Metropolitan Archdiocese of


Canada Canada

Metropolitan Archdiocese

Metropolitan Archbishop (2023.02.11 – ...):Cardinal Frank Leo (53)Cardinal Frank Leo (53)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Salute a Primavalle

Churches (304)

Hamilton (←), Peterborough (↗)
Cities (Ontario)Churches (269) Ascending
EtobicokeChurch of All Saints All Saints (Parish) Locate
North YorkChurch of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Locate
OshawaÉglise de l’Assomption de Notre-Dame Assomption de Notre-Dame (Parish) (French) Locate
Church of the Assumption of Mary
MarkhamChurch of Blessed Frederic Ozanam Blessed Frederic Ozanam (Parish, Chapel) Locate
TorontoChurch of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed Sacrament (Parish) Locate
North YorkChurch of the Blessed Trinity Blessed Trinity (Parish) Locate
East YorkChurch of the Canadian Martyrs Canadian Martyrs (Parish) Locate
MarkhamChurch of the Chinese Martyrs Chinese Martyrs (Parish) (Chinese) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of Christ the King Christ the King (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of Christ the King Christ the King (Parish) (Portuguese, English) Locate
Cristo Rei Parish
TorontoChurch of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of the Croatian Martyrs Croatian Martyrs (Parish) (Croatian) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of the Epiphany of Our Lord Epiphany of Our Lord (Parish) Locate
MarkhamChurch of the Good Shepherd Good Shepherd (Parish) Locate
BramptonChurch of the Guardian Angels Guardian Angels (Parish) Locate
OrilliaChurch of the Guardian Angels Guardian Angels (Parish) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of the Holy Angels Holy Angels (Parish) Locate
East YorkChurch of the Holy Cross Holy Cross (Parish) Locate
OshawaChurch of the Holy Cross Holy Cross (Parish) Locate
BoltonChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family (Parish) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family (Parish) (Coptic) Locate
TorontoChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family (Parish) (English, Latin) Locate
Toronto Oratory of St. Philip Neri
WhitbyChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family (Parish) Locate
BradfordChurch of the Holy Martyrs of Japan Holy Martyrs of Japan (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of the Holy Name Holy Name (Parish) Locate
PickeringChurch of the Holy Redeemer Holy Redeemer (Parish) Locate
YorkChurch of the Holy Rosary Holy Rosary (Parish) Locate
BarrieChurch of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit (Parish) Locate
Adjala (Adjala-Tosorontio)Church of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
Port Perry (Scugog)Church of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception (Parish) Locate
Sutton West (Georgina)Church of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception (Parish) Locate
Woodbridge (Vaughan)Church of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception (Parish) Locate
YorkChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Immaculate Heart of Mary (Parish) Locate
ZephyrCarmel of the Infant Jesus Infant Jesus (Monastery) (English, Chinese) Locate
TorontoChurch of Kidane Mhret Kidane Mhret (Ethiopic) Locate
MississaugaChurch of the Lithuanian Martyrs Lithuanian Martyrs (Parish) (Lithuanian) Locate
MississaugaChurch of the Merciful Redeemer Merciful Redeemer (Parish) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of the Nativity of Our Lord Nativity of Our Lord (Parish) Locate
MidlandNational Shrine of North American Martyrs North American Martyrs (National Shrine) Locate
Church of St. Joseph
TorontoChurch of Our Lady Help of Christians Our Lady Help of Christians (Parish) (Slovenian) Locate
BramptonChurch of Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Fatima (Parish) (Portuguese) Locate
MississaugaOur Lady of Fatima Tamil Chaplaincy Our Lady of Fatima (Tamil) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Fatima (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of Our Lady of Good Counsel Our Lady of Good Counsel (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of Our Lady of Good Health Our Lady of Good Health (Parish) (Tamil) Locate
Angus (Essa)Church of Our Lady of Grace Our Lady of Grace (Parish) Locate
AuroraChurch of Our Lady of Grace Our Lady of Grace (Parish) Locate
King CityOur Lady of Grace Shrine Our Lady of Grace Shrine (Shrine) Locate
Marylake Retreat Centre
YorkChurch of Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Guadalupe (Parish) (Spanish) Locate
MississaugaOur Lady of La Vang Vietnamese Community Our Lady of La Vang (Vietnamese) Locate
Elmvale (Springwater)Church of Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of Lourdes Locate
TorontoChurch of Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of Lourdes (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Parish) (Chinese) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of Our Lady of Peace Our Lady of Peace (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Parish) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of Our Lady of Sorrows Our Lady of Sorrows (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of Our Lady of the Airways Our Lady of the Airways (Parish) Locate
