Metropolitan Archbishop (2017.03.08 – ...): | Archbishop Manoel Delson Pedreira da Cruz, O.F.M. Cap. (70) |
Cities (Paraíba) | Churches (97) |
Alhandra | Nossa Senhora da Assunção (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Assumption |
Baía da Traição | Nossa Senhora da Penha (Parish) Paróquia São Miguel Church of Our Lady of the Rock |
Bayeux | Imaculada Conceição de Bayeux (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Conception of Bayeux |
Bayeux | Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Bayeux | São João Batista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Bayeux | São Pedro Apóstolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Bayeux | São Sebastião (Parish) Church of St. Sebastian |
Caaporã | Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Conception |
Cabedelo | Maria Mãe de Deus (Parish) Church of Mary Mother of God |
Cabedelo | Nossa Senhora da Assunção (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Assumption |
Cabedelo | Nossa Senhora de Nazaré (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Nazareth |
Cabedelo | Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Cabedelo | São Judas Tadeu (Parish) Church of St. Jude Thaddeus |
Conde | Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Conception |
Conde | Sagrados Corações de Jesus e Maria (Shrine) Shrine of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary |
Cruz do Espírito Santo | Divino Espírito Santo (Parish) Church of the Holy Spirit |
Cuité de Mamanguape | Imaculada Conceição (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Conception |
Curral de Cima | São Miguel Arcanjo e Nossa Senhora das Dores (Parish) Church of St. Michael and Our Lady of Sorrows |
Gurinhém | Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Conception |
Ingá | Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Conception |
Itabaiana | Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Conception |
Itapororoca | São João Batista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Itatuba | Santo Antônio (Parish) Church of St. Anthony |
Jacaraú | Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Conception |
Jacumã | São João Batista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora das Neves (Cathedral, Minor Basilica, Parish) Metropolitan Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of the Snows |
João Pessoa | Cristo Rei (Parish) Church of Christ the King |
João Pessoa | Jesus Ressuscitado (Parish) Church of the Resurrected Jesus |
João Pessoa | Mãe do Redentor (Parish) Church of the Mother of the Redeemer |
João Pessoa | Menino Jesus de Praga (Parish) Church of the Infant Jesus of Prague |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora (Parish) Church of Our Lady Help of Christians |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Conception |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora da Penha (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Penha |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora das Dores (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Sorrows |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Fatima |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora de Lourdes (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Lourdes |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora de Nazaré (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Nazareth |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora do Rosário (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Rosary |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora Mãe dos Homens (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady Mother of Men |
João Pessoa | Nossa Senhora Mãe Rainha (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady, Mother Queen |
João Pessoa | Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
João Pessoa | Santa Clara (Parish) Paróquia Nossa Senhora da Assunção Church of St. Clare |
João Pessoa | Santa Clara (Parish) Church of St. Clare |
João Pessoa | Santa Edwiges (Parish) Church of St. Hedwig |
João Pessoa | Santa Júlia (Parish) Church of St. Julia |
João Pessoa | Santa Teresinha (Parish) Church of St. Therese |
João Pessoa | Sant’Ana (Parish) Church of St. Ann |
João Pessoa | Sant’Anna e São Joaquim (Parish) Church of St. Anne and St. Joachim |
João Pessoa | Santíssima Trindade (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
João Pessoa | Santo Antônio de Lisboa (Parish) Church of St. Amthony of Lisbon |
João Pessoa | Santo Antônio de Pádua (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
João Pessoa | Santo Antônio do Menino Deus (Parish) Church of St. Amthony of the Infant God |
João Pessoa | São Francisco das Chagas (Parish) Church of St. Francis of the Wounds |
João Pessoa | São Francisco de Assis (Parish) Church of St. Francis of Assisi |
João Pessoa | São Francisco de Assis (Parish) Church of St. Francis of Assisi |
João Pessoa | São Francisco de Assis (Parish) Church of St. Francis of Assisi |
João Pessoa | São João Batista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
João Pessoa | São José (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
João Pessoa | São José Operário (Parish) Church of St. Joseph the Worker |
João Pessoa | São Judas Tadeu (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus |
João Pessoa | São Miguel Arcanjo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
João Pessoa | São Pedro e São Paulo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
João Pessoa | São Pedro Pescador (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Fisherman |
João Pessoa | São Rafael (Parish) Church of St. Raphael |
João Pessoa | Virgem Mãe dos Pobres (Parish) Church of the Virgin Mother of the Poor |
Juripiranga | Nossa Senhora da Soledade e São Sebastião (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Solitude and St. Sebastian |
Lucena | Nossa Senhora da Guia (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of the Tabernacle |
Lucena | Sagrado Coração de Jesus Menino (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of the Infant Jesus |
Mamanguape | Nossa Senhora do Carmo (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Carmel |
Mamanguape | São Pedro e São Paulo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Mata Redonda | Sagrada Família (Parish) Paróquia Santo Antônio de Pádua Church of the Holy Family |
Mataraca | Senhor Bom Jesus (Parish) Church of the Good Lord Jesus |
Mogeiro | Nossa Senhora das Dores (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Sorrows |
Pedras de Fogo | Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Conception |
Pedro Régis | Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Fatima |
Pilar | Nossa Senhora do Pilar (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Pillar |
Pitimbu | Nossa Senhora da Penha de França (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Penha de França |
Riachão do Poço | Nossa Senhora de Fátima e São João Batista (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Fatima and St. John the Baptist |
Rio Tinto | Santa Rita (Parish) Church of St. Rita |
Santa Rita | Nossa Senhora das Graças (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Graces |
Santa Rita | Nossa Senhora do Livramento (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Deliverance |
Santa Rita | Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Santa Rita | Santa Rita de Cassia (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of St. Rita |
Santa Rita | Santo Antônio (Parish) Church of St. Anthony |
Santa Rita | São Pedro e São Paulo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Salgado de São Félix | São Félix Cantalice (Parish) Church of St. Felix of Cantalice |
São José dos Ramos | Jesus, Maria e José (Parish) Church of Jesus, Mary and Joseph |
São Miguel de Taipu | Nossa Senhora Rainha dos Anjos (Parish) Church of Our Lady Queen of the Angels |
Sapé | Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Conception |
Sapé | Santa Teresinha (Parish) Church of St. Therese |
Serra Redonda | São Pedro (Parish) Church of St. Peter |
Last updated on 2024.12.13
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