Diocese of

Islas Canarias

Spain Spain

Continent: Western and Northern Africa

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Diocese Diocese

Name: Islas Canarias / Las Palmas / Canarien(sis) (Latin)

Ecclesiastical Province: Sevilla

Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops



Patron Saint: Saint Antonio MarĂ­a Claret y ClarĂĄ

Cathedral Dedication Anniversary: November 26

Liturgical Calendar 📅


Present Prelates

Bishop (2020.07.06 – ...):Bishop JosĂ© Mazuelos PĂ©rez (64)Bishop JosĂ© Mazuelos PĂ©rez (64)
Auxiliary Bishop (2022.02.16 – ...):Bishop CristĂłbal DĂ©niz HernĂĄndez (55)Bishop CristĂłbal DĂ©niz HernĂĄndez (55)

Titular Bishop of Algeciras


Bishops of Islas Canarias (Roman Rite)

Bishop José Mazuelos Pérez (64)Bishop José Mazuelos Pérez (64)
(2020.07.06 – ...)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain)

Redemptor hominis Jesus Christus

Born:1960.10.09 (Osuna, Spain)
Ordained Priest:1990.03.17
Consecrated Bishop:2009.06.06

Priest of Sevilla (Spain) (1990.03.17 – 2009.03.19)

Bishop of Jerez de la Frontera (Spain) (2009.03.19 – 2020.07.06)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (2020.07.06 – ...)

Bishop Francisco Cases Andreu (80)Bishop Francisco Cases Andreu (80)
(2005.11.26 – 2020.07.06)

Bishop emeritus of Islas Canarias (Spain)

In communionem

Born:1944.10.23 (Orihuela, Spain)
Ordained Priest:1968.04.14
Consecrated Bishop:1994.04.10

Priest of Orihuela–Alicante (Spain) (1968.04.14 – 1994.02.22)

Titular Bishop of Timici (1994.02.22 – 1996.06.26)

Auxiliary Bishop of Orihuela–Alicante (Spain) (1994.02.22 – 1996.06.26)

Bishop of Albacete (Spain) (1996.06.26 – 2005.11.26)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (2005.11.26 – 2020.07.06)

Bishop RamĂłn Echarren IstĂșriz
(1978.11.27 – 2005.11.26)

Caritas Christi urget nos

Born:1929.11.13 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1958.03.19
Consecrated Bishop:1969.12.21
Died:2014.08.25 († 84)

Titular Bishop of Denia (1969.11.17 – 1978.11.27)

Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid (Spain) (1969.11.17 – 1978.11.27)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1978.11.27 – 2005.11.26)

Bishop José Antonio Infantes Florido
(1967.07.20 – 1978.05.25)

Que lleguemos todos a la unidad de la fe

Born:1920.01.24 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1951.05.19
Consecrated Bishop:1967.09.21
Died:2005.11.06 († 85)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1967.07.20 – 1978.05.25)

Bishop of Córdoba (Spain) (1978.05.25 – 1996.03.15)

Bishop Antonio PildĂĄin y ZapiĂĄin
(1936.05.18 – 1966.12.15)

Born:1890.01.17 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1913.09.13
Consecrated Bishop:1937.02.14
Died:1973.05.07 († 83)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1936.05.18 – 1966.12.15)

Titular Bishop of Pomaria (1966.12.15 – 1970.12.11)

Bishop Miguel de los Santos Serra y Sucarrats
(1922.12.14 – 1936.01.16)

Born:1868.01.11 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1892.04.16
Consecrated Bishop:1923.10.07
Died:1936.08.09 († 68)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1922.12.14 – 1936.01.16)

Bishop of Segorbe (Spain) (1936.01.16 – 1936.08.09)

Bishop Angel Marquina y Corrales
(1913.07.18 – 1922.09.06)

Born:1859.10.08 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1887.06.04
Consecrated Bishop:1913.12.07
Died:1928.01.01 († 68)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1913.07.18 – 1922.09.06)

Bishop of Guadix (Spain) (1922.09.06 – 1928.01.01)