Richmond HillChurch of Our Lady of the Annunciation Our Lady of the Annunciation (Parish) Locate
Brentwood (Springwater)Church of Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the Assumption Locate
TorontoChurch of Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the Assumption (Parish) Locate
Keswick (Georgina)Church of Our Lady of the Lake Our Lady of the Lake Locate
EtobicokeChurch of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Parish) (Slovenian) Locate
PenetanguisheneChurch of Our Lady of the Rosary Our Lady of the Rosary Locate
ScarboroughChurch of Our Lady of the Rosary Our Lady of the Rosary (Parish) (Portuguese) Locate
YorkChurch of Our Lady of Victory Our Lady of Victory (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of Our Lady Queen of Croatia Our Lady Queen of Croatia (Parish) (Croatian) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of Our Lady Queen of Poland Our Lady Queen of Poland (Parish) (Polish) Locate
Richmond HillChurch of Our Lady Queen of the World Our Lady Queen of the World (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of the Precious Blood Precious Blood (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of the Prince of Peace Prince of Peace (Shrine) Locate
Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague
TorontoRegis College Regis College (University) Locate
Jesuit Graduate Faculty of Theology
EtobicokeChurch of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Parish) (Lithuanian) Locate
TorontoÉglise du Sacré-Cœur Sacré-Coeur (Parish) (French) Locate
Church of the Sacred Heart
King CityChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart (Parish) Locate
Port McNicoll (Tay)Church of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChinese Mission of Sacred Heart Sacred Heart (Chinese) Locate
TorontoSacred Heart Kerala Community Sacred Heart (Malayalam) Locate
UxbridgeChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart (Parish) Locate
Warminster (Oro-Medonte)Church of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
EtobicokeChurch of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sacred Heart of Jesus (Parish) (Korean) Locate
Ye Su Sung Shim Parish
TorontoChurch of St. Agnes St. Agnes (Parish) (Portuguese) Locate
MarkhamChurch of St. Agnes Kouying Tsao St. Agnes Kouying Tsao (Parish) (Chinese) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Aidan St. Aidan (Parish) Locate
YorkChurch of St. Alphonsus St. Alphonsus (Parish) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of St. Ambrose St. Ambrose (Parish) Locate
VaughanParish of St. André Bessette St. André Bessette (Parish, Chapel) Locate
Brechin (Ramara)Church of St. Andrew St. Andrew (Parish) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of St. Andrew St. Andrew (Parish) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Andrew Kim St. Andrew Kim (Parish) (Korean) Locate
성 김안드레아 성당
PenetanguisheneChurch of St. Ann St. Ann (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Ann St. Ann (Parish) Locate
BramptonChurch of St. Anne St. Anne (Parish) Locate
East YorkChurch of St. Anselm St. Anselm (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Anthony St. Anthony (Parish) (Portuguese) Locate
Virginia (Georgina)Church of St. Anthony St. Anthony Locate
BramptonChurch of St. Anthony of Padua St. Anthony of Padua (Parish) Locate
BarrieCommunauté Saint-Antoine-Daniel Saint-Antoine-Daniel (Chapel) (French) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Augustine of Canterbury St. Augustine of Canterbury (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughSt. Augustine’s Seminary St. Augustine’s Seminary (Seminary) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Barnabas St. Barnabas (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Bartholomew St. Bartholomew (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Basil St. Basil (Parish) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of St. Benedict St. Benedict (Parish) Locate
AjaxChurch of St. Bernadette St. Bernadette (Parish) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Bernard de Clairvaux St. Bernard de Clairvaux (Parish) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Bonaventure St. Bonaventure (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Boniface St. Boniface (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Brigid St. Brigid (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Casimir St. Casimir (Parish) (Polish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Catherine of Siena St. Catherine of Siena (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Catherine of Siena St. Catherine of Siena Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Cecilia St. Cecilia (Parish) Locate
YorkChurch of St. Charles Borromeo St. Charles Borromeo (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Christopher St. Christopher (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Clare St. Clare (Parish) Locate
Woodbridge (Vaughan)Church of St. Clare of Assisi St. Clare of Assisi (Parish) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of St. Clement St. Clement (Parish) Locate
