
who are not Ordinaries


PolandBishop Adam Wodarczyk (56)Bishop Adam Wodarczyk (56)

Titular Bishop of Pomezania
Auxiliary Bishop of Katowice (Poland)

Lux vita

Born:1968.01.03 (Tarnowskie Góry, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1994.05.14
Consecrated Bishop:2015.01.06

Priest of Katowice (Poland) (1994.05.14 – 2014.12.13)

Titular Bishop of Pomezania (2014.12.13 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Katowice (Poland) (2014.12.13 – ...)

PolandBishop Mateusz Maurycy Wojakowski

Born:1775.09.19 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1796.09.24
Consecrated Bishop:1825.02.27
Died:1845.02.07 († 69)

Titular Bishop of Arcadiopolis (1824.12.24 – 1845.02.07)

Auxiliary Bishop of Lublin (Poland) (1824.12.24 – 1845.02.07)

Apostolic Administrator of Lublin (Poland) (1839.02.14 – 1845.02.07)

PolandBishop Valentin Wojciech

Born:1868.02.02 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1894.06.11
Consecrated Bishop:1920.05.01
Died:1940.05.29 († 72)

Titular Bishop of Danaba (1920.03.08 – 1940.05.29)

Auxiliary Bishop of Wrocław (Poland) (1920.03.08 – 1940.05.29)

PolandBishop Walenty Wójcik

Born:1914.09.09 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1939.06.11
Consecrated Bishop:1961.02.02
Died:1990.11.22 († 76)

Titular Bishop of Baris in Hellesponto (1960.10.26 – 1990.11.22)

Auxiliary Bishop of Sandomierz–Radom (Poland) (1960.10.26 – 1990.11.22)

PolandBishop Julian Andrzej Wojtkowski (97)Bishop Julian Andrzej Wojtkowski (97)

Titular Bishop of Murustaga
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Warmia (Poland)

Veni Domine Jesu

Born:1927.01.31 (Poznan, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1950.06.25
Consecrated Bishop:1969.08.22

Priest of Warmia (Poland) (1950.06.25 – 1969.08.17)

Auxiliary Bishop of Warmia (Poland) (1969.08.17 – 2004.02.24)

Titular Bishop of Murustaga (1969.08.17 – ...)

PolandBishop Bogdan Józef Wojtuś

Evangelizare pauperibus

Born:1937.07.04 (Lasko Wielkie, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1961.05.20
Consecrated Bishop:1988.10.08
Died:2020.10.20 (Gniezno, Poland † 83)

Auxiliary Bishop of Gniezno (Poland) (1988.09.24 – 2012.09.15)

Titular Bishop of Vassinassa (1988.09.24 – 2020.10.20)

Died of COVID-19.

CzechiaBishop Anton Johann Wenzel Wokaun

Ordained Priest:1715.04.06
Consecrated Bishop:1748.10.06
Died:1757.02.07 († 65)

Titular Bishop of Callinicum (1748.09.16 – 1757.02.07)

Auxiliary Bishop of Praha (Czechia) (1748.09.16 – 1757.02.07)

Bishop Walenty Wołczacki, O.P.

Ordained Priest:1766
Consecrated Bishop:1774.08.21
Died:1809 († 69)

Titular Bishop of Tamassus (1774.06.06 – 1809)

PolandBishop Zbigniew Daniel Wołkowicz (54)Bishop-elect Zbigniew Daniel Wołkowicz (54)

Titular Bishop of Vassinassa
Auxiliary Bishop of Łódź (Poland)

Born:1970.01.14 (Poddębice, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1996.06.08
Consecrated Bishop:2024.10.19

Priest of Łódź (Poland) (1996.06.08 – 2024.09.25)

Titular Bishop of Vassinassa (2024.09.25 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Łódź (Poland) (2024.09.25 – ...)

South AfricaBishop Barry Alexander Anthony Wood, O.M.I.

