Cardinals of Ghana

Present Cardinals of Ghana (1)
2003Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson (75)Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson (75), Cardinal-Priest of S. Liborio, Chancellor of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Chancellor of Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Cape Coast (Ghana)
Deceased Cardinals of Ghana (2)
2022Cardinal Richard Kuuia Baawobr, M. Afr., former Bishop of Wa († 2022)
2006Cardinal Peter Proeku Dery, former Metropolitan Archbishop of Tamale († 2008)
Other Cardinals related to Ghana (2)
2012ItalyCardinal Giuseppe Bertello (81)Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello (81)
2001IndiaCardinal Ivan Dias († 2017)

Last updated on 2024.04.06

See Also

College of Cardinals

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