Bishop (2017.09.29 – ...): | Bishop Egidio Miragoli (69) Member of College for the review of appeals by clergy accused of delicta reservata |
Cities (Piemonte) | Churches (158) |
Alto, CN | San Michele (Parish) Church of St. Michael |
Bagnasco, CN | Santa Margherita (Parish) Church of St. Margaret |
Bagnasco, CN | Sant’Antonio (Parish) Church of St. Anthony |
Bagnasco, CN | Santo Spirito Church of the Holy Spirit |
Bastia Mondovì, CN | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Battifollo, CN | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Beinette, CN | Santi Giacomo e Cristoforo (Parish) Church of St. James and St. Christopher |
Belvedere Langhe, CN | San Nicola (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Bene Vagienna, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Collegiate Church of Our Lady of the Assumption |
Bene Vagienna, CN | San Giovanni Battista Decollato Church of the Beheading of St. John |
Blangetti, CN | San Giuseppe (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Briaglia, CN | Santa Croce (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Camerana, CN | Sant’Antonio (Parish) Church of St. Anthony |
Camerana, CN | Santissima Annunziata (Parish) Church of the Holy Annunciation |
Caprauna, CN | Sant’Antonino (Parish) Church of St. Antoninus |
Carleveri, CN | Santi Giorgio e Bartolomeo (Parish) Church of St. George and St. Bartholomew |
Carrù, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Carrù, CN | Natività di Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of Mary |
Casario, CN | San Giusto (Parish) Church of St. Justus |
Castellino Tanaro, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Castello, CN | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Castelnuovo di Ceva, CN | San Maurizio (Parish) Church of St. Maurice |
Ceva, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Collegiate Church of Our Lady of the Assumption |
Ceva, CN | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Chiusa di Pesio, CN | Sant’Antonino (Parish) Church of St. Antoninus |
Cigliè, CN | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Clavesana, CN | San Michele e Madonna della Neve (Parish) Church of St. Michael and Our Lady of the Snow |
Consovero, CN | Madonna della Neve (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Snows |
Corsaglia, CN | Madonna della Neve (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Snows |
Crava, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Dalmazzi, CN | San Dalmazzo (Parish) Church of St. Dalmasus |
Deversi, CN | Visitazione di Maria (Parish) Church of the Visitation of Mary |
Dogliani, CN | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Dogliani, CN | Santi Quirico e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Quriaqos and Paul |
Farigliano, CN | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Fiamenga, CN | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Fontane, CN | San Bartolomeo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew |
Frabosa Soprana, CN | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Frabosa Sottana, CN | Madonna della Neve (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Snows |
Frabosa Sottana, CN | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Galleria, CN | Santi Giovanni e Bernardo (Parish) Church of St. John and St. Bernard |
Garessio, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Garessio, CN | San Bartolomeo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew |
Garessio, CN | Santa Caterina (Parish) Church of St. Catherine |
Garessio, CN | Sant’Antonio da Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Garessio, CN | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Gratteria, CN | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Igliano, CN | Sant’Andrea (Parish) Church of St. Andrew |
Isola, CN | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Lequio Tanaro, CN | San Michele (Parish) Church of St. Michael |
Lesegno, CN | Sant’Antonio (Parish) Church of St. Anthony |
Lisio, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Lurisia, CN | Santissimo Nome di Maria e San Luca (Parish) Church of the Most Holy Name of Mary and St. Luke |
Madonna del Pasco, CN | Madonna del Pasco (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady |
Magliano Alpi, CN | Madonna del Carmine (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
Magliano Alpi, CN | San Giuseppe (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Margarita, CN | Santa Margherita (Parish) Church of St. Margaret |
Marsaglia, CN | San Eusebio (Parish) Church of St. Eusebius |
