Cities (Ontario) | Churches (269)  |
Etobicoke | All Saints (Parish)  |
North York | Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary  |
Oshawa | Assomption de Notre-Dame (Parish) (French)  Church of the Assumption of Mary |
Markham | Blessed Frederic Ozanam (Parish, Chapel)  |
Toronto | Blessed Sacrament (Parish)  |
North York | Blessed Trinity (Parish)  |
East York | Canadian Martyrs (Parish)  |
Markham | Chinese Martyrs (Parish) (Chinese)  中華殉道聖人堂 |
Etobicoke | Christ the King (Parish)  |
Mississauga | Christ the King (Parish) (Portuguese, English)  Cristo Rei Parish |
Toronto | Corpus Christi (Parish)  |
Mississauga | Croatian Martyrs (Parish) (Croatian)  |
Scarborough | Epiphany of Our Lord (Parish)  |
Markham | Good Shepherd (Parish)  |
Brampton | Guardian Angels (Parish)  |
Orillia | Guardian Angels (Parish)  |
Etobicoke | Holy Angels (Parish)  |
East York | Holy Cross (Parish)  |
Oshawa | Holy Cross (Parish)  |
Bolton | Holy Family (Parish)  |
Etobicoke | Holy Family (Parish) (Coptic)  |
Toronto | Holy Family (Parish) (English, Latin)  Toronto Oratory of St. Philip Neri |
Whitby | Holy Family (Parish)  |
Bradford | Holy Martyrs of Japan (Parish)  |
Toronto | Holy Name (Parish)  |
Pickering | Holy Redeemer (Parish)  |
York | Holy Rosary (Parish)  |
Barrie | Holy Spirit (Parish)  |
Scarborough | Holy Spirit (Parish)  |
Adjala (Adjala-Tosorontio) | Immaculate Conception  |
Port Perry (Scugog) | Immaculate Conception (Parish)  |
Sutton West (Georgina) | Immaculate Conception (Parish)  |
Woodbridge (Vaughan) | Immaculate Conception (Parish)  |
York | Immaculate Conception (Parish)  |
Scarborough | Immaculate Heart of Mary (Parish)  |
Zephyr | Infant Jesus (Monastery) (English, Chinese)  耶穌聖嬰聖衣會隱修院 |
Toronto | Kidane Mhret (Ethiopic)  |
Mississauga | Lithuanian Martyrs (Parish) (Lithuanian)  |
Mississauga | Merciful Redeemer (Parish)  |
Etobicoke | Nativity of Our Lord (Parish)  |
Midland | North American Martyrs (National Shrine)  Church of St. Joseph |
Toronto | Our Lady Help of Christians (Parish) (Slovenian)  |
Brampton | Our Lady of Fatima (Parish) (Portuguese)  |
Mississauga | Our Lady of Fatima (Tamil)  |
Scarborough | Our Lady of Fatima (Parish)  |
Toronto | Our Lady of Good Counsel (Parish)  |
Toronto | Our Lady of Good Health (Parish) (Tamil)  |
Angus (Essa) | Our Lady of Grace (Parish)  |
Aurora | Our Lady of Grace (Parish)  |
King City | Our Lady of Grace Shrine (Shrine)  Marylake Retreat Centre |
York | Our Lady of Guadalupe (Parish) (Spanish)  |
Mississauga | Our Lady of La Vang (Vietnamese)  |
Elmvale (Springwater) | Our Lady of Lourdes  |
Toronto | Our Lady of Lourdes (Parish)  |
Toronto | Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Parish) (Chinese)  嘉模聖母堂 |
Etobicoke | Our Lady of Peace (Parish)  |
Toronto | Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Parish)  |
Etobicoke | Our Lady of Sorrows (Parish)  |
Mississauga | Our Lady of the Airways (Parish)  |
Richmond Hill | Our Lady of the Annunciation (Parish)  |
Brentwood (Springwater) | Our Lady of the Assumption  |
Toronto | Our Lady of the Assumption (Parish)  |
Keswick (Georgina) | Our Lady of the Lake  |
Etobicoke | Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Parish) (Slovenian)  |
Penetanguishene | Our Lady of the Rosary  |
Scarborough | Our Lady of the Rosary (Parish) (Portuguese)  |
York | Our Lady of Victory (Parish)  |
Toronto | Our Lady Queen of Croatia (Parish) (Croatian)  |
Scarborough | Our Lady Queen of Poland (Parish) (Polish)  |
Richmond Hill | Our Lady Queen of the World (Parish)  |
Scarborough | Precious Blood (Parish)  |
Scarborough | Prince of Peace (Shrine)  Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague |
Toronto | Regis College (University)  Jesuit Graduate Faculty of Theology |
Etobicoke | Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Parish) (Lithuanian)  |
Toronto | Sacré-Coeur (Parish) (French)  Church of the Sacred Heart |
King City | Sacred Heart (Parish)  |
