Consistory | Cardinals (252) |
2012.02.18 |  Abril y Castelló, Santos (89), Cardinal-Priest of S. Ponziano pro hac vice Title and Apostolic Commissioner for Institute of the Incarnate Word |
2024.12.07 |  Acerbi, Angelo (99), Cardinal-Deacon of Ss. Angeli Custodi a Città Giardino and Prelate emeritus of Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (Knights of Malta) |
2020.11.28 |  Advincula, Jose Fuerte (72), Cardinal-Priest of S. Vigilio and Metropolitan Archbishop of Manila (Philippines) |
2016.11.19 |  Aguiar Retes, Carlos (75), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Fabiano e Venanzio a Villa Fiorelli and Metropolitan Archbishop of México (Mexico) |
2012.02.18 |  Alencherry, George (79) (Syro-Malabar Rite), Cardinal-Priest of S. Bernardo alle Terme, Major Archbishop emeritus of Ernakulam–Angamaly of the Syro-Malabars (India) and former President of Synod of the Syro-Malabar Church |
2023.09.30 |  Alves Aguiar, Américo Manuel (51), Cardinal-Priest of S. Antonio da Padova in Via Merulana and Bishop of Setúbal (Portugal) |
2019.10.05 |  Ambongo Besungu, Fridolin, O.F.M. Cap. (65), Cardinal-Priest of S. Gabriele Arcangelo all’Acqua Traversa, Metropolitan Archbishop of Kinshasa (Congo-Kinshasa), President of Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar and Member of Council of Cardinals |
2003.10.21 |  Antonelli, Ennio (88), Cardinal-Priest of S. Andrea delle Fratte, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Firenze (Italy) and President emeritus of Pontifical Council for the Family |
2020.11.28 |  Aós Braco, Celestino, O.F.M. Cap. (79), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Santiago (Chile) and former President of Episcopal Conference of Chile |
2017.06.28 |  Arborelius, Anders, O.C.D. (75), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria degli Angeli, Bishop of Stockholm (Sweden) and Member of Council for the Economy |
1985.05.25 |  Arinze, Francis (92), Cardinal-Bishop of Velletri–Segni and Prefect emeritus of Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments |
2020.11.28 |  Arizmendi Esquivel, Felipe (84), Cardinal-Priest of S. Luigi Maria Grignion de Montfort and Bishop emeritus of San Cristóbal de las Casas (Mexico) |
2010.11.20 |  Assis, Raymundo Damasceno (88), Cardinal-Priest of Immacolata al Tiburtino, Apostolic Commissioner for Heralds of the Gospel and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Aparecida (Brazil) |
2022.08.27 |  Aveline, Jean-Marc Noël (66), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria ai Monti and Metropolitan Archbishop of Marseille (France) |
2001.02.21 |  Bačkis, Audrys Juozas (88), Cardinal-Priest of Natività di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo a Via Gallia and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Vilnius (Lithuania) |
2024.12.07 |  Baggio, Fabio, C.S. (60), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Filippo Neri in Eurosia, Undersecretary of Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and Secretary of Vatican COVID-19 Commission |
2007.11.24 |  Bagnasco, Angelo (82), Cardinal-Priest of Gran Madre di Dio and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Genova (Italy) |
2014.02.22 |  Baldisseri, Lorenzo (84), Cardinal-Priest of S. Anselmo all’Aventino pro hac vice Title and Secretary General emeritus of General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops |
2003.10.21 |  Barbarin, Philippe Christian Ignace Marie (74), Cardinal-Priest of SS. Trinità al Monte Pincio and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Lyon (France) |
2018.06.28 |  Barreto Jimeno, Pedro Ricardo, S.J. (81), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Pietro e Paolo a Via Ostiense, President of Ecclesial Conference of the Amazon (CEAMA) and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Huancayo (Peru) |
2014.02.22 |  Bassetti, Gualtiero (82), Cardinal-Priest of S. Cecilia and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Perugia–Città della Pieve (Italy) |
2024.12.07 |  Battaglia, Domenico (62), Cardinal-Priest of S. Marco in Agro Laurentino and Metropolitan Archbishop of Napoli (Italy) |
2018.06.28 |  Becciu, Giovanni Angelo (76), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Lino, Prefect emeritus of Congregation for the Causes of Saints and former Special Delegate to Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (Knights of Malta) |
2012.02.18 |  Bertello, Giuseppe (82), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia pro hac vice Title, President emeritus of Governorate of Vatican City State and President emeritus of Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State |
2003.10.21 |  Bertone, Tarcisio, S.D.B. (90), Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati and Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church emeritus of Apostolic Camera |
2024.12.07 |  Bessi Dogbo, Ignace (63), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Mario e Compagni Martiri and Metropolitan Archbishop of Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) |
2012.02.18 |  Betori, Giuseppe (78), Cardinal-Priest of S. Marcello and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Firenze (Italy) |
2015.02.14 |  Blázquez Pérez, Ricardo (82), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Vallicella and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Valladolid (Spain) |
2015.02.14 |  Bo, Charles Maung, S.D.B. (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Ireneo a Centocelle, Metropolitan Archbishop of Yangon (Myanmar) and President of Myanmar Catholic Bishops’ Conference |
2018.06.28 |  Bocos Merino, Aquilino, C.M.F. (86), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Lucia del Gonfalone and Superior General emeritus of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians) |
2024.12.07 |  Bokalic Iglic, Vicente, C.M. (72), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Maddalena in Campo Marzio and Archbishop of Santiago del Estero (Argentina) |
2003.10.21 |  Bozanić, Josip (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Girolamo dei Croati, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Zagreb (Croatia) and former Vice-President of Croatian Bishops’ Conference |
2007.11.24 |  Brady, Seán Baptist (85), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Quirico e Giulitta, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Armagh (Northern Ireland) and former President of Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference |
2010.11.20 |  Brandmüller, Walter (96), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giuliano dei Fiamminghi pro hac vice Title and President emeritus of Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences |
