
in a.d. 2020

01.12Earthquake at Port-au-Prince (2010)World Event10 years
02.12Beheading of 21 Coptic Martyrs in Sirte, Lebanon (2015)World Event5 years
02.18Discovery of Pluto (1930)World Event90 years
02.28Closing of the Fourth Council of Constantinople (870)Ecumenical Council1150 years
02.28Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (2013)Pope7 years
03.13Election of Pope Francis (2013)Pope7 years
03.19Installation of Pope Francis (2013)Pope7 years
03.25Encyclical Evangelium vitæ (1995)Papal Document25 years
04.02Death of Pope John Paul II (2005)Pope15 years
04.15First Apparition of Our Lady of Cuapa (1980)Marian Apparition40 years
04.15Fire at the Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris (2019)World Event1 year
04.16Beginning of the Battle of Berlin (1945)World Event75 years
04.18Establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon and Sierra Leone (1950)Church Event70 years
04.19Election of Pope Benedict XVI (2005)Pope15 years
04.28Death of Benito Mussolini (1945)Person75 years
04.29Election of Pope Clement X (1670)Pope350 years
04.30Suicide of Adolf Hitler (1945)World Event75 years
05.08Birth of Archbishop Fulton Sheen (1895)Person125 years
05.08Victory in Europe Day (1945)World Event75 years
05.10Founding of the first diocese in Argentina (1570)Church Event450 years
05.18Birth of Pope John Paul II (1920)Pope100 years
05.24Encyclical Laudato si’ (2015)Papal Document5 years
05.25Encyclical Ut unum sint (1995)Papal Document25 years
05.29Sacerdotal Ordination of Pope Paul VI (1920)Pope100 years
06.05Establishment of the Secretariat on Christian Unity (1960)Church Event60 years
06.25Beginning of the Korean War (1950)World Event70 years
06.30Establishment of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization (2010)Church Event10 years
07.11Beginning of the Bosnian Genocide (1995)World Event25 years
07.14Apostolic Constitution Quo Primum (1570)Papal Document450 years
07.18Declaration of papal infallibility by the First Vatican Council (1870)Church Event150 years
07.27Consecration of Poland to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1920)Church Event100 years
08.06Dropping of Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima (1945)World Event75 years
08.09Dropping of Atomic Bomb in Nagasaki (1945)World Event75 years
08.17Proclamation of Indonesian Independence (1945)World Event75 years
09.02End of World War II (1945)World Event75 years
09.02Independence Day of Vietnam (1945)World Event75 years
09.04Establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in Mozambique (1940)Church Event80 years
10.03German Reunification Day (1990)World Event30 years
10.13Last Apparition of Our Lady of Cuapa (1980)Marian Apparition40 years
10.20Adjournment of the First Vatican Council (1870)Ecumenical Council150 years
10.31Terrorist Attack on Syriac Cathedral of Our Lady of Salvation (2010)World Event10 years
11.01Definition of the Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1950)Church Event70 years
11.07Dedication of the Basilica of the Holy Family, Barcelona (2010)Church Event10 years
11.11First Mass in Chile (1520)Church Event500 years
11.13Paris terrorist attacks (2015)World Event5 years
11.24Establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in Vietnam (1960)Church Event60 years
12.13Opening of the Council of Trent (1545)Ecumenical Council475 years
12.31Encyclical Casti connubii (1930)Papal Document90 years

See Also

Celebrations in 2020

© 2025