Port McNicoll (Tay) | Sacred Heart (Parish)  |
Scarborough | Sacred Heart (Chinese)  華人聖心堂 |
Toronto | Sacred Heart (Malayalam)  |
Uxbridge | Sacred Heart (Parish)  |
Warminster (Oro-Medonte) | Sacred Heart  |
Etobicoke | Sacred Heart of Jesus (Parish) (Korean)  Ye Su Sung Shim Parish |
Toronto | St. Agnes (Parish) (Portuguese)  |
Markham | St. Agnes Kouying Tsao (Parish) (Chinese)  聖曹桂英堂 |
Scarborough | St. Aidan (Parish)  |
York | St. Alphonsus (Parish)  |
Etobicoke | St. Ambrose (Parish)  |
Vaughan | St. André Bessette (Parish, Chapel)  |
Brechin (Ramara) | St. Andrew (Parish)  |
Etobicoke | St. Andrew (Parish)  |
North York | St. Andrew Kim (Parish) (Korean)  성 김안드레아 성당 |
Penetanguishene | St. Ann (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Ann (Parish)  |
Brampton | St. Anne (Parish)  |
East York | St. Anselm (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Anthony (Parish) (Portuguese)  |
Virginia (Georgina) | St. Anthony  |
Brampton | St. Anthony of Padua (Parish)  |
Barrie | Saint-Antoine-Daniel (Chapel) (French)  |
North York | St. Augustine of Canterbury (Parish)  |
Scarborough | St. Augustine’s Seminary (Seminary)  |
Scarborough | St. Barnabas (Parish)  |
Scarborough | St. Bartholomew (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Basil (Parish)  |
Etobicoke | St. Benedict (Parish)  |
Ajax | St. Bernadette (Parish)  |
North York | St. Bernard de Clairvaux (Parish)  |
North York | St. Bonaventure (Parish)  |
Scarborough | St. Boniface (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Brigid (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Casimir (Parish) (Polish)  |
Mississauga | St. Catherine of Siena (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Catherine of Siena  |
Toronto | St. Cecilia (Parish)  |
York | St. Charles Borromeo (Parish)  |
Mississauga | St. Christopher (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Clare (Parish)  |
Woodbridge (Vaughan) | St. Clare of Assisi (Parish)  |
Etobicoke | St. Clement (Parish)  |
Uptergrove (Ramara) | St. Columbkille (Parish)  |
Silvercreek (Caledon) | St. Cornelius  |
Lafontaine (Tiny) | Sainte-Croix (Parish) (French)  Church of the Holy Cross |
Toronto | Santa Cruz (Parish) (Portuguese)  |
Mississauga | Sts. Cyril and Methodius (Parish) (Slovak)  |
Maple (Vaughan) | St. David (Parish)  |
Mississauga | St. Dominic (Parish)  |
Scarborough | St. Dunstan (Parish)  |
East York | St. Edith Stein  |
North York | St. Edward the Confessor (Parish)  |
North York | St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Parish) (Hungarian)  |
Newmarket | St. Elizabeth Seton (Parish)  |
North York | St. Eugene  |
Brampton | St. Eugene de Mazenod (Parish, Shrine) (Polish)  Shrine of Our Lady of Ludźmierz |
Mississauga | Sainte-Famille (Parish) (French)  Church of the Holy Family |
North York | St. Fidelis (Parish)  |
Thunder Beach (Tiny) | St. Florence  |
Ajax | St. Francis de Sales (Parish)  |
Mississauga | St. Francis of Assisi (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Francis of Assisi (Parish) (Italian)  |
Washago (Severn) | St. Francis of Assisi (Parish)  |
Christian Island | St. Francis Xavier  |
Mississauga | St. Francis Xavier (Parish)  |
Tottenham (New Tecumseth) | St. Francis Xavier  |
Aurora | Saint-Frère-André (Chapel) (French)  |
North York | St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin (Parish)  |
Oshawa | St. Gertrude (Parish)  |
Etobicoke | St. Gregory (Parish)  |
Oshawa | St. Gregory the Great (Parish)  |
Oshawa | St. Hedwig (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Helen (Parish) (Portuguese)  |
Waubaushene (Tay) | St. Ignace II  |
Mississauga | St. Ignatius Loyola (Parish)  |
Pickering | St. Isaac Jogues (Parish)  |
Colgan (Adjala-Tosorontio) | St. James (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. James (Parish)  |
North York | St. Jane Frances de Chantal (Parish)  |
Brampton | St. Jerome (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Joan of Arc (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. John (Parish)  |