2012.02.18 |  Bráz de Aviz, João (77), Cardinal-Priest of S. Elena fuori Porta Prenestina pro hac vice Title, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Brasília (Brazil) and Prefect emeritus of Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life |
2014.02.22 |  Brenes Solórzano, Leopoldo José (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Gioacchino ai Prati di Castello, Metropolitan Archbishop of Managua (Nicaragua) and Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua |
2023.09.30 |  Brislin, Stephen (68), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Domenica Mazzarello, Metropolitan Archbishop of Johannesburg (South Africa), President of Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference and Apostolic Administrator of Cape Town (South Africa) |
2010.11.20 |  Burke, Raymond Leo (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Agata de’ Goti pro hac vice Title, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Saint Louis (USA) and Patron emeritus of Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (Knights of Malta) |
2023.09.30 |  Bustillo, François-Xavier, O.F.M. Conv. (56), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Immacolata di Lourdes a Boccea and Bishop of Ajaccio (France) |
2024.12.07 |  Bychok, Mykola, C.SS.R. (45) (Ukrainian Rite), Cardinal-Priest of S. Sofia a Via Boccea and Bishop of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne of the Ukrainians (Australia) |
2024.12.07 |  Cabrera Herrera, Luis Gerardo, O.F.M. (69), Cardinal-Priest of Santa Famiglia di Nazareth a Centocelle, Metropolitan Archbishop of Guayaquil (Ecuador) and President of Episcopal Conference of Ecuador |
2012.02.18 |  Calcagno, Domenico (82), Cardinal-Priest of SS. Annunciazione della Beata Vergine Maria a Via Ardeatina pro hac vice Title, Bishop emeritus of Savona–Noli (Italy) and President emeritus of Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See |
2006.03.24 |  Cañizares Llovera, Antonio (79), Cardinal-Priest of S. Pancrazio and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Valencia (Spain) |
2020.11.28 |  Cantalamessa, Raniero, O.F.M. Cap. (90), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Apollinare alle Terme Neroniane-Alessandrine and Preacher emeritus of Prefecture of the Papal Household |
2022.08.27 |  Cantoni, Oscar (74), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria «Regina Pacis» a Monte Verde and Bishop of Como (Italy) |
2024.12.07 |  Castillo Mattasoglio, Carlos Gustavo (75), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria delle Grazie a Casal Boccone and Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) |
2024.12.07 |  Chomali Garib, Fernando Natalio (67), Cardinal-Priest of S. Mauro Abate and Metropolitan Archbishop of Santiago (Chile) |
2023.09.30 |  Chow Sau-yan, Stephen, S.J. (周守仁) (65), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Battista de La Salle and Bishop of Hong Kong 香港 (Hong Kong) |
2001.02.21 |  Cipriani Thorne, Juan Luis, Opus Dei (81), Cardinal-Priest of S. Camillo de Lellis and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Lima (Peru) |
2023.09.30 |  Cobo Cano, José (59), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli, Metropolitan Archbishop of Madrid (Spain), Ordinary of Spain of the Eastern Rite (Spain) and Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of Spain |
2012.02.18 |  Coccopalmerio, Francesco (87), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giuseppe dei Falegnami pro hac vice Title and President emeritus of Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts |
2012.02.18 |  Collins, Thomas Christopher (78), Cardinal-Priest of S. Patrizio and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Toronto (Canada) |
2007.11.24 |  Comastri, Angelo (81), Cardinal-Priest of S. Salvatore in Lauro pro hac vice Title, Archbishop-Prelate emeritus of Loreto (Italy), President emeritus of Fabric of Saint Peter, Archpriest emeritus of Papal Basilica of Saint Peter and Vicar General for the Vatican City State emeritus of Roma (Italy) |
2022.08.27 |  Costa, Paulo Cezar (57), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio and Metropolitan Archbishop of Brasília (Brazil) |
2018.06.28 |  Coutts, Joseph (79), Cardinal-Priest of S. Bonaventura da Bagnoregio and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Karachi (Pakistan) |
2016.11.19 |  Cupich, Blase Joseph (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Bartolomeo all’Isola and Metropolitan Archbishop of Chicago (USA) |
2019.10.05 |  Czerny, Michael, S.J. (78), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Michele Arcangelo, Prefect of Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, President of Vatican COVID-19 Commission and Member of Council of the Section for Relations with States and International Organisations |
2016.11.19 |  D’Rozario, Patrick, C.S.C. (81), Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora del SS. Sacramento e Santi Martiri Canadesi and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Dhaka (Bangladesh) |
2016.11.19 |  da Rocha, Sérgio (65), Cardinal-Priest of S. Croce in Via Flaminia, Metropolitan Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia (Brazil) and Member of Council of Cardinals |
2022.08.27 |  da Silva, Virgilio do Carmo, S.D.B. (57), Cardinal-Priest of S. Alberto Magno, Metropolitan Archbishop of Díli (Timor-Leste) and Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of Timor |
1994.11.26 |  Darmaatmadja, Julius Riyadi, S.J. (90), Cardinal-Priest of S. Cuore di Maria and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Jakarta (Indonesia) |
2024.12.07 |  David, Pablo Virgilio Siongco (66), Cardinal-Priest of Trasfigurazione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, Bishop of Kalookan (Philippines), President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (C.B.C.P.) and Vice-President of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences |
2018.06.28 |  De Donatis, Angelo (71), Cardinal-Priest of S. Marco and Major Penitentiary of Apostolic Penitentiary |
1998.02.21 |  De Giorgi, Salvatore (94), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Ara Coeli and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Palermo (Italy) |
2016.11.19 |  De Kesel, Jozef (77), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo and Military Ordinary emeritus of Belgium (Belgium) |
