Diocese of


Brazil Brazil


Continent: South America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Diocese Diocese

Name: Nazaré / Nazaren(sis) in Brasilia (Latin)

Ecclesiastical Province: Olinda e Recife

Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops


Patron Saint: Nossa Senhora da Conceição (December 8)

Liturgical Calendar (National) 📅


Present Prelates

Bishop (2016.07.13 – ...):Bishop Francisco de Assis Dantas de Lucena (60)Bishop Francisco de Assis Dantas de Lucena (60)


Bishops of Nazaré (Roman Rite)

Bishop Francisco de Assis Dantas de Lucena (60)Bishop Francisco de Assis Dantas de Lucena (60)
(2016.07.13 – ...)

Bishop of Nazaré (Brazil)

Lux vestra luceat

Born:1963.10.19 (Jardim do Seridó, RN, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1991.07.21
Consecrated Bishop:2008.08.17

Priest of Caicó (Brazil) (1991.07.21 – 2008.05.28)

Bishop of Guarabira (Brazil) (2008.05.28 – 2016.07.13)

Bishop of Nazaré (Brazil) (2016.07.13 – ...)

Bishop Severino Batista de França, O.F.M. Cap. (79)Bishop Severino Batista de França, O.F.M. Cap. (79)
(2007.03.07 – 2015.11.25)

Bishop emeritus of Nazaré (Brazil)

Fiat Voluntas Tua

Born:1945.01.29 (Bezeros, PE, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1972.12.08
Consecrated Bishop:2004.10.07

Titular Bishop of Hierpiniana (2004.08.04 – 2007.03.07)

Auxiliary Bishop of Santarém (Brazil) (2004.08.04 – 2007.03.07)

Bishop of Nazaré (Brazil) (2007.03.07 – 2015.11.25)

Bishop Jorge Tobias de Freitas (89)Bishop Jorge Tobias de Freitas (89)
(1986.11.07 – 2006.07.26)

Bishop emeritus of Nazaré (Brazil)

Segregatus in Evangelium

Born:1935.06.14 (Palmeira dos Índios, AL, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1965.01.10
Consecrated Bishop:1981.06.14

Bishop of Caxias do Maranhão (Brazil) (1981.03.15 – 1986.11.07)

Bishop of Nazaré (Brazil) (1986.11.07 – 2006.07.26)

Bishop Manuel Lisboa de Oliveira
(1963.02.25 – 1986.11.07)

Born:1916.02.25 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1948.06.27
Consecrated Bishop:1963.05.26
Died:2002.01.24 († 85)

Bishop of Nazaré (Brazil) (1963.02.25 – 1986.11.07)

Bishop Manuel Pereira da Costa
(1959.06.20 – 1962.08.23)

Ignem amoris accende

Born:1915.09.12 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1940.03.23
Consecrated Bishop:1954.08.15
Died:2006.07.25 († 90)

Titular Bishop of Knin (1954.05.31 – 1959.06.20)

Auxiliary Bishop of Paraíba (Brazil) (1954.05.31 – 1959.06.20)

Bishop of Nazaré (Brazil) (1959.06.20 – 1962.08.23)

Bishop of Campina Grande (Brazil) (1962.08.23 – 1981.05.20)

Bishop João de Souza Lima (later Archbishop)
(1955.02.06 – 1958.01.16)

Born:1913.03.22 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1939.11.12
Consecrated Bishop:1949.09.21
Died:1984.10.01 († 71)

Titular Bishop of Derbe (1949.05.14 – 1955.02.06)

Auxiliary Bishop of Diamantina (Brazil) (1949.05.14 – 1955.02.06)

Bishop of Nazaré (Brazil) (1955.02.06 – 1958.01.16)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Manaus (Brazil) (1958.01.16 – 1980.04.21)

Apostolic Administrator of Itacoatiara (Brazil) (1972 – 1975)

Coadjutor Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia (Brazil) (1980.04.21 – 1981.10.19)

Bishop Carlos Gouvêa Coelho (later Archbishop)
(1948.01.10 – 1954.12.14)

In caritate Christi

Born:1907.12.28 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1930.02.09
Consecrated Bishop:1948.05.02
Died:1964.03.07 († 56)

Bishop of Nazaré (Brazil) (1948.01.10 – 1954.12.14)

Bishop of Niterói (Brazil) (1954.12.14 – 1960.03.26)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Olinda e Recife (Brazil) (1960.03.26 – 1964.03.07)

Bishop Riccardo Ramos de Castro Vilela
(1919.07.03 – 1946.08.16)

Born:1887.04.03 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1910.11.20
Consecrated Bishop:1919.09.07
Died:1958.08.08 († 71)

Bishop of Nazaré (Brazil) (1919.07.03 – 1946.08.16)

Titular Bishop of Antipyrgos (1946.08.16 – 1958.08.08)

Former Prelates

Special Churches

Churches by City (38)

Caruaru (↙), Campina Grande (↖), Paraíba (↑), Olinda e Recife (↘)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 5,956 km²

Population: 929,000 Catholics (85.1% of 1,092,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 41 parishes, 3 missions

Personnel: 81 priests (71 diocesan, 10 religious), 19 deacons, 46 religious (16 brothers, 30 sisters), 40 seminarians


Pastoral Centres





Last updated on 2024.10.13

© 2024 GCatholic.org
