Bishop (2013.06.22 – ...): | Bishop Bernard Taiji Katsuya (ベルナルド 勝谷太治) (69) |
Cities (北海道) | Churches (68) |
北斗 (Hokuto) | 聖リタ Church of St. Rita (Tohbetsu Church) |
室蘭 (Muroran) | 聖家族 Church of the Holy Family (Higashi-Muroran Church) |
旭川 (Asahikawa) | 三位一体 Church of the Holy Trinity (Ohmachi Church) |
室蘭 (Muroran) | 聖アンナ Church of St. Ann (Muroran Church) |
留萌 (Rumoi) | 聖パウロ Church of St. Paul (Rumoi Church) |
檜山郡 (Hiyama District) | 聖ペトロ Church of St. Peter (Esashi Church) |
稚内 (Wakkanai) | 聖ペトロ Church of St. Peter (Wakkanai Church) |
北見 (Kitami) | 聖ペト口 Church of St. Peter (Kitami Church) |
岩見沢 (Iwamizawa) | 聖ヨセフ Church of St. Joseph (Iwamizawa Church) |
恵庭 (Eniwa) | 聖ヨセフ Church of St. Joseph (Eniwa Church) |
名寄 (Nayoro) | 聖ヨセフ Church of St. Joseph (Nayoro Church) |
帯広 (Obihiro) | 聖ヨセフ (Japanese, English) Church of St. Joseph (Obihiro Church) |
札幌 (Sapporo) | 聖ヨセフ Church of St. Joseph (Tsukisamu Church) |
江別 (Ebetsu) | 雪の聖母 Church of Our Lady of Snows (Ebetsu Church) |
利尻島 (Rishiri Island) | 使徒の元后 Church of the Queen of the Apostles (Rishiri Church) |
函館 (Hakodate) | 天使の聖母 (Monastery) Trappist Convent of Our Lady of the Angels |
札幌 (Sapporo) | 守護の天使 (Cathedral) (Japanese, English) Cathedral of the Guardian Angels (Kitaiciho Church) |
砂川 (Sunagawa) | 平和の元后 Church of the Queen of Peace (Sunagawa Church) |
北斗 (Hokuto) | 灯台の聖母 (Monastery) Trappist Abbey of Our Lady of the Lighthouse |
中川郡 (Nakagawa District) | 聖ピオ十世 Church of St. Pius X (Honbetsu Church) |
美唄 (Bibai) | 聖ピオ十世 Church of St. Pius X (Bibai Church) |
千歳 (Chitose) | イエスのみ名 Church of the Holy Name of Jesus (Chitose Church) |
登別 (Noboribetsu) | イエスのみ心 Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Noboribetsu Church) |
小樽 (Otaru) | イエスのみ心 Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Tomioka Church) |
伊達 (Date) | ルルドの聖母 Church of Our Lady of Lourdes (Date Church) |
紋別郡 (Monbetsu District) | 使徒聖パウ口 Church of St. Paul the Apostle (Engaru Church) |
網走郡 (Abashiri District) | 使徒聖ヨハネ Church of St. John the Apostle (Bihoro Church) |
札幌 (Sapporo) | 北の国の聖母 Church of Our Lady of the Northern Country (Kita 26 Jo Church) |
虻田郡 (Abuta District) | 暁の星の聖母 Church of Our Lady of the Morning Star (Kutchan Church) |
厚岸郡 (Akkeshi District) | 海の星の聖母 Church of Stella Maris (Akkeshi Church) |
枝幸郡 (Esashi District) | 海の星の聖母 Church of Stella Maris (Esashi Church) |
函館 (Hakodate) | 無原罪の聖母 (Former Cathedral) Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (Motomachi Church) |
苫小牧 (Tomakomai) | 無原罪の聖母 Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (Tomakomai Church) |
旭川 (Asahikawa) | 無原罪の聖母 Church of Our Lady of the Assumption (Asahikawa 6 Jo Church) |
中川郡 (Nakagawa District) | 聖パウロ三木 Church of St. Paul Miki (Ikeda Church) |