Bishop Adolfo Pérez y Muñoz
(1909.04.29 – 1913.07.18)

Born:1864.07.18 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1888.09.17
Consecrated Bishop:1909.10.03
Died:1945.12.21 († 81)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1909.04.29 – 1913.07.18)

Bishop of Badajoz (Spain) (1913.07.18 – 1920.07.11)

Bishop of Córdoba (Spain) (1920.07.11 – 1945.12.21)

Bishop José Cueto y Díez de la Maza, O.P.
(1891.06.01 – 1908.08.17)

Born:1839.11.04 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1863
Consecrated Bishop:1891.09.27
Died:1908.08.17 († 68)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1891.06.01 – 1908.08.17)

Bishop José Proceso Pozuelo y Herrero
(1879.02.28 – 1890.06.26)

Born:1828.07.02 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1853.05.21
Consecrated Bishop:1878.01.06
Died:1913.03.23 († 84)

Titular Bishop of Antipatris (1877.06.23 – 1879.02.28)

Apostolic Administrator of Ceuta (Spain) (1877.06.23 – 1879.02.28)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1879.02.28 – 1890.06.26)

Bishop of Segovia (Spain) (1890.06.26 – 1898.03.24)

Bishop of Córdoba (Spain) (1898.03.24 – 1913.03.23)

Bishop José María de Urquinaona y Vidot
(1868.06.22 – 1878.07.15)

Absit gloriari nisi in cruce Domini nostri Jesu Christi

Born:1813.09.04 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1837.09.23
Consecrated Bishop:1869.03.07
Died:1883.03.31 († 69)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1868.06.22 – 1878.07.15)

Bishop of Barcelona (Spain) (1878.07.15 – 1883.03.31)

Bishop JoaquĂ­n Lluch y Garriga, O.C.D. (later Cardinal)
(1858.09.22 – 1868.03.13)

In fide et lenitate

Born:1816.02.22 (Manresa, Spain)
Ordained Priest:1838
Consecrated Bishop:1858.12.12
Created Cardinal:1882.03.27
Died:1882.09.24 (Umbrete, Spain † 66)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1858.09.22 – 1868.03.13)

Bishop of Salamanca (Spain) (1868.03.13 – 1874.01.16)

Apostolic Administrator of Ciudad Rodrigo (Spain) (1868.03.13 – 1874.01.16)

Bishop of Barcelona (Spain) (1874.01.16 – 1877.06.22)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Sevilla (Spain) (1877.06.22 – 1882.09.24)

Cardinal-Priest with no Title assigned (1882.03.27 – 1882.09.24)

Bishop Buenaventura Codina Augerolas, C.M.
(1847.12.17 – 1857.11.18)

Born:1788.06.03 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1848.02.20
Died:1857.11.18 († 69)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1847.12.17 – 1857.11.18)

Bishop Judas José Romo y Gamboa (later Cardinal)
(1834.01.20 – 1847.12.17)

Born:1779.01.07 (Cañízar, Spain)
Ordained Priest:
Consecrated Bishop:1834.05.01
Created Cardinal:1850.09.30
Died:1855.01.11 (Sevilla, Spain † 76)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1834.01.20 – 1847.12.17)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Sevilla (Spain) (1847.12.17 – 1855.01.11)

Cardinal-Priest with no Title assigned (1850.09.30 – 1855.01.11)

Bishop Bernardo MartĂ­nez Carnero
(1827.05.21 – 1833.01.26)

Born:1763.02.02 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1827.11.04
Died:1833.01.26 († 69)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1827.05.21 – 1833.01.26)

Bishop Fernando Cano Almirante, O.F.M.
(1825.12.19 – 1826.09.22)

Born:1761.12.12 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1820.10.01
Died:1826.09.22 († 64)

Bishop of Antioquía (Colombia) (1818.12.21 – 1825.12.19)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1825.12.19 – 1826.09.22)

Bishop Manuel Bernardo Morete BodelĂłn
(1824.09.27 – 1825.03.21)