Mellea, CN | Madonna delle Grazie (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Graces |
Merlo, CN | Santa Croce (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Miroglio, CN | San Biagio (Parish) Church of St. Blaise |
Moline, CN | Santissima Annunziata (Parish) Church of the Holy Annunciation |
Mombarcaro, CN | San Michele (Parish) Church of St. Michael |
Mombasiglio, CN | San Nicola (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Mombasiglio, CN | Sant’Antonio Abate Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Monastero Vasco, CN | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Monasterolo Casotto, CN | San Colombano (Shrine) Shrine of St. Columban |
Monasterolo Casotto, CN | Santi Giacomo e Giovanni (Parish) Church of St. James and St. John |
Mondagnola, CN | Santissima Annunziata (Parish) Church of the Holy Annunciation |
Mondovì, CN | San Donato (Cathedral) Cathedral of St. Donatus |
Mondovì, CN | Annunziata Church of the Annunciation |
Mondovì, CN | Cuore Immacolato di Maria (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Mondovì, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Mondovì, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Mondovì, CN | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Mondovì, CN | Santa Chiara Church of St. Clare |
Mondovì, CN | San Francesco Saverio Church of St. Francis Xavier |
Mondovì, CN | Santa Maria Maggiore (Parish) Church of St. Mary Major |
Mondovì, CN | San Rocco delle Carceri Church of St. Roch |
Mondovì, CN | Sant’Agostino (Parish) Church of St. Augustine |
Mondovì, CN | Sant’Anna (Parish) Church of St. Anne |
Mondovì, CN | Santi Giovanni ed Evasio (Parish) Church of St. John and St. Evasius |
Mondovì, CN | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Mondovì Breo, CN | Santissimo Nome di Maria (Shrine) Shrine of the Most Holy Name of Mary |
Monesiglio, CN | Sant’Andrea (Parish) Church of St. Andrew |
Montaldo Mondovì, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Montefallonio, CN | Madonna delle Grazie (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Grace |
Montezemolo, CN | San Benedetto (Parish) Church of St. Benedict |
Morozzo, CN | Natività di Maria (Parish) Church of the Nativity of Mary |
Murazzano, CN | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Murazzano, CN | Vergine di Hal (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Hal |
Mursecco, CN | San Nicola (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Naviante, CN | Santi Pastore e Anna (Parish) Church of St. Pastor and St. Anne |
Niella Tanaro, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Niella Tanaro, CN | Sant’Anna Church of St. Anne |
Nucetto, CN | Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Church of St. Mary Magdalene |
Ormea, CN | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Pamparato, CN | San Biagio (Parish) Church of St. Blaise |
Paroldo, CN | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Pascomonti, CN | Santissimo Nome di Maria (Parish) Church of the Most Name of Mary |
Perlo, CN | San Michele (Parish) Church of St. Michael |
Peveragno, CN | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Peveragno, CN | Santa Maria (Parish) Church of St. Mary |
Pianfei, CN | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Pianvignale, CN | San Giuseppe (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Piazza, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Pievetta, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Piozzo, CN | Santo Stefano (Parish) Church of St. Stephen |
Poggi San Siro, CN | San Siro (Parish) Church of St. Syrus |
Poggi Santo Spirito, CN | Santo Spirito e Sant’Antonio (Parish) Church of the Holy Spirit and St. Anthony |
Pradeboni, CN | San Maurizio (Parish) Church of St. Maurice |
Prato Nevoso, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Prea, CN | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Priero, CN | Sant’Antonio (Parish) Church of St. Anthony |
Priola, CN | San Desiderio (Parish) Church of St. Desiderius |
Prunetto, CN | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Rifreddo, CN | Visitazione di Maria (Parish) Church of the Visitation of Mary |
Roascio, CN | Maria Immacolata (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Mary |
Roatta, CN | Santi Luigi e Carlo (Parish) Church of St. Louis and St. Charles |
Roburent, CN | San Siro (Parish) Church of St. Syrus |
Rocca de’ Baldi, CN | San Marco (Parish) Church of St. Mark |
Roccacigliè, CN | Santa Brigida (Parish) Church of St. Brigid |
Roccaforte Mondovì, CN | San Maurizio (Parish) Church of St. Maurice |
Roracco, CN | Sant’Anna (Parish) Church of St. Anne |
