Padova Sant’Antonio di Padova (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anthony of Padua
Vicenza, VIChiesa Santi Ambrogio e Bellino Santi Ambrogio e Bellino Locate
Church of St. Ambrose and St. Bellinus
Vicenza, VIChiesa Santi Felice e Fortunato Santi Felice e Fortunato (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Felix and St. Fortunatus
Vicenza, VIChiesa Santo Stefano Santo Stefano (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Stephen
Vicenza, VISeminario Vescovile di Vicenza (Seminario Vescovile di Vicenza) (Seminary) Locate
Diocesan Seminary of Vicenza
Vigardolo, VIChiesa Santi Floriano e Valentino Santi Floriano e Valentino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Florian and St. Valentine
Villa del Ferro, VIChiesa San Martino Vescovo San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin the Bishop
Villa di Molvena, VIChiesa San Cristoforo San Cristoforo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Christopher
Villabalzana, VIChiesa San Nicola Vescovo San Nicola Vescovo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Nicholas
Villaga, VIChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Villaganzerla, VIChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Villalta, PDChiesa Santi Faustino e Giovita Santi Faustino e Giovita (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Faustinus and Jovita
Villaraspa, VIChiesa San Francesco d’Assisi San Francesco d’Assisi (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Francis of Assisi
Villaverla, VIChiesa San Domenico San Domenico (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Dominic
Vivaro, VIChiesa Santi Girolamo e Bernardino Santi Girolamo e Bernardino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Jerome and St. Bernardine
Vò di Brendola, VIChiesa Santo Stefano Protomartire Santo Stefano Protomartire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr
Volpino, VRChiesa Santa Maria Maddalena Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Magdalene
Zermeghedo, VIChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Zimella, VRChiesa San Floriano Martire San Floriano Martire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Florian
Zimella, VRChiesa Santo Stefano Protomartire Santo Stefano Protomartire (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr
Zovencedo, VIChiesa San Gottardo San Gottardo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Gotthard
Zovencedo, VIChiesa San Nicola di Bari San Nicola di Bari (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Nicholas

Last updated on 2025.01.06

See Also

Diocese of Vicenza

All Churches in Italy

Special Churches in Italy, Vatican City State, San Marino

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