Born:1776.08.20 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1824.11.21
Died:1828.01.02 († 51)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) ([1824.06.24] 1824.09.27 – 1825.03.21)

Bishop of Astorga (Spain) ([1825.01.08] 1825.03.21 – 1828.01.02)

Bishop Manuel Verdugo AlbiturrĂ­a
(1796.06.27 – 1818.07.07)

Born:1749.08.22 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1796.08.21
Died:1818.07.07 († 68)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1796.06.27 – 1818.07.07)

Bishop Antonio Tavira AlmazĂĄn
(1791.04.11 – 1796.06.27)

Born:1737.09.30 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1791.08.07
Died:1807.01.08 († 69)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1791.04.11 – 1796.06.27)

Bishop of Osma (Spain) (1796.06.27 – 1798.08.14)

Bishop of Salamanca (Spain) (1798.08.14 – 1807.01.08)

Bishop Antonio MartĂ­nez de la Plaza
(1785.02.14 – 1790.11.29)

Born:1736.03.06 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1785.06.12
Died:1800.10 († 64)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1785.02.14 – 1790.11.29)

Bishop of Cádiz (Spain) (1790.11.29 – 1800.10)

Bishop of Algeciras (Spain) (1790.11.29 – 1800.10)

Bishop JoaquĂ­n Herrera BĂĄrcena, O.S.B.
(1779.03.01 – 1783.12.04)

Born:1706.10.27 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1779.04.25
Died:1783.12.04 († 77)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1779.03.01 – 1783.12.04)

Bishop Juan Bautista Cervera, O.F.M. Disc.
(1769.06.12 – 1777.05.12)

Born:1707.07.12 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1769.07.16
Died:1781.01.11 († 73)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1769.06.12 – 1777.05.12)

Bishop of Cádiz (Spain) (1777.05.12 – 1781.01.11)

Bishop of Algeciras (Spain) (1777.05.12 – 1781.01.11)

Bishop Francisco Javier Delgado y Venegas (later Cardinal)
(1761.05.25 – 1768.12.19)

Born:1714.12.18 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:
Consecrated Bishop:1761.07.26
Created Cardinal:1778.06.01
Died:1781.12.10 († 66)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1761.05.25 – 1768.12.19)

Bishop of SigĂŒenza (Spain) (1768.12.19 – 1776.05.20)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Sevilla (Spain) (1776.05.20 – 1781.12.10)

Patriarch of Indias Occidentales (1778.03.30 – 1781.12.10)

Cardinal-Priest with no Title assigned (1778.06.01 – 1781.12.10)

Bishop Valentín Moran Menéndez, O. de M.
(1751.03.15 – 1761.05.20)

Born:1694.02.18 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1718
Consecrated Bishop:1751.04.25
Died:1766.01.09 († 71)

Bishop of Panamá (Panama) (1750.09.23 – 1751.03.15)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1751.03.15 – 1761.05.20)

Bishop Juan Francisco Guillén (later Archbishop)
(1739.09.30 – 1751.03.15)

Born:1686.01.08 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1739.12.27
Died:1757.04.07 († 71)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1739.09.30 – 1751.03.15)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Burgos (Spain) (1751.03.15 – 1757.04.07)

Bishop Pedro Manuel DĂĄvila CĂĄrdenas
(1731.08.06 – 1738.12.19)

Born:1678.03.21 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1731.09.30
Died:1742.06.25 († 64)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1731.08.06 – 1738.12.19)

Bishop of Plasencia (Spain) (1738.12.19 – 1742.06.25)

Bishop FĂ©lix Bernuy Zapata y Mendoza
(1724.11.20 – 1730.05.23)

Born:1672.08.11 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1725.01.14
Died:1730.05.23 († 57)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1724.11.20 – 1730.05.23)

Bishop Lucas Conejero Molina (later Archbishop)
(1714.05.28 – 1724.06.26)

Born:1664.03.14 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1714.10.14
Died:1728.03.22 († 64)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1714.05.28 – 1724.06.26)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Burgos (Spain) (1724.06.26 – 1728.03.22)