2019.10.05 |  de Mendonça, José Tolentino Calaça (59), Cardinal-Deacon of Ss. Domenico e Sisto, Prefect of Dicastery for Culture and Education, Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Biblical Institute (Biblicum), Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology, Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Gregorian University |
2015.02.14 |  Dew, John Atcherley (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Ippolito and Military Ordinary emeritus of New Zealand (New Zealand) |
2007.11.24 |  DiNardo, Daniel Nicholas (75), Cardinal-Priest of S. Eusebio and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Galveston–Houston (USA) |
2012.02.18 |  Dolan, Timothy Michael (75), Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora di Guadalupe a Monte Mario and Metropolitan Archbishop of New York (USA) |
2018.06.28 |  dos Santos Marto, António Augusto (77), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria sopra Minerva and Bishop emeritus of Leiria–Fátima (Portugal) |
2023.09.30 |  Dri, Luis Pascual, O.F.M. Cap. (97), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria |
2012.02.18 |  Duka, Dominik, O.P. (81), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Marcellino e Pietro and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Praha (Czechia) |
2006.03.24 |  Dziwisz, Stanisław (85), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria del Popolo and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Kraków (Poland) |
2012.02.18 |  Eijk, Willem Jacobus (71), Cardinal-Priest of S. Callisto and Metropolitan Archbishop of Utrecht (Netherlands) |
2003.10.21 |  Erdő, Péter (72), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Nuova, Metropolitan Archbishop of Esztergom–Budapest (Hungary) and Member of Council for the Economy |
2001.02.21 |  Errázuriz Ossa, Francisco Javier, I.Sch. (91), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Pace and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Santiago (Chile) |
2014.02.22 |  Ezzati Andrello, Ricardo, S.D.B. (83), Cardinal-Priest of SS. Redentore a Valmelaina and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Santiago (Chile) |
2007.11.24 |  Farina, Raffaele, S.D.B. (91), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni della Pigna pro hac vice Title and President emeritus of Pontifical Commission for Reference on the Institute for Works of Religion |
2016.11.19 |  Farrell, Kevin Joseph (77), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Giuliano Martire, Prefect of Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, President of Committee for Investments, President of Commission for Confidential Matters, Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Apostolic Camera, President of Supreme Court of Vatican City State and Bishop emeritus of Dallas (USA) |
2023.09.30 |  Fernández, Victor Manuel (62), Cardinal-Deacon of Ss. Urbano e Lorenzo a Prima Porta, Prefect of Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, President of Pontifical Biblical Commission, President of International Theological Commission and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of La Plata (Argentina) |
2023.09.30 |  Fernández Artime, Ángel, S.D.B. (64), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria Ausiliatrice in Via Tuscolana and Pro-Prefect of Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life |
2020.11.28 |  Feroci, Enrico (84), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria del Divino Amore a Castel di Leva |
2022.08.27 |  Ferrão, Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário (72), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Via, Patriarch of East Indies, Metropolitan Archbishop of Goa and Daman (India), President of Conference of Catholic Bishops of India and President of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences |
2012.02.18 |  Filoni, Fernando (斐洛尼) (78), Cardinal-Bishop of Nostra Signora di Coromoto in S. Giovanni di Dio and Grand Master of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (Knights of the Holy Sepulchre) |
2019.10.05 |  Fitzgerald, Michael Louis, M. Afr. (87), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Portico, President emeritus of Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue and Prefect emeritus of Commission for Religious Relations with Muslims |
2023.09.30 |  Francis, Sebastian (施恩天) (73), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Causa Nostræ Lætitiæ and Bishop of Penang (Malaysia) |
2022.08.27 |  Frezza, Fortunato (83), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata and Undersecretary emeritus of General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops |
2020.11.28 |  Gambetti, Mauro, O.F.M. Conv. (59), Cardinal-Deacon of SS. Nome di Maria al Foro Traiano, President of Fabric of Saint Peter, Archpriest of Papal Basilica of Saint Peter and Vicar General for the Vatican City State of Roma (Italy) |
2019.10.05 |  García Rodríguez, Juan de la Caridad (76), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Aquila e Priscilla and Metropolitan Archbishop of La Habana (Cuba) |
2022.08.27 |  Ghirlanda, Gianfranco, S.J. (82), Cardinal-Deacon of SS. Nome di Gesù, Pontifical Assistant for Memores Domini Lay Association and Patron of Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (Knights of Malta) |
2022.08.27 |  Goh Seng Chye, William (吳成才) (67), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria «Regina Pacis» in Ostia mare, Archbishop of Singapore (Singapore) and Vice-President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei |
2015.02.14 |  Gomes Furtado, Arlindo (75), Cardinal-Priest of S. Timoteo and Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde (Cabo Verde) |
2007.11.24 |  Gracias, Oswald (80), Cardinal-Priest of S. Paolo della Croce a «Corviale», Member of Council of Cardinals and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Bombay (India) |
2020.11.28 |  Grech, Mario (68), Cardinal-Deacon of Ss. Cosma e Damiano, Secretary General of General Secretariat of the Synod and Bishop emeritus of Gozo (Malta) |
2020.11.28 |  Gregory, Wilton Daniel (77), Cardinal-Priest of Immacolata Concezione di Maria a Grottarossa and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Washington (USA) |
2023.09.30 |  Gugerotti, Claudio (69), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Ambrogio della Massima, Prefect of Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, Member of Council of the Section for Relations with States and International Organisations and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Oriental Institute |
2012.11.24 |  Harvey, James Michael (75), Cardinal-Priest of S. Pio V a Villa Carpegna pro hac vice Title and Archpriest of Papal Basilica of Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls |
2003.10.21 |  Herranz Casado, Julián, Opus Dei (94), Cardinal-Priest of S. Eugenio pro hac vice Title and Supplementary Member emeritus of College for the review of appeals by clergy accused of delicta graviora |
2019.10.05 |  Hollerich, Jean-Claude, S.J. (66), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Crisostomo a Monte Sacro Alto, Archbishop of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Member of Council of Cardinals and Vice-President of Council of European Bishops’ Conferences |
2022.08.27 |  Jiménez Carvajal, Jorge Enrique, C.I.M. (82), Cardinal-Priest of S. Dorotea and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Cartagena (Colombia) |
2020.11.28 |  Kambanda, Antoine (66), Cardinal-Priest of S. Sisto, Metropolitan Archbishop of Kigali (Rwanda) and President of Episcopal Conference of Rwanda |
2007.11.24 |  Karlic, Estanislao Esteban (99), Cardinal-Priest of Beata Maria Addolorata a piazza Buenos Aires and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Paraná (Argentina) |
2001.02.21 |  Kasper, Walter (92), Cardinal-Priest of Ognissanti in Via Appia Nuova pro hac vice Title, Bishop emeritus of Rottenburg–Stuttgart (Germany), President emeritus of Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and President emeritus of Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews |
2024.12.07 |  Kikuchi, Tarcisius Isao, S.V.D. (タルチシオ 菊地 功) (66), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Leonardi, Metropolitan Archbishop of Tokyo 東京 (Japan), President of Caritas Internationalis, President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan and General Secretary of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences |
1983.02.02 |  Kitbunchu, Michael Michai (96), Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Panisperna, Protopriest of College of Cardinals and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Bangkok (Thailand) |
2010.11.20 |  Koch, Kurt (75), Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore pro hac vice Title, Prefect of Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, President of Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and Bishop emeritus of Basel (Switzerland) |
2024.12.07 |  Koovakad, George Jacob (51) (Syro-Malabar Rite), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Antonio di Padova a Circonvallazione Appia and Prefect of Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue |
2015.02.14 |  Kovithavanij, Francis Xavier Kriengsak (75), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Addolorata and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Bangkok (Thailand) |
2018.06.28 |  Krajewski, Konrad (61), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria Immacolata all’Esquilino, Almoner of His Holiness of Dicastery for the Service of Charity and Member of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion |
2014.02.22 |  Kutwa, Jean-Pierre (79), Cardinal-Priest of S. Emerenziana a Tor Fiorenza, Apostolic Administrator sede plena of Man (Cote d’Ivoire) and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) |
2014.02.22 |  Lacroix, Gérald Cyprien, I.S.P.X. (67), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giuseppe all’Aurelio, Metropolitan Archbishop of Québec (Canada), Member of Council for the Economy and Member of Council of Cardinals |
2015.02.14 |  Lacunza Maestrojuán, José Luis, O.A.R. (81), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giuseppe da Copertino and Bishop emeritus of David (Panama) |
2018.06.28 |  Ladaria Ferrer, Luis Francisco, S.J. (80), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Ignazio di Loyola a Campo Marzio, Prefect emeritus of Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, President emeritus of Pontifical Biblical Commission and former President of International Theological Commission |
2007.11.24 |  Lajolo, Giovanni (90), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Liberatrice a Monte Testaccio pro hac vice Title, President emeritus of Governorate of Vatican City State and President emeritus of Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State |
2015.02.14 |  Langa, Júlio Duarte (97), Cardinal-Priest of S. Gabriele dell’Addolorata and Bishop emeritus of Xai-Xai (Mozambique) |
2014.02.22 |  Langlois, Chibly (66), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giacomo in Augusta and Bishop of Les Cayes (Haiti) |
2024.12.07 |  Leo, Frank (53), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Salute a Primavalle and Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto (Canada) |
2017.06.28 |  Ling Mangkhanekhoun, Louis-Marie, I.V.D. (80), Cardinal-Priest of S. Silvestro in Capite, Apostolic Administrator of Luang Prabang (Laos) and Vicar Apostolic emeritus of Vientiane (Laos) |
2020.11.28 |  Lojudice, Augusto Paolo (60), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria del Buon Consiglio, Metropolitan Archbishop of Siena–Colle di Val d’Elsa–Montalcino (Italy) and Bishop of Montepulciano–Chiusi–Pienza (Italy) |
1991.06.28 |  López Rodríguez, Nicolás de Jesús (88), Cardinal-Priest of S. Pio X alla Balduina and Military Ordinary emeritus of Dominican Republic (Dominican Republic) |
2019.10.05 |  López Romero, Cristóbal, S.D.B. (72), Cardinal-Priest of S. Leone I and Archbishop of Rabat (Morocco) |
2015.02.14 |  Macário do Nascimento Clemente, Manuel José (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Antonio in Campo Marzio and Patriarch emeritus of Lisboa (Portugal) |
2018.06.28 |  Maeda, Thomas Aquino Manyo (トマス・アクィナス 前田万葉) (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Pudenziana and Metropolitan Archbishop of Osaka–Takamatsu 大阪高松 (Japan) |
2015.02.14 |  Mafi, Soane Patita Paini (63), Cardinal-Priest of S. Paola Romana and Bishop of Tonga (Tonga) |
1991.06.28 |  Mahony, Roger Michael (89), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Quattro Coronati, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Los Angeles (USA) and former Member of Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organisational and Economic Problems of the Apostolic See |
1994.11.26 |  Maida, Adam Joseph (95), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Vitale, Valeria, Gervasio e Protasio, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Detroit (USA) and Ecclesiastical Superior emeritus of Cayman Islands (Cayman Islands) |
2024.12.07 |  Makrickas, Rolandas (53), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Eustachio and Coadjutor Archpriest of Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major |