York | St. John Bosco (Parish)  |
Newmarket | St. John Chrysostom (Parish)  |
Brampton | St. John Fisher (Parish)  |
Mississauga | St. John of the Cross (Parish)  |
Newmarket | St. John the Baptist (Chinese)  北區華人聖若翰堂 |
Toronto | St. John the Baptist (Parish) (Spanish)  |
Albion (Caledon) | St. John the Evangelist (Parish)  |
Waubaushene (Tay) | St. John the Evangelist (Parish)  |
Whitby | St. John the Evangelist (Parish)  |
York | St. John the Evangelist (Parish)  |
Barrie | St. John Vianney (Parish)  |
North York | St. John XXIII (Parish)  |
Beaverton (Brock) | St. Joseph (Parish)  |
Mississauga | St. Joseph (Parish)  |
Scarborough | St. Joseph (Parish)  |
Thornhill | St. Joseph (Chapel)  Holy Cross Cemetery |
Toronto | St. Joseph (Parish)  |
Oshawa | St. Joseph the Worker (Parish)  |
Thornhill | St. Joseph the Worker (Parish) (English, Italian)  |
Mississauga | St. Josephine Bakhita (Parish)  |
Whitby | San Juan Diego (Spanish)  |
North York | St. Jude (Parish)  |
Markham | St. Justin Martyr (Parish)  |
Scarborough | St. Lawrence Martyr (Parish) (English, Italian, Latin)  |
Etobicoke | St. Leo (Parish)  |
Brooklin (Whitby) | St. Leo the Great (Parish)  |
Brampton | St. Leonard (Parish)  |
Mount St. Louis (Oro-Medonte) | St. Louis  |
Victoria Harbour (Tay) | St. Louis  |
North York | St. Louis-de-France (Parish) (French)  Church of St. Louis of France |
Markham | St. Luke (Parish)  |
Midland | St. Margaret (Parish)  |
Woodbridge (Vaughan) | St. Margaret Mary (Parish)  |
North York | St. Margaret of Scotland (Parish)  |
Brampton | St. Marguerite d’Youville (Parish)  |
Scarborough | St. Maria Goretti (Parish)  |
Midland | Sainte-Marie among the Hurons  |
Etobicoke | St. Mark (Parish)  |
Stouffville | St. Mark (Parish)  |
Mississauga | Sts. Martha and Mary (Parish)  |
Scarborough | St. Martin de Porres (Parish)  |
Mississauga | St. Martin of Tours (Parish)  |
Achill (Adjala-Tosorontio) | St. Mary  |
Barrie | St. Mary (Parish)  |
Brampton | St. Mary (Parish)  |
Collingwood | St. Mary (Parish)  |
Nobleton (King) | St. Mary  |
Toronto | St. Mary (Parish) (Polish)  Parish of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lady of Czestochowa |
Toronto | St. Mary (Parish) (Portuguese)  |
Richmond Hill | St. Mary Immaculate (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Mary of the Angels (Parish)  |
Victoria Harbour (Tay) | St. Mary of the Assumption (Parish)  |
Oshawa | St. Mary of the People (Parish)  |
Mississauga | St. Mary Star of the Sea (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Matthew (Parish)  |
Mississauga | St. Maximilian Kolbe (Parish) (Polish)  |
Toronto | St. Michael (Cathedral, Minor Basilica, Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Monica (Parish)  |
Etobicoke | St. Mother Teresa (Albanian)  Misioni Shqiptar E Lumja Nene Tereza |
Toronto | St. Nicholas of Bari (Parish)  |
Wasaga Beach | St. Noël Chabanel  |
North York | St. Norbert (Parish)  |
Kleinburg (Vaughan) | St. Padre Pio (Parish)  |
Thornhill | St. Paschal Baylon (Parish)  |
Markham | St. Patrick (Parish)  |
Mississauga | St. Patrick (Parish)  |
Perkinsfield (Tiny) | St. Patrick (Parish)  |
Phelpston (Springwater) | St. Patrick (Parish)  |
Schomberg (King) | St. Patrick (Parish) (Latin, English)  |
Stayner (Clearview) | St. Patrick (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Patrick (National Shrine, Parish) (English, German)  National Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help |
Wildfield | St. Patrick (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Paul (Minor Basilica, Parish, Former Pro-Cathedral)  |
Alliston (New Tecumseth) | St. Paul the Apostle (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Paul the Apostle (Parish) (Maltese, English)  |
Mississauga | St. Peter  |
Toronto | St. Peter (Parish)  |
Woodbridge (Vaughan) | St. Peter (Parish)  |
Mississauga | Sts. Peter and Paul (Parish)  |
