Documents and Speeches by Year

a.d. 1976 – 1977

Documents (30)TypeAuthorDateAscending
Human Development and Christian Salvation English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)


DocumentInternational Theological Commission1976
For the 13ᵗʰ World Day for Vocations (1976) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1976.02.03
On the theological formation of future priests English


InstructionSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1976.02.22
For Lent 1976 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1976.03.03
For the 10ᵗʰ World Communications Day (1976) English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1976.04.11
For World Day for Missions 1976 Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1976.04.14
Urbi et Orbi Message for Easter Sunday 1976 Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1976.04.18
Mass with the new Cardinals Italiano (Italian)HomilySaint Pope Paul VI1976.05.27
On the Formation of Adult Vocations


Circular LetterSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1976.07.14
Iustitiam et pacem Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Establishing the Pontifical Commission of Justice and Peace

 Roman Curia   social 

Motu ProprioSaint Pope Paul VI1976.10.10
Apostolatus peragendi Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Establishing the Pontifical Council for the Laity

 Roman Curia 

Motu ProprioSaint Pope Paul VI1976.10.10
Inter Insigniores English
Declaration on the Question of Admission Of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood

 priest   woman 

DeclarationSacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1976.10.15
Catholica ecclesia Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Reordering the Abbacies nullius


Motu ProprioSaint Pope Paul VI1976.10.23
For the celebration of World Day of Peace 1977 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1976.12.08
Urbi et Orbi Message for Christmas 1976 Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1976.12.25
For the 14ᵗʰ World Day for Vocations (1977) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1976.12.30
Propositions on the Doctrine of Christian Marriage - Christological Theses on the Sacrament of Marriage English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)


DocumentInternational Theological Commission1977
Vicariæ potestatis in urbe Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Reforming the Vicariate of Rome


Apostolic ConstitutionSaint Pope Paul VI1977.01.06
For Lent 1977 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1977.02.22
The Catholic School English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


DocumentSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1977.03.19
In quibusdam Ecclesiæ partibus English
On children’s first confession prior to first communion

 First Communion 

Curial LetterSacred Congregation for Clergy, Sacred Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship1977.03.31
Urbi et Orbi Message for Easter Sunday 1977 Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1977.04.10
Common declaration of Pope Paul VI and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Donald Coggan English français (French)

 Anglican Church   ecumenism 

Joint DeclarationSaint Pope Paul VI1977.04.29
For the 11ᵗʰ World Communications Day (1977) English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1977.05.12
On impotency which renders nullity to marriages


DecreeSacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1977.05.13
For World Day for Missions 1977 Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1977.05.29
Mass with the new Cardinals Italiano (Italian)HomilySaint Pope Paul VI1977.06.29
Ordo Dedicationis Ecclesiæ et Altaris
editio typica


Liturgical BookSacred Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship1977.09.27
For the celebration of World Day of Peace 1978 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1977.12.08
Urbi et Orbi Message for Christmas 1977 Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope Paul VI1977.12.25

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