Special Churches


Sudan, South Sudan

(Sudan Sudan, South Sudan South Sudan)

Central African Republic, ↙ Congo-Kinshasa, ← Chad, ↖ Libya, ↑ Egypt, → Arabian Peninsula, → Ethiopia, Eritrea, ↘ Kenya, ↓ Uganda
South SudanSouth Sudan
Bentiu, UnityCathedral of St. Martin de Porres Cathedral of St. Martin de Porres Locate
Juba, Central EquatoriaCathedral of St. Theresa Cathedral of St. Theresa Locate
Malakal, Upper NileCathedral of St. Joseph Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate
Rumbek, LakesCathedral of the Holy Family Cathedral of the Holy Family Locate
Torit, Eastern EquatoriaCathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul Locate
Wau, Western Bahr el GhazalCathedral of St. Mary Cathedral of St. Mary Locate
Yambio, Western EquatoriaCathedral of Christ the King Cathedral of Christ the King Locate
Yambio, Western EquatoriaCo-Cathedral of Our Lady Help of Christians Co-Cathedral of Our Lady Help of Christians Locate
Yei, Central EquatoriaCathedral of Christ the King Cathedral of Christ the King Locate
El Obeid, Shamāl KurdufānCathedral of Our Lady Queen of Africa Cathedral of Our Lady Queen of Africa Locate
Khartoum, Al QaḑārifSt. Matthew’s Cathedral St. Matthew’s Cathedral Locate

See Also

Cathedrals in Sudan, South Sudan

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