
in a.d. 2019

01.21Lifting of excommunication for 4 Bishops of SSPX (2009)Church Event10 years
01.23Founding of Liechtenstein (1719)World Event300 years
02.02First Apparition of Our Lady of Good Event in Quito (1594)Marian Apparition425 years
02.02Death of Pope Clement XIII (1769)Pope250 years
02.10Death of Pope Pius XI (1939)Pope80 years
02.11Signing of the Lateran Treaty, Establishment of the State of Vatican City (1929)Church Event90 years
02.15Destruction of the Abbey of Monte Cassino (1944)Church Event75 years
02.28Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (2013)Pope6 years
03.02Election of Pope Pius XII (1939)Pope80 years
03.12Coronation of Pope Pius XII (1939)Pope80 years
03.13Election of Pope Francis (2013)Pope6 years
03.14Establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in Namibia (1994)Church Event25 years
03.19Installation of Pope Francis (2013)Pope6 years
03.25Consecration of Russia and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1984)Church Event35 years
04.07Beginning of the Rwandan Genocide (1994)World Event25 years
04.11Establishment of the International Theological Commission (1969)Church Event50 years
04.25Establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in Malawi and Zambia (1959)Church Event60 years
05.02Death of Leonardo da Vinci (1519)Person500 years
05.04May Fourth Movement in Beijing 北京 (1919)World Event100 years
05.08Establishment of the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints (1969)Church Event50 years
05.19Election of Pope Clement XIV (1769)Pope250 years
06.04Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989)World Event30 years
06.06D-Day (1944)World Event75 years
06.28Signing of the Treaty of Versailles (1919)World Event100 years
06.29Encyclical Caritas in Veritate (2009)Papal Document10 years
07.16Founding of the first of the 21 missions in California (1769)Church Event250 years
07.20First Man on the Moon (1969)World Event50 years
07.29Death of Pope Urban VIII (1644)Pope375 years
09.01Beginning of World War II (1939)World Event80 years
09.13Dedication of Italy To the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1959)Church Event60 years
09.15Election of Pope Innocent X (1644)Pope375 years
09.26Admission of 7 Chinese Bishops to full communion (2018)Church Event1 year
10.01Founding of the People's Republic of China (1949)World Event70 years
10.05Opening of the Fourth Council of Constantinople (869)Ecumenical Council1150 years
10.24Beginning of the Wall Street Crash of 1929 (1929)World Event90 years
10.28Episcopal consecration of Pope Pius XI (1919)Pope100 years
11.04Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum cœtibus (2009)Papal Document10 years
11.09Fall of Berlin Wall (1989)World Event30 years
11.10Establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in Burundi and Rwanda (1959)Church Event60 years
11.20Dedication of Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (1959)Church Event60 years
11.28Last Apparition of Our Lady of Kibeho (1989)Marian Apparition30 years
11.30Encyclical Orientalium Dignitas (1894)Papal Document125 years
12.08Opening of the First Vatican Council (1869)Ecumenical Council150 years
12.09Death of Pope Clement IX (1669)Pope350 years
12.09Death of Archbishop Fulton Sheen (1979)Person40 years
12.13Sacerdotal Ordination of Jorge Bergoglio (1969)Pope50 years
12.25Solemn Convocation of the Second Vatican Council (1959)Ecumenical Council60 years

See Also

Celebrations in 2019

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