2015.02.14 |  Mamberti, Dominique François Joseph (73), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Spirito in Sassia, Prefect of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, President of Commission for Advocates and Protodeacon of College of Cardinals |
2023.09.30 |  Marchetto, Agostino (84), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria Goretti and Secretary emeritus of Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People |
2022.08.27 |  Marengo, Giorgio, I.M.C. (50), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giuda Taddeo Apostolo and Prefect Apostolic of Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) |
2022.08.27 |  Martínez Flores, Adalberto (73), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina, Metropolitan Archbishop of Asunción (Paraguay) and Apostolic Administrator of the Military Ordinariate of Paraguay (Paraguay) |
2007.11.24 |  Martínez Sistach, Lluís (87), Cardinal-Priest of S. Sebastiano alle Catacombe and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Barcelona (Spain) |
2010.11.20 |  Marx, Reinhard (71), Cardinal-Priest of S. Corbiniano, Metropolitan Archbishop of München und Freising (Germany) and Coordinator of Council for the Economy |
2024.12.07 |  Mathieu, Dominique Joseph, O.F.M. Conv. (61), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanna Antida Thouret, Archbishop of Tehran–Isfahan (Iran) and President of Iranian Episcopal Conference |
2022.08.27 |  McElroy, Robert Walter (71), Cardinal-Priest of S. Frumenzio ai Prati Fiscali and Metropolitan Archbishop of Washington (USA) |
2015.02.14 |  Menichelli, Edoardo (85), Cardinal-Priest of SS. Cuori di Gesù e Maria a Tor Fiorenza and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Ancona–Osimo (Italy) |
2022.08.27 |  Miglio, Arrigo (82), Cardinal-Priest of S. Clemente and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Cagliari (Italy) |
2012.02.18 |  Monteiro de Castro, Manuel (86), Cardinal-Priest of S. Domenico di Guzmán pro hac vice Title and Major Penitentiary emeritus of Apostolic Penitentiary |
2015.02.14 |  Montenegro, Francesco (78), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Andrea e Gregorio al Monte Celio, Apostolic Administrator of Piana degli Albanesi of the Italo-Albanese (Italy) and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Agrigento (Italy) |
2010.11.20 |  Monterisi, Francesco (90), Cardinal-Priest of S. Paolo alla Regola pro hac vice Title and Archpriest emeritus of Papal Basilica of Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls |
2023.09.30 |  Mulla, Stephen Ameyu Martin (61), Cardinal-Priest of S. Gemma Galgani, Metropolitan Archbishop of Juba (South Sudan) and President of Conference of Bishops of Sudan and South Sudan |
2014.02.22 |  Müller, Gerhard Ludwig (77), Cardinal-Priest of S. Agnese in Agone pro hac vice Title, Bishop emeritus of Regensburg (Germany), Prefect emeritus of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, President emeritus of Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”, President emeritus of Pontifical Biblical Commission and former President of International Theological Commission |
2012.02.18 |  Mureşan, Lucian (93) (Romanian Rite), Cardinal-Priest of S. Atanasio, Major Archbishop of Făgăraş şi Alba Iulia of the Romanians (Romania), President of Episcopal Conference of Romania and President of Synod of the Romanian Church |
2001.02.21 |  Napier, Wilfrid Fox, O.F.M. (84), Cardinal-Priest of S. Francesco d’Assisi ad Acilia, Apostolic Administrator of Eshowe (South Africa) and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Durban (South Africa) |
2024.12.07 |  Német, Ladislav, S.V.D. (68), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Stella Maris, Metropolitan Archbishop of Beograd (Serbia), President of International Episcopal Conference of Saints Cyril and Methodius and Vice-President of Council of European Bishops’ Conferences |
2015.02.14 |  Nguyễn Văn Nhơn, Pierre (86), Cardinal-Priest of S. Tommaso Apostolo and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Hà Nôi (Vietnam) |
2014.02.22 |  Nichols, Vincent Gerard (79), Cardinal-Priest of SS. Redentore e S. Alfonso in Via Merulana, Metropolitan Archbishop of Westminster (England) and President of Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales |
2007.11.24 |  Njue, John (79), Cardinal-Priest of Preziosissimo Sangue di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Nairobi (Kenya) |
2010.11.20 |  Nycz, Kazimierz (75), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Silvestro e Martino ai Monti, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Warszawa (Poland) and Ordinary emeritus of Poland of the Eastern Rite (Poland) |
2016.11.19 |  Nzapalainga, Dieudonné, C.S.Sp. (58), Cardinal-Priest of S. Andrea della Valle and Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangui (Central African Republic) |
2012.02.18 |  O’Brien, Edwin Frederick (85), Cardinal-Priest of S. Sebastiano al Palatino pro hac vice Title, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Baltimore (USA) and Grand Master emeritus of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (Knights of the Holy Sepulchre) |
2006.03.24 |  O’Malley, Seán Patrick, O.F.M. Cap. (80), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Vittoria, President of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, Member of Council of Cardinals and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Boston (USA) |
2003.10.21 |  Okogie, Anthony Olubunmi (88), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria del Monte Carmelo a Mostacciano, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Lagos (Nigeria) and former Member of Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organisational and Economic Problems of the Apostolic See |
2022.08.27 |  Okpaleke, Peter Ebere (62), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Martiri dell’Uganda a Poggio Ameno and Bishop of Ekwulobia (Nigeria) |
2017.06.28 |  Omella Omella, Juan José (78), Cardinal-Priest of S. Croce in Gerusalemme, Metropolitan Archbishop of Barcelona (Spain) and Member of Council of Cardinals |
2012.11.24 |  Onaiyekan, John Olorunfemi (81), Cardinal-Priest of S. Saturnino and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Abuja (Nigeria) |
2016.11.19 |  Osoro Sierra, Carlos (79), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Trastevere, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Madrid (Spain) and Ordinary emeritus of Spain of the Eastern Rite (Spain) |