Uptergrove (Ramara)Church of St. Columbkille St. Columbkille (Parish) Locate
Silvercreek (Caledon)Church of St. Cornelius St. Cornelius Locate
Lafontaine (Tiny)Église de la Sainte-Croix Sainte-Croix (Parish) (French) Locate
Church of the Holy Cross
TorontoChurch of Santa Cruz Santa Cruz (Parish) (Portuguese) Locate
MississaugaChurch of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Sts. Cyril and Methodius (Parish) (Slovak) Locate
Maple (Vaughan)Church of St. David St. David (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Dominic St. Dominic (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Dunstan St. Dunstan (Parish) Locate
East YorkChurch of St. Edith Stein St. Edith Stein Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Edward the Confessor St. Edward the Confessor (Parish) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Elizabeth of Hungary St. Elizabeth of Hungary (Parish) (Hungarian) Locate
NewmarketChurch of St. Elizabeth Seton St. Elizabeth Seton (Parish) Locate
North YorkChapel of St. Eugene St. Eugene Locate
BramptonChurch of St. Eugene de Mazenod St. Eugene de Mazenod (Parish, Shrine) (Polish) Locate
Shrine of Our Lady of Ludźmierz
MississaugaÉglise de la Sainte-Famille Sainte-Famille (Parish) (French) Locate
Church of the Holy Family
North YorkChurch of St. Fidelis St. Fidelis (Parish) Locate
Thunder Beach (Tiny)Church of St. Florence St. Florence Locate
AjaxChurch of St. Francis de Sales St. Francis de Sales (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis of Assisi (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis of Assisi (Parish) (Italian) Locate
Washago (Severn)Church of St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis of Assisi (Parish) Locate
Christian IslandChurch of St. Francis Xavier St. Francis Xavier Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Francis Xavier St. Francis Xavier (Parish) Locate
Tottenham (New Tecumseth)Church of St. Francis Xavier St. Francis Xavier Locate
AuroraMission Saint-Frère-André Saint-Frère-André (Chapel) (French) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin (Parish) Locate
OshawaChurch of St. Gertrude St. Gertrude (Parish) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of St. Gregory St. Gregory (Parish) Locate
OshawaChurch of St. Gregory the Great St. Gregory the Great (Parish) Locate
OshawaChurch of St. Hedwig St. Hedwig (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Helen St. Helen (Parish) (Portuguese) Locate
Waubaushene (Tay)Mission St. Ignace II St. Ignace II Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Ignatius Loyola St. Ignatius Loyola (Parish) Locate
PickeringChurch of St. Isaac Jogues St. Isaac Jogues (Parish) Locate
Colgan (Adjala-Tosorontio)Church of St. James St. James (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. James St. James (Parish) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Jane Frances de Chantal St. Jane Frances de Chantal (Parish) Locate
BramptonChurch of St. Jerome St. Jerome (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Joan of Arc St. Joan of Arc (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. John St. John (Parish) Locate
YorkChurch of St. John Bosco St. John Bosco (Parish) Locate
NewmarketChurch of St. John Chrysostom St. John Chrysostom (Parish) Locate
BramptonChurch of St. John Fisher St. John Fisher (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. John of the Cross St. John of the Cross (Parish) Locate
NewmarketNorthern Chinese Mission of St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist (Chinese) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist (Parish) (Spanish) Locate
Albion (Caledon)Church of St. John the Evangelist St. John the Evangelist (Parish) Locate
Waubaushene (Tay)Church of St. John the Evangelist St. John the Evangelist (Parish) Locate
WhitbyChurch of St. John the Evangelist St. John the Evangelist (Parish) Locate
YorkChurch of St. John the Evangelist St. John the Evangelist (Parish) Locate
BarrieChurch of St. John Vianney St. John Vianney (Parish) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. John XXIII St. John XXIII (Parish) Locate
Beaverton (Brock)Church of St. Joseph St. Joseph (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph (Parish) Locate
ThornhillChapel of St. Joseph St. Joseph (Chapel) Locate
Holy Cross Cemetery
TorontoChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph (Parish) Locate
OshawaChurch of St. Joseph the Worker St. Joseph the Worker (Parish) Locate
ThornhillChurch of St. Joseph the Worker St. Joseph the Worker (Parish) (English, Italian) Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Josephine Bakhita St. Josephine Bakhita (Parish) Locate
WhitbySan Juan Diego Spanish Mission San Juan Diego (Spanish) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Jude St. Jude (Parish) Locate
MarkhamChurch of St. Justin Martyr St. Justin Martyr (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Lawrence Martyr St. Lawrence Martyr (Parish) (English, Italian, Latin) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of St. Leo St. Leo (Parish) Locate
Brooklin (Whitby)Church of St. Leo the Great St. Leo the Great (Parish) Locate
