Bishops of New Zealand

by Age

New Zealand
Bishop Ordinaries of New Zealand (20)AgeDate of
Bishop Owen John Dolan (96)Bishop Owen John Dolan (96), Coadjutor Bishop emeritus of Palmerston North (New Zealand)961928.09.30
Bishop Peter James Cullinane (88)Bishop Peter James Cullinane (88), Bishop emeritus of Palmerston North (New Zealand)881936.11.29
Archbishop Djibrail Kassab (86)Archbishop Djibrail Kassab (86), Archbishop-Bishop emeritus of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Sydney of the Chaldeans (Australia)861938.08.04
Bishop Colin David Campbell (83)Bishop Colin David Campbell (83), Bishop emeritus of Dunedin (New Zealand)831941.09.22
Bishop Peter Stasiuk, C.SS.R. (81)Bishop Peter Stasiuk, C.SS.R. (81), Bishop emeritus of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne of the Ukrainians (Australia)811943.07.16
Bishop Bosco Puthur (78)Bishop Bosco Puthur (78), Bishop emeritus of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Melbourne of the Syro-Malabars (Australia)781946.05.28
Cardinal John Atcherley Dew (76)Cardinal John Atcherley Dew (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Ippolito and Military Ordinary emeritus of New Zealand (New Zealand)761948.05.05
Bishop Patrick James Dunn (74)Bishop Patrick James Dunn (74), Bishop emeritus of Auckland (New Zealand)741950.02.05
Bishop Robert Rabbat (64)Bishop Robert Rabbat (64), Bishop of Saint Michael’s of Sydney of the Greek-Melkites (Australia)641960.02.14
Bishop Charles Edward Drennan (64)Bishop Charles Edward Drennan (64), Bishop emeritus of Palmerston North (New Zealand) and former Vice-President of Federation of Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of Oceania641960.08.23
Bishop Michael Joseph Dooley (63)Bishop Michael Joseph Dooley (63), Bishop of Dunedin (New Zealand) and Vice-President of New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference631961.12.13
Bishop Stephen Marmion Lowe (62)Bishop Stephen Marmion Lowe (62), Bishop of Auckland (New Zealand) and President of New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference621962.08.03
Bishop Thomas Halim Habib (61)Bishop Thomas Halim Habib (61), Bishop of Sohag of the Copts (Egypt) and Apostolic Visitator in Oceania and the Gulf Countries of the Copts611963.07.06
Bishop John Lewis Adams (61)Bishop John Lewis Adams (61), Bishop of Palmerston North (New Zealand)611963.11.18
Bishop John Panamthottathil, C.M.I. (58)Bishop John Panamthottathil, C.M.I. (58), Bishop of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Melbourne of the Syro-Malabars (Australia)581966.05.31
Archbishop Paul Gerard Martin, S.M. (57)Archbishop Paul Gerard Martin, S.M. (57), Metropolitan Archbishop of Wellington (New Zealand), Military Ordinary of New Zealand (New Zealand) and General Secretary of New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference571967.05.05
Archbishop Amel Shamon Nona (57)Archbishop Amel Shamon Nona (57), Archbishop-Bishop of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Sydney of the Chaldeans (Australia)571967.11.01
Bishop Richard Philip James Laurenson (56)Bishop Richard Philip James Laurenson (56), Bishop of Hamilton (New Zealand)561968.07.04
Bishop Michael Andrew Gielen (53)Bishop Michael Andrew Gielen (53), Bishop of Christchurch (New Zealand)531971.06.02
Cardinal Mykola Bychok, C.SS.R. (44)Cardinal Mykola Bychok, C.SS.R. (44), Cardinal-Priest of S. Sofia a Via Boccea and Bishop of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne of the Ukrainians (Australia)441980.02.13

See Also

Oldest Bishops in the World

Youngest Bishops in the World

Last updated on 2025.01.23

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