Born:1942.06.13 (South Africa)
Ordained Priest:1968.07.14
Consecrated Bishop:2006.02.26
Died:2017.05.02 († 74)

Titular Bishop of Babra (2005.10.10 – 2017.05.02)

Auxiliary Bishop of Durban (South Africa) (2005.10.10 – 2017.05.02)

NetherlandsBishop Herman Willebrordus Woorts (60)Bishop Herman Willebrordus Woorts (60)

Titular Bishop of Giufi Salaria
Auxiliary Bishop of Utrecht (Netherlands)

Christus filius Dei vivi

Born:1963.11.12 (Abcoude, Netherlands)
Ordained Priest:1992.02.22
Consecrated Bishop:2010.02.13

Priest of Utrecht (Netherlands) (1992.02.22 – 2009.12.07)

Titular Bishop of Giufi Salaria (2009.12.07 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Utrecht (Netherlands) (2009.12.07 – ...)

USABishop Michael Gerard Woost (66)Bishop Michael Gerard Woost (66)

Titular Bishop of Sertei
Auxiliary Bishop of Cleveland (USA)

Reveal your presence

Born:1958.09.17 (Cleveland, OH, USA)
Ordained Priest:1984.06.09
Consecrated Bishop:2022.08.04

Priest of Cleveland (USA) (1984.06.09 – 2022.05.09)

Titular Bishop of Sertei (2022.05.09 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Cleveland (USA) (2022.05.09 – ...)

GermanyBishop Florian Wörner (54)Bishop Florian Wörner (54)

Titular Bishop of Hierpiniana
Auxiliary Bishop of Augsburg (Germany)

Christus Dei virtus et Dei sapientia

Born:1970.02.05 (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany)
Ordained Priest:1997.05.04
Consecrated Bishop:2012.07.28

Priest of Augsburg (Germany) (1997.05.04 – 2012.06.05)

Titular Bishop of Hierpiniana (2012.06.05 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Augsburg (Germany) (2012.06.05 – ...)

PolandBishop Jan Wosiński

Born:1914.05.15 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1939.06.18
Consecrated Bishop:1962.02.04
Died:1996.07.19 († 82)

Auxiliary Bishop of Płock (Poland) (1961.11.20 – 1991.10.19)

Titular Bishop of Abaradira (1961.11.20 – 1996.07.19)

GermanyBishop Jakob Johann Joseph Wosky von Bärenstamm

Ordained Priest:1718.07.25
Consecrated Bishop:1753.06.24
Died:1771.12.03 († 79)

Prefect Apostolic of Lausitz (Germany) (1743.04.04 – 1771.12.03)

Titular Bishop of Pergamus (1753.04.09 – 1771.12.03)

GermanyBishop Wilhelm Wöste

Born:1911.10.03 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1936.12.19
Consecrated Bishop:1977.01.09
Died:1993.09.15 († 81)

Auxiliary Bishop of Münster (Germany) (1976.11.06 – 1986.12.20)

Titular Bishop of Thignica (1976.11.06 – 1993.09.15)

PolandBishop Jan Konstanty Wożuczyński

Born:1627 (Poland)
Died:1687.01.28 († 59)

Titular Bishop of Byblus (1680.01.22 – 1687.01.28)

Auxiliary Bishop of Chełm (1680.01.22 – 1687.01.28)

PolandBishop Andrzej Wronka

Born:1897.10.21 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1923.05.26
Consecrated Bishop:1957.12.29
Died:1974.08.29 († 76)

Auxiliary Bishop of Gniezno (Poland) (1957.05.30 – 1967)

Titular Bishop of Vatarba (1957.05.30 – 1974.08.29)

Auxiliary Bishop of Wrocław (Poland) (1967 – 1974.08.29)

GermanyBishop Johannes Wübbe (58)Bishop Johannes Wübbe (58)

Titular Bishop of Roscrea
Auxiliary Bishop of Osnabrück (Germany)

In spe credere

Born:1966.02.23 (Lengerich, Germany)
Ordained Priest:1993.05.20
Consecrated Bishop:2013.09.01

Priest of Osnabrück (Germany) (1993.05.20 – 2013.06.18)

Titular Bishop of Roscrea (2013.06.18 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Osnabrück (Germany) (2013.06.18 – ...)