BramptonChurch of St. Leonard St. Leonard (Parish) Locate
Mount St. Louis (Oro-Medonte)Church of St. Louis St. Louis Locate
Victoria Harbour (Tay)Mission St. Louis St. Louis Locate
North YorkÉglise de St. Louis-de-France St. Louis-de-France (Parish) (French) Locate
Church of St. Louis of France
MarkhamChurch of St. Luke St. Luke (Parish) Locate
MidlandChurch of St. Margaret St. Margaret (Parish) Locate
Woodbridge (Vaughan)Church of St. Margaret Mary St. Margaret Mary (Parish) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Margaret of Scotland St. Margaret of Scotland (Parish) Locate
BramptonChurch of St. Marguerite d’Youville St. Marguerite d’Youville (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Maria Goretti St. Maria Goretti (Parish) Locate
MidlandFormer Mission of Sainte-Marie among the Hurons Sainte-Marie among the Hurons Locate
EtobicokeChurch of St. Mark St. Mark (Parish) Locate
StouffvilleChurch of St. Mark St. Mark (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of Sts. Martha and Mary Sts. Martha and Mary (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Martin de Porres St. Martin de Porres (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Martin of Tours St. Martin of Tours (Parish) Locate
Achill (Adjala-Tosorontio)Mission of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
BarrieChurch of St. Mary St. Mary (Parish) Locate
BramptonChurch of St. Mary St. Mary (Parish) Locate
CollingwoodChurch of St. Mary St. Mary (Parish) Locate
Nobleton (King)Church of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Mary St. Mary (Parish) (Polish) Locate
Parish of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lady of Czestochowa
TorontoChurch of St. Mary St. Mary (Parish) (Portuguese) Locate
Richmond HillChurch of St. Mary Immaculate St. Mary Immaculate (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Mary of the Angels St. Mary of the Angels (Parish) Locate
Victoria Harbour (Tay)Church of St. Mary of the Assumption St. Mary of the Assumption (Parish) Locate
OshawaChurch of St. Mary of the People St. Mary of the People (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Mary Star of the Sea St. Mary Star of the Sea (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Matthew St. Matthew (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Maximilian Kolbe St. Maximilian Kolbe (Parish) (Polish) Locate
TorontoSt. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica St. Michael (Cathedral, Minor Basilica, Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Monica St. Monica (Parish) Locate
EtobicokeMission of St. Mother Teresa St. Mother Teresa (Albanian) Locate
Misioni Shqiptar E Lumja Nene Tereza
TorontoChurch of St. Nicholas of Bari St. Nicholas of Bari (Parish) Locate
Wasaga BeachChurch of St. Noël Chabanel St. Noël Chabanel Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Norbert St. Norbert (Parish) Locate
Kleinburg (Vaughan)Church of St. Padre Pio St. Padre Pio (Parish) Locate
ThornhillChurch of St. Paschal Baylon St. Paschal Baylon (Parish) Locate
MarkhamChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick (Parish) Locate
Perkinsfield (Tiny)Church of St. Patrick St. Patrick (Parish) Locate
Phelpston (Springwater)Church of St. Patrick St. Patrick (Parish) Locate
Schomberg (King)Church of St. Patrick St. Patrick (Parish) (Latin, English) Locate
Stayner (Clearview)Church of St. Patrick St. Patrick (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick (National Shrine, Parish) (English, German) Locate
National Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
WildfieldChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick (Parish) Locate
TorontoSt. Paul’s Basilica St. Paul (Minor Basilica, Parish, Former Pro-Cathedral) Locate
Alliston (New Tecumseth)Church of St. Paul the Apostle St. Paul the Apostle (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Paul the Apostle St. Paul the Apostle (Parish) (Maltese, English) Locate
MississaugaMission of St. Peter St. Peter Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Peter St. Peter (Parish) Locate
Woodbridge (Vaughan)Church of St. Peter St. Peter (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of Sts. Peter and Paul Sts. Peter and Paul (Parish) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Philip Neri St. Philip Neri (Parish) Locate
TorontoSt. Philip’s Seminary St. Philip’s Seminary (Seminary) Locate
OshawaChurch of St. Philip the Apostle St. Philip the Apostle (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Pius X St. Pius X (Parish) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Roch St. Roch (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Rose of Lima St. Rose of Lima (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Sebastian St. Sebastian (Portuguese) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Stanislaus Kostka St. Stanislaus Kostka (Parish) (Polish) Locate
TorontoSt. Stephen’s Centre St. Stephen (Chapel) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of St. Teresa St. Teresa (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Theresa St. Theresa (Parish, Shrine) (English, Latin) Locate
Shrine of the Little Flower
TorontoChurch of St. Thomas Aquinas St. Thomas Aquinas (Parish) Locate