Bishop Juan Ruiz SimĂłn
(1706.02.22 – 1712.06.06)

Born:1656 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1706
Died:1712.06.06 († 55)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1706.02.22 – 1712.06.06)

Bishop Bernardo de Vicuña Zuazo
(1691 – 1705.01.31)

Consecrated Bishop:1692

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1691 – 1705.01.31)

Bishop Bartolomé García Jiménez
(1665 – 1690.06.14)

Consecrated Bishop:1665.05.31
Died:1690.06.14 († 67)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1665 – 1690.06.14)

Bishop Juan de Toledo, O.S.H.
(1659 – 1664)

Died:1672.04.06 († 71)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1659 – 1664)

Bishop of León (Spain) (1664 – 1672.04.06)

Bishop Rodrigo Gutiérrez de Rojas
(1651.07.03 – 1658.12.14)


Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1651.07.03 – 1658.12.14)

Archbishop Francisco SĂĄnchez Villanueva y Vega
(1635.07.09 – 1651)

Born:1581.01 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1628.02.13
Died:1658.02.04 († 77)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Taranto (Italy) (1628.01.24 – 1630.09.23)

Archbishop-Bishop of Mazara del Vallo (Italy) (1630.09.23 – 1635.07.09)

Archbishop-Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1635.07.09 – 1651)

Bishop CristĂłbal de la CĂĄmara y Murga
(1627.11.15 – 1635.05.07)

Born: (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1628.01.23

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1627.11.15 – 1635.05.07)

Bishop of Salamanca (Spain) (1635.05.07 – 1641.04.29)

Bishop Juan GuzmĂĄn, O.F.M. (later Archbishop)
(1622.07.11 – 1627.10.06)

Born:1572 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1622.11.06
Died:1634.03.01 († 61)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1622.07.11 – 1627.10.06)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Tarragona (Spain) (1627.10.06 – 1633.06.06)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Zaragoza (Spain) (1633.06.06 – 1634.03.01)

Bishop Pedro Herrera SuĂĄrez, O.P.
(1621.06.07 – 1622.06.27)

Born: (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1621.11.21

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1621.06.07 – 1622.06.27)

Bishop of Tui (Spain) (1622.06.27 – 1630.12.02)

Bishop of Tarazona (Spain) (1630.12.02 – 1631.12.31)

Bishop Antonio Corrionero
(1614.10.06 – 1621.05.17)

Born: (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1615.04.26

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1614.10.06 – 1621.05.17)

Bishop of Salamanca (Spain) (1621.05.17 – 1633.04.04)

Bishop Lope Velasco Valdivieso
(1611.11.14 – 1613.10.29)

Born: (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1612

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1611.11.14 – 1613.10.29)

Bishop Juan NicolĂĄs Carriazo
(1610.04.26 – 1611.10.10)

Born: (Spain)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1610.04.26 – 1611.10.10)

Bishop of Guadix–Baza (Spain) (1611.10.10 – 1617.03.09)

Bishop Francisco de Sosa, O.F.M.
(1607.09.03 – 1613.09.23)

Born:1550 (Spain)
Died:1618 († 68)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1607.09.03 – 1613.09.23)

Bishop of Osma (Spain) (1613.09.23 – 1618)

Bishop Francisco MartĂ­nez de Cenicero
(1597.04.14 – 1607.08.13)

Born: (Spain)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1597.04.14 – 1607.08.13)

Bishop of Cartagena (Spain) (1607.08.13 – 1615.08.03)

Bishop of JaĂ©n (Spain) (1615.08.03 – 1617.11.28)

Bishop Fernando SuĂĄrez Figueroa
(1587.06.22 – 1597.03.26)

Born:1533.02.04 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1587.08.30
Died:1608.08.02 († 75)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1587.06.22 – 1597.03.26)

Bishop of Zamora (Spain) (1597.03.26 – 1608.08.02)

Bishop Fernando Rueda
(1580.06.22 – 1585.06.17)

Born: (Spain)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1580.06.22 – 1585.06.17)