ChinaBishop Matthias Wu Guo-huan (吳國煥)

Born:1895 (China)
Ordained Priest:1920
Consecrated Bishop:1960.04.27 (no papal mandate)
Died:1990.01.03 († 94)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Hangzhou 杭州 (China) (1958 – 1987)

ChinaBishop Peter Wu Jun-wei (武俊維)

Per caritatem servite

Born:1963.06.27 (太原市小店區劉家堡鄉西柳林村, 山西, China)
Ordained Priest:1990.12.09
Consecrated Bishop:2010.09.21
Died:2022.05.10 (運城, 山西, China † 58)

Prefect Apostolic of Xinjiang 新絳 (China) (2009.05 – 2022.05.10)

GermanyBishop Stephan Alexander Würdtwein

Born:1722.10.12 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1745.12.18
Consecrated Bishop:1783.08.31
Died:1796.04.11 († 73)

Titular Bishop of Heliopolis in Augustamnica (1783.07.18 – 1796.04.11)

Auxiliary Bishop of Worms (Germany) (1783.07.18 – 1796.04.11)

GermanyBishop Balthasar Wurer

Ordained Priest:1547
Consecrated Bishop:1574.09.26

Auxiliary Bishop of Konstanz (Germany) (1574.07.28 – 1598)

Titular Bishop of Ascalon (1574.07.28 – 1606.02.09)

GermanyBishop Christian Würtz (53)Bishop Christian Würtz (53)

Titular Bishop of Germania in Dacia
Auxiliary Bishop of Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)

Adveniat regnum tuum

Born:1971.05.31 (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Ordained Priest:2006.05.14
Consecrated Bishop:2019.06.30

Priest of Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) (2006.05.14 – 2019.04.26)

Titular Bishop of Germania in Dacia (2019.04.26 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) (2019.04.26 – ...)

GermanyBishop Georg Wuschanski

Born:1839.11.08 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1866.09.22
Consecrated Bishop:1904.03.19
Died:1905.12.28 († 66)

Titular Bishop of Samos (1904.02.13 – 1905.12.28)

Prefect Apostolic of Lausitz (Germany) (1904.02.13 – 1905.12.28)

GermanyArchbishop Bruno Wüstenberg

Born:1912.03.10 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1938.03.03
Consecrated Bishop:1966.12.21
Died:1984.05.31 († 72)

Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Japan (1966.10.24 – 1973.12.19)

Titular Archbishop of Tyrus (1966.10.24 – 1984.05.31)

Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Benin (1973.12.19 – 1979.01.17)

Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Cote d’Ivoire (1973.12.19 – 1979.01.17)

Apostolic Delegate to Guinea (1973.12.19 – 1979.01.17)

Apostolic Delegate to Togo (1973.12.19 – 1979.01.17)

Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Netherlands (1979.01.17 – 1984.05.31)

PolandBishop Wacław Wycisk

Diligam serviam

Born:1912.02.11 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1936.08.02
Consecrated Bishop:1959.01.25
Died:1984.03.22 († 72)

Titular Bishop of Cesarea in Numidia (1958.11.16 – 1984.03.22)

Auxiliary Bishop of Opole (Poland) (1958.11.16 – 1984.03.22)

PolandBishop Stanislaus Wykowski

Ordained Priest:1736.08.04
Consecrated Bishop:1770.12.02
Died:1778 († 68)

Titular Bishop of Dioclea (1770.09.10 – 1778)

Auxiliary Bishop of Przemyśl (Poland) (1770.09.10 – 1778)

USABishop Andrew Peter Wypych (69)Bishop Andrew Peter Wypych (69)

Titular Bishop of Naraggara
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Chicago (USA)

The love of Christ impels us

Born:1954.12.05 (Kazimierza Wielka, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1979.04.29
Consecrated Bishop:2011.08.10

Priest of Kraków (Poland) (1979.04.29 – 1989.09.01)

Priest of Chicago (USA) (1989.09.01 – 2011.06.13)

Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago (USA) (2011.06.13 – 2023.09.19)

Titular Bishop of Naraggara (2011.06.13 – ...)

PolandBishop Józef Wysocki (83)Bishop Józef Wysocki (83)

Titular Bishop of Præcausa
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Elbląg (Poland)

Scio cui credidi

Born:1940.10.17 (Jartypory, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1965.06.13
Consecrated Bishop:1989.04.29

Priest of Warmia (Poland) (1965.06.13 – 1989.04.06)

Auxiliary Bishop of Warmia (Poland) (1989.04.06 – 1992.03.25)

Titular Bishop of Præcausa (1989.04.06 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Elbląg (Poland) (1992.03.25 – 2015.10.31)

LithuaniaBishop Johannes Wyszemierski

Titular Bishop of Christianopolis (1628.05.05 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Žemaitija (1628.05.05 – ?)

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