San Bartolomeo, CN | San Bartolomeo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew |
San Biagio, CN | San Biagio (Parish) Church of St. Blaise |
San Giacomo di Roburent, CN | San Giacomo (Parish) Church of St. James |
San Giovanni, CN | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
San Giovanni Govoni, CN | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
San Grato, CN | San Grato (Parish) Church of St. Gratus |
San Grato, CN | San Grato (Parish) Church of St. Gratus |
San Lorenzo, CN | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
San Michele Mondovì, CN | San Michele (Parish) Church of St. Michael |
San Michele Mondovì, CN | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
San Quintino, CN | San Quintino (Parish) Church of St. Quentin |
San Teobaldo, CN | San Teobaldo (Parish) Church of St. Theobold |
Sale delle Langhe, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Sale delle Langhe, CN | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Saliceto, CN | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Sant’Albano Stura, CN | Maria Vergine Assunta (Parish) Church of the Assumption |
Sant’Anna Collarea, CN | Sant’Anna (Parish) Church of St. Anne |
Scagnello, CN | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Serra, CN | Santa Maria (Parish) Church of St. Mary |
Serro, CN | Santi Giacomo e Filippo (Parish) Church of St. James and St. Philip |
Torre Mondovì, CN | Santi Bartolomeo e Placido (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew and St. Placidus |
Torresina, CN | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Trinità, CN | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Trucchi, CN | San Rocco (Parish) Church of St. Roch |
Valcasotto, CN | San Lodovico (Parish) Church of St. Louis |
Valdinferno, CN | San Ludovico (Parish) Church of St. Louis |
Valsorda, CN | Madonna delle Grazie (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Graces |
Valsorda, CN | Santi Pietro e Paolo Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Vasco, CN | Maria Immacolata e San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of the Mary Immaculate and St. John the Baptist |
Vicoforte, CN | Natività di Maria Santissima (Minor Basilica, Shrine) Basilica Shrine of the Nativity of Our Lady |
Vicoforte, CN | Santi Donato e Giovanni (Parish) Church of St. Donatus and St. John |
Vigna, CN | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Villanova Mondovì, CN | Santa Caterina (Parish) Church of St. Catherine |
Villanova Mondovì, CN | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Cities (Liguria) | Churches (26) |
Acquafredda, SV | San Michele (Parish) Church of St. Michael |
Bardineto, SV | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Biestro, SV | Santa Margherita (Parish) Church of St. Margaret |
Bormida, SV | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Calizzano, SV | Nostra Signora del Rosario Church of Our Lady of the Rosary |
Calizzano, SV | San Bernardo Church of St. Bernard |
Calizzano, SV | Santa Maria e San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Mary and St. Lawrence |
Calizzano, SV | Sant’Agostino (Parish) Church of St. Augustine |
Cengio, SV | Santa Barbara e San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. Barbara and St. John the Baptist |
Cengio, SV | San Giuseppe (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Cengio, SV | San Nicola (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Cosseria, SV | Maria Immacolata (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Mary |
Deserto, SV | Nostra Signora del Deserto (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of the Desert |
Mallare, SV | San Nicola (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Massimino, SV | San Donato (Parish) Church of St. Donatus |
Millesimo, SV | Visitazione di Maria e Sant’Antonio (Parish) Church of the Visitation of Mary and St. Anthony |
Montefreddo, SV | San Filippo Neri (Parish) Church of St. Philip Neri |
Murialdo, SV | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Osiglia, SV | Santissimo Nome di Maria (Parish) Church of the Most Name of Mary |
Pallare, SV | San Marco (Parish) Church of St. Mark |
Plodio, SV | Sant’Andrea (Parish) Church of St. Andrew |
Riofreddo, SV | Beata Vergine degli Angeli (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Angels |
Roccavignale, SV | Sant’Eugenio (Parish) Church of St. Eugene |
Ronchi, SV | Santissima Annunziata (Parish) Church of the Holy Annunciation |
Valle, SV | Sant’Antonio (Parish) Church of St. Anthony |
Vetria, SV | Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Last updated on 2024.12.13
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