旭川 (Asahikawa) | 被昇天の聖母 Church of Our Lady of the Assumption (Asahikawa 5 Jo Church) |
石狩 (Ishikari) | 被昇天の聖母 Church of Our Lady of the Assumption (Hanakawa Church) |
札幌 (Sapporo) | 聖ベネディクト Church of St. Benedict (Teine Church) |
紋別 (Monbetsu ) | 聖マリア海の星 Church of St. Mary Star of the Sea (Mombetsu Church) |
苫前郡 (Tomamae District) | 大天使聖ミカエル Church of St. Michael the Archangel (Haboro Church) |
函館 (Hakodate) | 大天使聖ミカエル Church of St. Michael the Archangel (Miyamaecho Church) |
函館 (Hakodate) | 王であるキリスト Church of Christ the King (Yunokawa Church) |
札幌 (Sapporo) | 王であるキリスト Church of Christ the King (Konopporo Church) |
士別 (Shibetsu) | 王であるキリスト Church of Christ the King (Shibetsu Church) |
釧路 (Kushiro) | 無原罪の聖母マリア Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (Kushiro Church) |
日高郡 (Hidaka District) | 聖ペトロ・聖パウロ Church of Sts. Peter and Paul (Shizunai Church) |
江別 (Ebetsu) | 聖ペトロ・聖パウロ Church of Sts. Peter and Paul (Ooasa Church) |
樺戸郡 (Kabato District) | 聖母の汚れなきみ心 Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Shinden Church) |
小樽 (Otaru) | 聖母の汚れなきみ心 Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Suminoe Church) |
札幌 (Sapporo) | 聖母の汚れなきみ心 Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Makomanai Church) |
標津郡 (Shibetsu District) | イエスとマリアのみ心 Church of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (Nakashibetsu Church) |
札幌 (Sapporo) | 日本二十六聖人殉教者 Church of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Japan (Maruyama Church) |
網走 (Abashiri) | 諸聖寵の仲介者マリア Church of Our Lady Mediatrice of All Graces (Abashiri Church) |
旭川 (Asahikawa) | アシジの聖フランシスコ Church of St. Francis of Assisi (Kamui Church) |
根室 (Nemuro) | アシジの聖フランシスコ Church of St. Francis of Assisi (Nemuro Church) |
札幌 (Sapporo) | アシジの聖フランシスコ Church of St. Francis of Assisi (Kita 11 Jo Church) |
釧路 (Kushiro) | 幼きイエスの聖テレジア Church of St. Therese of the Child Jesus (Shinkawa Church) |
札幌 (Sapporo) | 幼きイエスの聖テレジア Church of St. Therese of the Child Jesus (Yamahana Church) |
帯広 (Obihiro) | シエナの聖ベルナルディノ Church of St. Bernardine of Siena (Hakurindai Church) |
二海郡 (Futami District) | 聖フランシスコ・ザビエル Church of St. Francis Xavier (Yakumo Church) |
北広島 (Kitahiroshima) | 聖フランシスコ・ザビエル Church of St. Francis Xavier (Kitahiroshima Church) |
富良野 (Furano) | 聖ヨハネ・マリア・ビアンネ Church of St. John Vianney (Furano Church) |
滝川 (Takikawa) | 聖マキシミリアノ・マリア・コルベ Church of St. Maximilian Kolbe (Takikawa Church) |
夕張 (Yūbari) | (夕張教会) Yubari Church |
旭川 (Asahikawa) | (末広教会) (Chapel) Suehiro Church |
浦河郡 (Urakawa District) | (浦河教会) Urakawa Church |
深川 (Fukagawa) | (深川教会) Fukagawa Church |
夕張郡 (Yūbari District) | (長沼教会) Naganuma Church |
Last updated on 2024.12.13
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