Jubilee Churches in the Diocese of Basel

Églises jubilaires du diocèse de Bâle

Ordinary Jubilee of 2025

Jubilee Churches
1SwitzerlandSolothurn (Soleure), SolothurnBistumskathedrale St. Urs und Viktor Bistumskathedrale St. Urs und Viktor Locate
Cathédrale Saint-Ours-et-Saint-Victor
Cathedral of Sts. Ursen and Victor
2SwitzerlandBaden, AargauKirche Maria Himmelfahrt Kirche Maria Himmelfahrt Locate
Church of the Assumption of Mary
3SwitzerlandBern, BernBasilika der Hl. Dreifaltigkeit Basilika der Hl. Dreifaltigkeit Locate
Basilica of the Holy Trinity
4SwitzerlandMuttenz, Basel-LandschaftKirche St. Johannes Maria Vianney Kirche St. Johannes Maria Vianney Locate
Church of St. John Vianney
5SwitzerlandBasel, Basel-StadtKirche St. Antonius von Padua Kirche St. Antonius von Padua Locate
Church of St. Anthony of Padua
6SwitzerlandDelémont, JuraChapelle Notre-Dame du Vorbourg Chapelle Notre-Dame du Vorbourg Locate
Chapel of Our Lady of Vorbourg
7SwitzerlandBeromünster, LuzernKirche St. Michael Kirche St. Michael Locate
Church of St. Michael
8SwitzerlandSchaffhausen, SchaffhausenKirche St. Maria Kirche St. Maria Locate
Church of St. Mary
9SwitzerlandMetzerlen-Mariastein, SolothurnBasilika Mariastein Basilika Mariastein Locate
Abbaye Notre-Dame de la Pierre
Basilica Abbey of Our Lady
10SwitzerlandFischingen, ThurgauKloster Fischingen Kloster Fischingen Locate
Abbey of Fischingen
11SwitzerlandZug, ZugKirche Guthirt Kirche Guthirt Locate
Church of the Good Shepherd

See Also

Diocese of Basel

Churches in Basel

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