Bishop (2017.04.19 – ...): | Bishop Vilsom Basso, S.C.I. (64) |
Cities (Maranhão) | Churches (27) |
Itinga | Bom Jesus (Parish) Church of the Good Jesus |
Imperatriz | Cristo Salvador (Parish) Church of Christ the Saviour |
Buritirana | Imaculada Conceição (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Conception |
Governador Edison Lobão | Maria, Mãe da Igreja (Parish) Church of Mary, Mother of the Church |
Imperatriz | Menino Jesus de Praga (Parish) Church of the Infant Jesus of Prague |
Imperatriz | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida |
Senador La Rocque | Nossa Senhora da Assunção (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Assumption |
Imperatriz | Nossa Senhora da Fátima (Cathedral) Cathedral of Our Lady of Fatima |
Vila Nova dos Martírios | Nossa Senhora da Penha (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Rock |
Conjunto Nova Vitória | Nossa Senhora da Vitória (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Victory |
Coquelândia | Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Fatima |
Imperatriz | Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
João Lisboa | Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
Imperatriz | Sagrada Família (Parish) Church of the Holy Family |
Amarante | Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Cidelândia | Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Imperatriz | Santa Cruz (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Imperatriz | Santa Rita de Cássia (Parish) Church of St. Rita of Cascia |
Imperatriz | Santa Teresa d’Ávila (Parish) Church of St. Teresa of Avila |
Davinópolis | Santo Antônio de Pádua (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Imperatriz | Santo Antônio de Pádua (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Imperatriz | São Francisco (Parish) Church of St. Francis |
Açailândia | São Francisco de Assis (Parish) Church of St. Francis of Assisi |
São Francisco do Brejão | São Francisco de Assis (Parish) Church of St. Francis of Assisi |
Açailândia | São João Batista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
São Pedro da Água Branca | São Pedro Apóstolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Vila Ildemar | São Sebastião (Parish) Church of St. Sebastian |
Last updated on 2024.12.13
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