Bishop Ordinaries of New Zealand (20) | Age | Date of Birth |
Bishop Owen John Dolan (96), Coadjutor Bishop emeritus of Palmerston North (New Zealand) | 96 | 1928.09.30 |
Bishop Peter James Cullinane (88), Bishop emeritus of Palmerston North (New Zealand) | 88 | 1936.11.29 |
Archbishop Djibrail Kassab (86), Archbishop-Bishop emeritus of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Sydney of the Chaldeans (Australia) | 86 | 1938.08.04 |
Bishop Colin David Campbell (83), Bishop emeritus of Dunedin (New Zealand) | 83 | 1941.09.22 |
Bishop Peter Stasiuk, C.SS.R. (81), Bishop emeritus of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne of the Ukrainians (Australia) | 81 | 1943.07.16 |
Bishop Bosco Puthur (78), Bishop emeritus of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Melbourne of the Syro-Malabars (Australia) | 78 | 1946.05.28 |
Cardinal John Atcherley Dew (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Ippolito and Military Ordinary emeritus of New Zealand (New Zealand) | 76 | 1948.05.05 |
Bishop Patrick James Dunn (74), Bishop emeritus of Auckland (New Zealand) | 74 | 1950.02.05 |
Bishop Robert Rabbat (64), Bishop of Saint Michael’s of Sydney of the Greek-Melkites (Australia) | 64 | 1960.02.14 |
Bishop Charles Edward Drennan (64), Bishop emeritus of Palmerston North (New Zealand) and former Vice-President of Federation of Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of Oceania | 64 | 1960.08.23 |
Bishop Michael Joseph Dooley (63), Bishop of Dunedin (New Zealand) and Vice-President of New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference | 63 | 1961.12.13 |
Bishop Stephen Marmion Lowe (62), Bishop of Auckland (New Zealand) and President of New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference | 62 | 1962.08.03 |
Bishop Thomas Halim Habib (61), Bishop of Sohag of the Copts (Egypt) and Apostolic Visitator in Oceania and the Gulf Countries of the Copts | 61 | 1963.07.06 |
Bishop John Lewis Adams (61), Bishop of Palmerston North (New Zealand) | 61 | 1963.11.18 |
Bishop John Panamthottathil, C.M.I. (58), Bishop of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Melbourne of the Syro-Malabars (Australia) | 58 | 1966.05.31 |
Archbishop Paul Gerard Martin, S.M. (57), Metropolitan Archbishop of Wellington (New Zealand), Military Ordinary of New Zealand (New Zealand) and General Secretary of New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference | 57 | 1967.05.05 |
Archbishop Amel Shamon Nona (57), Archbishop-Bishop of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Sydney of the Chaldeans (Australia) | 57 | 1967.11.01 |
Bishop Richard Philip James Laurenson (56), Bishop of Hamilton (New Zealand) | 56 | 1968.07.04 |
Bishop Michael Andrew Gielen (53), Bishop of Christchurch (New Zealand) | 53 | 1971.06.02 |
Cardinal Mykola Bychok, C.SS.R. (44), Cardinal-Priest of S. Sofia a Via Boccea and Bishop of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne of the Ukrainians (Australia) | 44 | 1980.02.13 |