2014.02.22 |  Ouédraogo, Philippe Nakellentuba (79), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Consolatrice al Tiburtino and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) |
2003.10.21 |  Ouellet, Marc, P.S.S. (80), Cardinal-Bishop of S. Maria in Traspontina, Prefect emeritus of Dicastery for Bishops and President emeritus of Pontifical Commission for Latin America |
2023.09.30 |  Padrón Sánchez, Diego Rafael (85), Cardinal-Priest of S. Gaetano and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Cumaná (Venezuela) |
2014.02.22 |  Parolin, Pietro (70), Cardinal-Bishop of Ss. Simone e Giuda Taddeo a Torre Angela, Secretary of State of Secretariat of State, President of Interdicastery Commission for the Church in Eastern Europe, President of Interdicastery Commission on Particular Churches, President of Council of the Section for Relations with States and International Organisations, President of Pontifical Commission for the Activities of Public Juridical Persons of the Church in the Healthcare Sector, Member of Council of Cardinals and Cardinal Protector of Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy |
1998.02.21 |  Pengo, Polycarp (80), Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora de La Salette and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania) |
2018.06.28 |  Petrocchi, Giuseppe (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Battista dei Fiorentini, Member of Council for the Economy, Member of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of L’Aquila (Italy) |
2003.10.21 |  Phạm Minh Mẫn, Jean-Baptiste (91), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giustino and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Thành-Phô Hô Chí Minh (Vietnam) |
2010.11.20 |  Piacenza, Mauro (80), Cardinal-Priest of S. Paolo alle Tre Fontane pro hac vice Title and Major Penitentiary emeritus of Apostolic Penitentiary |
2016.11.19 |  Piat, Maurice, C.S.Sp. (83), Cardinal-Priest of S. Teresa al Corso d’Italia and Bishop emeritus of Port-Louis (Mauritius) |
2023.09.30 |  Pierre, Christophe Louis Yves Georges (79), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Benedetto fuori Porta S. Paolo and Apostolic Nuncio to United States of America |
2023.09.30 |  Pizzaballa, Pierbattista, O.F.M. (59), Cardinal-Priest of S. Onofrio, Patriarch of Jerusalem (Palestine), President of Conference of the Latin Bishops of the Arab Regions, President of Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land and Grand Prior of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (Knights of the Holy Sepulchre) |
2014.02.22 |  Poli, Mario Aurelio (77), Cardinal-Priest of S. Roberto Bellarmino, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Ordinary emeritus of Argentina of the Eastern Rite (Argentina) |
2022.08.27 |  Poola, Anthony (63), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Protomartiri a Via Aurelia Antica and Metropolitan Archbishop of Hyderabad (India) |
2016.11.19 |  Porras Cardozo, Baltazar Enrique (80), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Giovanni Evangelista e Petronio and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Caracas (Venezuela) |
1985.05.25 |  Poupard, Paul (94), Cardinal-Priest of S. Prassede and President emeritus of Pontifical Council for Culture |
2023.09.30 |  Prevost, Robert Francis, O.S.A. (69), Cardinal-Bishop of Albano, Prefect of Dicastery for Bishops and President of Pontifical Commission for Latin America |
1998.02.21 (2001.02.21) |  Pujats, Jānis (94), Cardinal-Priest of S. Silvia, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Riga (Latvia) and former President of Episcopal Conference of Latvia |
1994.11.26 |  Puljić, Vinko (79), Cardinal-Priest of S. Chiara a Vigna Clara and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Vrhbosna (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
2014.02.22 |  Quevedo, Orlando Beltran, O.M.I. (86), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria «Regina Mundi» a Torre Spaccata and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Cotabato (Philippines) |
2024.12.07 |  Radcliffe, Timothy Peter Joseph, O.P. (79), Cardinal-Deacon of SS. Nomi di Gesù e Maria in Via Lata and Master of the Order emeritus of Order of Preachers (Dominicans) |
2012.11.24 |  Raï, Béchara Pierre, O.M.M. (Béchara) (85) (Maronite Rite), Cardinal-Patriarch, Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites (Lebanon), President of Synod of the Maronite Church, President of Assembly of the Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops of Lebanon and President of Council of Catholic Patriarchs of the East |
2019.10.05 |  Ramazzini Imeri, Álvaro Leonel (77), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Evangelista a Spinaceto and Bishop of Huehuetenango (Guatemala) |
2010.11.20 |  Ranjith Patabendige Don, Albert Malcolm (77), Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Lucina and Metropolitan Archbishop of Colombo (Sri Lanka) |
2010.11.20 |  Ravasi, Gianfranco (82), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giorgio in Velabro pro hac vice Title and President emeritus of Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology |
2001.02.21 |  Re, Giovanni Battista (91), Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina–Poggio Mirteto and Cardinal Dean of College of Cardinals |
2024.12.07 |  Reina, Baldassare (54), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Assunta e S. Giuseppe a Primavalle, Archpriest of Papal Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran, Vicar General for the Vicariate of Rome of Roma (Italy), Apostolic Administrator of Ostia (Italy) and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Lateran University |
2024.12.07 |  Repole, Roberto (58), Cardinal-Priest of Gesù Divin Maestro alla Pineta Sacchetti, Metropolitan Archbishop of Torino (Italy) and Bishop of Susa (Italy) |
2016.11.19 |  Ribat, John, M.S.C. (68), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Battista de’ Rossi and Metropolitan Archbishop of Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) |
2006.03.24 |  Ricard, Jean-Pierre Bernard (80), Cardinal-Priest of S. Agostino and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Bordeaux (France) |
2003.10.21 |  Rigali, Justin Francis (89), Cardinal-Priest of S. Prisca and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Philadelphia (USA) |
1998.02.21 |  Rivera Carrera, Norberto (82), Cardinal-Priest of S. Francesco d’Assisi a Ripa Grande and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of México (Mexico) |
2007.11.24 |  Robles Ortega, José Francisco (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Presentazione and Metropolitan Archbishop of Guadalajara (Mexico) |
