Diocese of


Brazil Brazil


Continent: South America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Diocese Diocese

Name: Irecê / Irecen(sis) (Latin)

Ecclesiastical Province: Feira de Santana

Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops


Patron Saint: Bom Pastor (4th Sunday of Easter)

Liturgical Calendar (National) 📅


Present Prelates

Bishop (2023.09.23 – ...):Bishop Antônio Ederaldo de Santana (49)Bishop Antônio Ederaldo de Santana (49)


Bishops of Irecê (Roman Rite)

Bishop Antônio Ederaldo de Santana (49)Bishop Antônio Ederaldo de Santana (49)
(2023.09.23 – ...)

Bishop of Irecê (Brazil)

Caritas est anima fidei

Born:1975.04.16 (Olindina, BA, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:2002.12.22
Consecrated Bishop:2023.11.25

Priest of Alagoinhas (Brazil) (2002.12.22 – 2023.09.23)

Bishop of Irecê (Brazil) (2023.09.23 – ...)

Bishop Tommaso Cascianelli, C.P. (76)Bishop Tommaso Cascianelli, C.P. (76)
(2000.07.05 – 2023.09.23)

Bishop emeritus of Irecê (Brazil)

Amare et Servire

Born:1948.03.09 (Capodimonte, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1973.04.07
Consecrated Bishop:2000.09.23

Bishop of Irecê (Brazil) (2000.07.05 – 2023.09.23)

Bishop João Maria Messi, O.S.M. (90)Bishop João Maria Messi, O.S.M. (90)
(1995.03.22 – 1999.11.17)

Bishop emeritus of Barra do Piraí–Volta Redonda (Brazil)

Ave gratia plena

Born:1934.10.05 (Recanati, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1958.04.07
Consecrated Bishop:1988.08.14

Titular Bishop of Zucchabar (1988.06.15 – 1995.03.22)

Auxiliary Bishop of Aracaju (Brazil) (1988.06.15 – 1995.03.22)

Bishop of Irecê (Brazil) (1995.03.22 – 1999.11.17)

Bishop of Barra do Piraí–Volta Redonda (Brazil) (1999.11.17 – 2011.06.08)

Bishop Edgar Carício de Gouvêa
(1983.06.13 – 1994.03.02)

Pro mundi vita

Born:1921.07.01 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1944.01.23
Consecrated Bishop:1983.09.08
Died:2000.04.12 († 78)

Bishop of Irecê (Brazil) (1983.06.13 – 1994.03.02)

Bishop Homero Leite Meira
(1980.09.24 – 1983.06.13)

Lumen Cordium

Born:1931.12.02 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1955.12.08
Consecrated Bishop:1978.12.27
Died:2014.05.08 († 82)

Bishop of Itabuna (Brazil) (1978.11.07 – 1980.09.24)

Bishop of Irecê (Brazil) (1980.09.24 – 1983.06.13)

Special Churches

Churches by City (31)

Barra (←), Juazeiro (↑), Bonfim (→), Ruy Barbosa (↘), Livramento de Nossa Senhora (↓)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 24,557 km²

Population: 623,000 Catholics (77.9% of 800,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 28 parishes, 421 missions

Personnel: 34 priests (30 diocesan, 4 religious), 1 deacon, 20 religious (7 brothers, 13 sisters), 14 seminarians


Pastoral Centres





Last updated on 2024.10.29

© 2024 GCatholic.org
