Diocese of


Costa Rica Costa Rica


Continent: Central America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Diocese Diocese

Name: Puntarenas / Puntarenen(sis) (Latin)

Ecclesiastical Province: San José

Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops



Patron Saint: Nuestra Señora del Carmen (July 16)

Cathedral Dedication Anniversary: December 16

Liturgical Calendar 📅


Present Prelates

Bishop (2003.06.04 – ...):Bishop Óscar Gerardo FernĂĄndez GuillĂ©n (74)Bishop Óscar Gerardo FernĂĄndez GuillĂ©n (74)


Bishops of Puntarenas (Roman Rite)

Bishop Óscar Gerardo FernĂĄndez GuillĂ©n (74)Bishop Óscar Gerardo FernĂĄndez GuillĂ©n (74)
(2003.06.04 – ...)

Bishop of Puntarenas (Costa Rica)

Born:1949.12.22 (San Rafael de Oreamuno, Costa Rica)
Ordained Priest:1977.07.08
Consecrated Bishop:2003.07.25

Priest of San JosĂ© (Costa Rica) (1977.07.08 – 2003.06.04)

Bishop of Puntarenas (Costa Rica) (2003.06.04 – ...)

General Secretary of Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica (2008 – 2011.08)

President of Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica (2011.08 – 2017.08.11)

Bishop Hugo Barrantes Ureña (later Archbishop)
(1998.04.17 – 2002.07.13)

Duc in altum

Born:1936.05.21 (San Isidro de El General, Costa Rica)
Ordained Priest:1961.12.23
Consecrated Bishop:1998.07.16
Died:2024.09.28 (Costa Rica † 88)

Priest of San Isidro de El General (Costa Rica) (1961.12.23 – 1998.04.17)

Bishop of Puntarenas (Costa Rica) (1998.04.17 – 2002.07.13)

Metropolitan Archbishop of San JosĂ© (Costa Rica) (2002.07.13 – 2013.07.04)

Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica (2005 – 2008)

President of Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica (2008.09 – 2011.08)

Special Churches

TilarĂĄn–Liberia (↖), Alajuela (↗), San JosĂ© (→), Cartago (↘), San Isidro de El General (↘)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 3,930 kmÂČ

Population: 202,660 Catholics (88.7% of 228,530 total)

Pastoral Centres: 18 parishes

Personnel: 34 priests (24 diocesan, 10 religious), 30 religious (10 brothers, 20 sisters), 7 seminarians


Pastoral Centres




Last updated on 2024.10.02

© 2024 GCatholic.org