Bishop CristĂłbal Vela Tavera (later Archbishop)
(1574.12.15 – 1580.05.27)

Born: (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1575

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1574.12.15 – 1580.05.27)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Burgos (Spain) (1580.05.27 – 1599.11.21)

Archbishop Juan de Arzolaras, O.S.H.
(1568.09.17 – 1574.05.07)


Metropolitan Archbishop of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) (1566.02.15 – 1568.09.17)

Archbishop-Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1568.09.17 – 1574.05.07)

Bishop Bartolomé Torres
(1566.05.15 – 1568.02.01)

Born: (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1566.10.06

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1566.05.15 – 1568.02.01)

Bishop Diego Deza Tello
(1554.03.30 – 1566.04.26)

Born: (Spain)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1554.03.30 – 1566.04.26)

Bishop of Coria (Spain) (1566.04.26 – 1577.09.11)

Bishop of JaĂ©n (Spain) (1577.09.11 – 1579.09.13)

Bishop Melchor Cano, O.P.
(1552.09.12 – 1554)

Born:1509 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1553.07.30
Died:1560.09.30 († 50)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1552.09.12 – 1554)

Bishop Francisco de la Cerda CĂłrdoba, O.P.
(1551.01.19 – 1551.11.14)

Born: (Spain)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1551.01.19 – 1551.11.14)

Bishop Antonio de la Cruz
(1545.12.07 – 1550)

Born:1480 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1546.01.04
Died:1550 († 70)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1545.12.07 – 1550)

Bishop Alonso Ruiz de Virués, O.S.B.
(1538.08.12 – 1545.01.19)

Born: (Spain)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1538.08.12 – 1545.01.19)

Bishop Juan de Salamanca, O.P.
(1531.03.06 – 1538)

Born: (Spain)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1531.03.06 – 1538)

Bishop Pedro FernĂĄndez Manrique (later Cardinal)
(1530.06.22 – 1530.12.14)

Born:1500? (Spain)
Ordained Priest:
Consecrated Bishop:1530?
Created Cardinal:1538.12.20
Died:1540.10.07 († 39)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1530.06.22 – 1530.12.14)

Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo (Spain) (1530.12.14 – 1537.04.11)

Bishop of Córdoba (Spain) (1537.04.11 – 1540.10.07)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo (1540.05.21 – 1540.10.07)

Bishop Luis Cabeza de Vaca
(1523.03.11 – 1530.06.22)

Born: (Spain)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1523.03.11 – 1530.06.22)

Bishop of Salamanca (Spain) (1530.06.22 – 1537.04.14)

Bishop of Palencia (Spain) (1537.04.14 – 1550.11.22)

Bishop Fernando VĂĄzquez de Arce
(1513.05.20 – 1520)

Born: (Spain)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1513.05.20 – 1520)

Bishop Pedro LĂłpez Ayala
(1507.10.20 – 1513.02)

Born: (Spain)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1507.10.20 – 1513.02)

Bishop Diego de Muros
(1496 – 1505.04.04)

Born: (Spain)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1496 – 1505.04.04)

Bishop of Mondoñedo (Spain) (1505.04.04 – 1512.10.01)

Bishop of Oviedo (Spain) (1512.10.01 – 1525.08.18)

Bishop Michele Lopez de la Sorra, O.F.M.
(1486.03.29 – 1490)


Bishop of Bisarcio (Italy) (1485.05.16 – 1486.03.29)

Bishop of Islas Canarias (Spain) (1486.03.29 – 1490)

Former Prelates

Special Churches

San Cristóbal de La Laguna (←), Rabat (↗), Western Sahara (→)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 4,111 kmÂČ

Population: 960,000 Catholics (85.0% of 1,129,395 total)

Pastoral Centres: 298 parishes, 191 missions

Personnel: 181 priests (144 diocesan, 37 religious), 1 deacon, 278 religious (59 brothers, 219 sisters), 5 seminarians


Pastoral Centres





Last updated on 2025.01.27

© 2025 GCatholic.org