North York | St. Philip Neri (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Philip’s Seminary (Seminary)  |
Oshawa | St. Philip the Apostle (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Pius X (Parish)  |
North York | St. Roch (Parish)  |
Scarborough | St. Rose of Lima (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Sebastian (Portuguese)  |
Toronto | St. Stanislaus Kostka (Parish) (Polish)  |
Toronto | St. Stephen (Chapel)  |
Etobicoke | St. Teresa (Parish)  |
Scarborough | St. Theresa (Parish, Shrine) (English, Latin)  Shrine of the Little Flower |
Toronto | St. Thomas Aquinas (Parish)  Newman Centre of University of Toronto |
York | St. Thomas Aquinas (Parish)  |
Scarborough | St. Thomas More (Parish)  |
Markham | St. Thomas the Apostle (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Thomas the Apostle  |
North York | St. Timothy (Parish)  |
Orangeville | St. Timothy (Parish)  |
Toronto | St. Vincent de Paul (Parish) (English, Latin)  |
Toronto | St. Wenceslaus (Parish) (Czech)  |
North York | St. Wilfrid (Parish)  |
Mississauga | Saviour of the World (Parish) (Chinese)  救世主堂 |
Scarborough | Scarboro Foreign Mission Society  |
Mississauga | Ss. Salvador do Mundo (Parish) (Portuguese)  |
Etobicoke | Transfiguration of Our Lord (Parish)  |
Toronto | University of St. Michael’s College (University)  University of Toronto |
Toronto | Vietnamese Martyrs (Parish) (Vietnamese)  |
North York | (Catholic Chaplaincy of York University) (Chapel)  |
Toronto | (Native People’s Mission)  |
Mississauga | (Pearson International Airport) (Chapel)  |
Scarborough | (Toronto Japanese Catholic Community) (Chapel) (Japanese)  トロント・ジャパニーズ・クリスチャン・コミュニティ |
Cities | Other Churches Within the Diocesan Territory (35)  |
Toronto | Annunciation (Romanian)  |
Thornhill (Markham) | Cathedral Mission (Slovak) (Ruthenian)  |
Etobicoke | Christ the Good Shepherd (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Toronto | Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Mississauga | Dormition of the Mother of God (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Barrie | Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
North York | Good Shepherd (Cathedral) (Chaldean)  |
Oshawa | Good Shepherd  |
Toronto | Holy Eucharist (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Toronto | Holy Protection of the Mother of God (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Etobicoke | Jesus the King (Greek-Melkite)  |
Thornhill | Jesus the King (Greek-Melkite)  |
North York | Marian Shrine of Gratitude (Shrine) (Ukrainian)  |
Toronto | Narodenia Bohorodičky (Cathedral) (Slovak) (Ruthenian)  Byzantine Slovak Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God |
Toronto | Our Lady of Lebanon (Maronite)  |
Oshawa | Protection of the Mother of God (Slovak) (Ruthenian)  |
Mississauga | St. Alphonsa (Cathedral) (Syro-Malabar)  |
York | St. Basil the Great (Ukrainian)  |
Bond Head | St. Catherine of Alexandria (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Mississauga | St. Charbel (Maronite)  |
Etobicoke | St. Demetrius (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Brampton | St. Elias the Prophet (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Oshawa | St. George (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
North York | St. Gregory the Illuminator (Armenian)  |
Toronto | St. Josaphat (Cathedral, Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Borden | St. Joseph  |
Mississauga | St. Joseph (Syriac)  |
North York | St. Mary (Syro-Malankara)  |
Toronto | St. Nicholas (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Scarborough | Sts. Peter and Paul (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Scarborough | St. Thomas (Syro-Malabar)  |
Toronto | St. Thomas More  |
Cawaja Beach (Tiny) | Sts. Volodymyr and Olha (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Markham | St. Volodymyr the Great (Parish) (Ukrainian)  |
Markham | Transfiguration of Our Lord (Former Cathedral) (Greek-Melkite)  |