2022.08.27 |  Roche, Arthur (75), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Saba, Prefect of Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and Bishop emeritus of Leeds (England) |
2006.03.24 |  Rode, Franc, C.M. (90), Cardinal-Priest of S. Francesco Saverio alla Garbatella pro hac vice Title, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Prefect emeritus of Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life |
2001.02.21 |  Rodríguez Maradiaga, Óscar Andrés, S.D.B. (82), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Speranza, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Tegucigalpa (Honduras) and Coordinator emeritus of Council of Cardinals |
2010.11.20 |  Romeo, Paolo (87), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Odigitria dei Siciliani pro hac vice Title and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Palermo (Italy) |
2017.06.28 |  Rosa Chávez, Gregorio (82), Cardinal-Priest of SS. Sacramento a Tor de’ Schiavi and Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of San Salvador (El Salvador) |
2006.03.24 |  Rosales, Gaudencio Borbon (92), Cardinal-Priest of SS. Nome di Maria in Via Latina, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Manila (Philippines) and former Member of Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organisational and Economic Problems of the Apostolic See |
2023.09.30 |  Rossi, Ángel Sixto, S.J. (66), Cardinal-Priest of S. Bernadette Soubirous, Metropolitan Archbishop of Córdoba (Argentina) and Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of Argentina |
1998.02.21 |  Rouco Varela, Antonio María (88), Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Damaso and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Madrid (Spain) |
2023.09.30 |  Rueda Aparicio, Luis José (63), Cardinal-Priest of S. Luca a Via Prenestina and Metropolitan Archbishop of Bogotá (Colombia) |
2023.09.30 |  Rugambwa, Protase (64), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Montesanto and Metropolitan Archbishop of Tabora (Tanzania) |
1991.06.28 |  Ruini, Camillo (94), Cardinal-Priest of S. Agnese fuori le mura, Archpriest emeritus of Papal Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran, Vicar General for the Vicariate of Rome emeritus of Roma (Italy), former Apostolic Administrator of Ostia (Italy) and former Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Lateran University |
2007.11.24 |  Ryłko, Stanisław (79), Cardinal-Priest of S. Cuore di Cristo Re pro hac vice Title and Archpriest of Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major |
2023.09.30 |  Ryś, Grzegorz (61), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Cirillo e Metodio and Metropolitan Archbishop of Łódź (Poland) |
2018.06.28 |  Sako, Louis Raphaël I (Louis) (76) (Chaldean Rite), Cardinal-Patriarch, Patriarch of Baghdad of the Chaldeans (Iraq), President of Synod of the Chaldean Church, President of Assembly of the Catholic Bishops of Iraq and Member of Council for the Economy |
2012.11.24 |  Salazar Gómez, Rubén (82), Cardinal-Priest of S. Gerardo Maiella and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Bogotá (Colombia) |
1994.11.26 |  Sandoval Íñiguez, Juan (91), Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora di Guadalupe e S. Filippo Martire in Via Aurelia and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Guadalajara (Mexico) |
2007.11.24 |  Sandri, Leonardo (81), Cardinal-Bishop of Ss. Biagio e Carlo ai Catinari and Cardinal Vice-Dean of College of Cardinals |
2010.11.20 |  Sarah, Robert (79), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Bosco in Via Tuscolana pro hac vice Title, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Conakry (Guinea) and Prefect emeritus of Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments |
2001.02.21 |  Saraiva Martins, José, C.M.F. (93), Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina and Prefect emeritus of Congregation for the Causes of Saints |
2007.11.24 |  Sarr, Théodore-Adrien (88), Cardinal-Priest of S. Lucia a Piazza d’Armi and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Dakar (Senegal) |
2007.11.24 |  Scherer, Odilo Pedro (75), Cardinal-Priest of S. Andrea al Quirinale, Metropolitan Archbishop of São Paulo (Brazil) and Member of Council for the Economy |
1998.02.21 |  Schönborn, Christoph, O.P. (80), Cardinal-Priest of Gesù Divin Lavoratore, Ordinary of Austria of the Eastern Rite (Austria), President of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Wien (Austria) |
2003.10.21 |  Scola, Angelo (83), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. XII Apostoli and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Milano (Italy) |
2020.11.28 |  Semeraro, Marcello (77), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Domnica, Prefect of Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, Apostolic Administrator of Santa Maria di Grottaferrata of the Italo-Albanese (Italy), Pontifical Delegate for Italian Basilian Order of Grottaferrata and Bishop emeritus of Albano (Italy) |
2001.02.21 |  Sepe, Crescenzio (81), Cardinal-Priest of Dio Padre misericordioso pro hac vice Title and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Napoli (Italy) |
2016.11.19 |  Simoni, Ernest (96), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria della Scala |
2015.02.14 |  Souraphiel, Berhaneyesus Demerew, C.M. (76) (Ethiopic Rite), Cardinal-Priest of S. Romano Martire, Metropolitan of Addis Abeba of the Ethiopics (Ethiopia), President of Interritual Episcopal Conference of Ethiopia and President of Council of the Ethiopian Church |
2024.12.07 |  Spengler, Jaime, O.F.M. (64), Cardinal-Priest of S. Gregorio Magno alla Magliana Nuova, Metropolitan Archbishop of Porto Alegre (Brazil), President of National Conference of Bishops of Brazil and President of Latin American Episcopal Council |
1998.02.21 |  Stafford, James Francis (92), Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Montorio, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Denver (USA) and Major Penitentiary emeritus of Apostolic Penitentiary |
2022.08.27 |  Steiner, Leonardo Ulrich, O.F.M. (74), Cardinal-Priest of S. Leonardo da Porto Maurizio, Metropolitan Archbishop of Manaus (Brazil) and First Vice-President of Ecclesial Conference of the Amazon (CEAMA) |
2014.02.22 |  Stella, Beniamino (83), Cardinal-Bishop of Porto–Santa Rufina, Prefect emeritus of Congregation for Clergy and former President of Interdicastery Commission for Candidates to Sacred Order |