Newman Centre of University of Toronto
YorkChurch of St. Thomas Aquinas St. Thomas Aquinas (Parish) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Thomas More St. Thomas More (Parish) Locate
MarkhamChurch of St. Thomas the Apostle St. Thomas the Apostle (Parish) Locate
TorontoMission of St. Thomas the Apostle St. Thomas the Apostle Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Timothy St. Timothy (Parish) Locate
OrangevilleChurch of St. Timothy St. Timothy (Parish) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul (Parish) (English, Latin) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Wenceslaus St. Wenceslaus (Parish) (Czech) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Wilfrid St. Wilfrid (Parish) Locate
MississaugaChurch of the Saviour of the World Saviour of the World (Parish) (Chinese) Locate
ScarboroughScarboro Foreign Mission Society Chapel Scarboro Foreign Mission Society Locate
MississaugaChurch of Ss. Salvador do Mundo Ss. Salvador do Mundo (Parish) (Portuguese) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Transfiguration of Our Lord (Parish) Locate
TorontoUniversity of St. Michael’s College University of St. Michael’s College (University) Locate
University of Toronto
TorontoMission of the Vietnamese Martyrs Vietnamese Martyrs (Parish) (Vietnamese) Locate
North YorkCatholic Chaplaincy of York University (Catholic Chaplaincy of York University) (Chapel) Locate
TorontoNative People’s Mission (Native People’s Mission) Locate
MississaugaPearson International Airport (Pearson International Airport) (Chapel) Locate
ScarboroughToronto Japanese Catholic Community (Toronto Japanese Catholic Community) (Chapel) (Japanese) Locate
CitiesOther Churches Within the Diocesan Territory (35) Ascending
TorontoParish of the Annunciation Annunciation (Romanian) Locate
Thornhill (Markham)Cathedral Mission Cathedral Mission (Slovak) (Ruthenian) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of Christ the Good Shepherd Christ the Good Shepherd (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
TorontoChurch of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
MississaugaChurch of the Dormition of the Mother of God Dormition of the Mother of God (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
BarrieChurch of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
North YorkCathedral of the Good Shepherd Good Shepherd (Cathedral) (Chaldean) Locate
OshawaSodality of the Good Shepherd Good Shepherd Locate
TorontoChurch of the Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
TorontoChurch of the Holy Protection of the Mother of God Holy Protection of the Mother of God (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
EtobicokeMission of Jesus the King Jesus the King (Greek-Melkite) Locate
ThornhillChurch of Jesus the King Jesus the King (Greek-Melkite) Locate
North YorkMarian Shrine of Gratitude Marian Shrine of Gratitude (Shrine) (Ukrainian) Locate
TorontoChrám Narodenia Bohorodičky Narodenia Bohorodičky (Cathedral) (Slovak) (Ruthenian) Locate
Byzantine Slovak Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God
TorontoChurch of Our Lady of Lebanon Our Lady of Lebanon (Maronite) Locate
OshawaChurch of the Protection of the Mother of God Protection of the Mother of God (Slovak) (Ruthenian) Locate
MississaugaSt. Alphonsa Syro-Malabar Catholic Cathedral St. Alphonsa (Cathedral) (Syro-Malabar) Locate
YorkFormer Church of St. Basil the Great St. Basil the Great (Ukrainian) Locate
Bond HeadChurch of St. Catherine of Alexandria St. Catherine of Alexandria (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Charbel St. Charbel (Maronite) Locate
EtobicokeChurch of St. Demetrius St. Demetrius (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
BramptonChurch of St. Elias the Prophet St. Elias the Prophet (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
OshawaChurch of St. George St. George (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
North YorkChurch of St. Gregory the Illuminator St. Gregory the Illuminator (Armenian) Locate
TorontoSt. Josaphat’s Cathedral St. Josaphat (Cathedral, Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
BordenChapel of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
MississaugaChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph (Syriac) Locate
North YorkSt. Mary’s Syro-Malankara Church St. Mary (Syro-Malankara) Locate
TorontoChurch of St. Nicholas St. Nicholas (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of Sts. Peter and Paul Sts. Peter and Paul (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
ScarboroughChurch of St. Thomas St. Thomas (Syro-Malabar) Locate
TorontoSodality of St. Thomas More St. Thomas More Locate
Cawaja Beach (Tiny)Church of Sts. Volodymyr and Olha Sts. Volodymyr and Olha (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
MarkhamChurch of St. Volodymyr the Great St. Volodymyr the Great (Parish) (Ukrainian) Locate
MarkhamFormer Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Transfiguration of Our Lord (Former Cathedral) (Greek-Melkite) Locate

Last updated on 2024.12.13

See Also

Metropolitan Archdiocese of Toronto

All Churches in Canada

Special Churches in Canada

© 2024