2015.02.14 |  Sturla Berhouet, Daniel Fernando, S.D.B. (65), Cardinal-Priest of S. Galla, Metropolitan Archbishop of Montevideo (Uruguay) and Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of Uruguay |
2015.02.14 |  Suárez Inda, Alberto (86), Cardinal-Priest of S. Policarpo and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Morelia (Mexico) |
2019.10.05 |  Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, Ignatius (74), Cardinal-Priest of Spirito Santo alla Ferratella, Metropolitan Archbishop of Jakarta (Indonesia) and Military Ordinary of Indonesia (Indonesia) |
2012.11.24 |  Tagle, Luis Antonio Gokim (67), Cardinal-Bishop of S. Felice da Cantalice a Centocelle, President of Interdicastery Commission for Consecrated Religious, Pro-Prefect for the Section of Evangelisation of Dicastery for Evangelisation, Member of Council of the Section for Relations with States and International Organisations, Member of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Urbaniana University |
2019.10.05 |  Tamkevičius, Sigitas, S.J. (86), Cardinal-Priest of S. Angela Merici and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Kaunas (Lithuania) |
2014.02.22 |  Tempesta, Orani João, O. Cist. (74), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Madre della Provvidenza a Monte Verde and Metropolitan Archbishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) |
2012.11.24 |  Thottunkal, Baselios Cleemis (Baselios Cleemis) (65) (Syro-Malankara Rite), Cardinal-Priest of S. Gregorio VII, Major Archbishop of Trivandrum of the Syro-Malankara (India) and President of Synod of the Syro-Malankara Church |
2018.06.28 |  Ticona Porco, Toribio (87), Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Gioacchino ed Anna al Tuscolano and Bishop-Prelate emeritus of Corocoro (Bolivia) |
2016.11.19 |  Tobin, Joseph William, C.SS.R. (72), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria delle Grazie a Via Trionfale, Metropolitan Archbishop of Newark (USA), Ecclesiastical Superior of Turks and Caicos Islands (Turks and Caicos Islands) and Member of Council for the Economy |
2020.11.28 |  Tomasi, Silvano Maria, C.S. (84), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Nicola in Carcere and Special Delegate to Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (Knights of Malta) |
2012.02.18 |  Tong Hon, John (湯漢) (85), Cardinal-Priest of «Regina Apostolorum» and Bishop emeritus of Hong Kong 香港 (Hong Kong) |
2018.06.28 |  Tsarahazana, Désiré (70), Cardinal-Priest of S. Gregorio Barbarigo alle Tre Fontane, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toamasina (Madagascar) and Apostolic Administrator of Fenoarivo Atsinanana (Madagascar) |
2023.09.30 |  Tscherrig, Emil Paul (78), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Giuseppe in Via Trionfale and Member of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion |
2003.10.21 |  Turkson, Peter Kodwo Appiah (76), Cardinal-Priest of S. Liborio, Chancellor of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Chancellor of Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Cape Coast (Ghana) |
2006.03.24 |  Vallini, Agostino (84), Cardinal-Priest of S. Pier Damiani ai Monti di S. Paolo pro hac vice Title, Pontifical Legate for the Basilicas of Saint Francis and Saint Mary of the Angels in Assisi and Bishop emeritus of Albano (Italy) |
2012.02.18 |  Vegliò, Antonio Maria (87), Cardinal-Priest of S. Cesareo in Palatio pro hac vice Title and President emeritus of Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People |
2022.08.27 |  Vérgez Alzaga, Fernando, L.C. (80), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria della Mercede e S. Adriano a Villa Albani and Member of Council of Cardinals |
2012.02.18 |  Versaldi, Giuseppe (81), Cardinal-Priest of S. Cuore di Gesù a Castro Pretorio pro hac vice Title, Pontifical Delegate for Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception and Bishop emeritus of Alessandria (Italy) |
2024.12.07 |  Vesco, Jean-Paul, O.P. (63), Cardinal-Priest of S. Cuore di Gesù agonizzante a Vitinia, Metropolitan Archbishop of Alger–Iulia Caesarea (Algeria) and Vice-President of Regional Episcopal Conference of North Africa |
2015.02.14 |  Villalba, Luis Héctor (90), Cardinal-Priest of S. Girolamo a Corviale and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Tucumán (Argentina) |
2007.11.24 |  Vingt-Trois, André Armand (82), Cardinal-Priest of S. Luigi dei Francesi, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Paris (France) and Ordinary emeritus of France of the Eastern Rite (France) |
1994.11.26 |  Wamala, Emmanuel (98), Cardinal-Priest of S. Ugo and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Kampala (Uganda) |
1985.05.25 |  Wetter, Friedrich (97), Cardinal-Priest of S. Stefano al Monte Celio and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of München und Freising (Germany) |
2012.02.18 |  Woelki, Rainer Maria (68), Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Maria Vianney and Metropolitan Archbishop of Köln (Germany) |
2010.11.20 |  Wuerl, Donald William (84), Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Vincoli and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Washington (USA) |
2014.02.22 |  Yeom Soo-jung, Andrew (염수정 안드레아 / 廉洙政) (81), Cardinal-Priest of S. Crisogono, Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Seoul 서울 (South Korea) and former Apostolic Administrator of Pyong-yang 평양 (North Korea) |
2022.08.27 |  You Heung-sik, Lazzaro (유흥식 라자로 / 俞興植) (73), Cardinal-Deacon of Gesù Buon Pastore alla Montagnola, Prefect of Dicastery for the Clergy, President of Interdicastery Commission for Candidates to Sacred Order, President of Pontifical Work for Ecclesiastical Vocations and Bishop emeritus of Daejeon 대전 (South Korea) |
2006.03.24 |  Zen Ze-kiun, Joseph, S.D.B. (陳日君) (93), Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Madre del Redentore a Tor Bella Monaca and Bishop emeritus of Hong Kong 香港 (Hong Kong) |
2016.11.19 |  Zenari, Mario (79), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria delle Grazie alle Fornaci fuori Porta Cavalleggeri and Apostolic Nuncio to Syria |
2017.06.28 |  Zerbo, Jean (81), Cardinal-Priest of S. Antonio da Padova in Via Tuscolana and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Bamako (Mali) |
2003.10.21 |  Zubeir Wako, Gabriel (84), Cardinal-Priest of S. Atanasio a Via Tiburtina and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Khartoum (Sudan) |
2019.10.05 |  Zuppi, Matteo Maria (69), Cardinal-Priest of S. Egidio in Trastevere, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bologna (Italy) and President of Episcopal Conference of Italy |